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Seattle co-ops not so cooperative

Talk about fire/frying pan!
Jeesh. Really had to do some page hopping to round up all the players in this mess.

With all the potential strife with Medicinal Cannabis and Law Enforcement, you would think patients, providers, collectives and coops would play nice.

We have had a two big, out-of-the-blue busts in the last week. Probable cause has been, at best, sketchy.

But, with the threats and accusations going around... who knows.

Remember, google is our friend. All players are local to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. Most big names in the local scene.

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This kind of egotistic greedy BS reverberates around the whole country. The in fighting in California the Russian Mob in Colorado now BS in Washington.
Other states look at you people and say do we need this? Where is the compassion for the medical patient? Seems egos and money are the rule of the day for medical providers.
That is exactly why we need legalization so we can dispense of the dispensaries
It has been an odd transition. From the underground drug culture to quasi legal. Allot of stoners have fallen away from the new paradigm because it has become about profits, no, not just the money/cash, the profits ... that simply disappear.
The profits are not kicked back down to the rank and file, the profits are not shared out into the community. Untraceable and unaccounted for... to who and for what.
The Black Market has no accountability. Not fo r what they do or dont do and not for what they provide or dont provide.
Not For Profit Canna-Business Models and finical transparency will alleviate allot of that.

The rest will sink or swim with supply and demand.

Right now there is way more demand than supply and the black market is already in-place and in gear... and well financed.

Patients helping patients and Not For Profit providers with accountability can/will fill that need as well.

I know, but where is the profit?

What are you, BLUE CROSS, AFLAC, AETNA...?


Active member
This kind of egotistic greedy BS reverberates around the whole country. The in fighting in California the Russian Mob in Colorado now BS in Washington.
Other states look at you people and say do we need this? Where is the compassion for the medical patient? Seems egos and money are the rule of the day for medical providers.
That is exactly why we need legalization so we can dispense of the dispensaries

dispensing with 'dispensaries' will not change the dynamics of the greed/ego, black market has always been just that, black! Yet what motivates people to open dispensaries? Well...ego and greed. wanting to help sick people? well...maybe, in some instances.
I rather think that the BLACK MARKET growers just wanted some legal protection from incarceration, and a more open environment to operate in!


Active member
"Meanwhile, the entire embarrassing incident seems to have particularly bad timing, with Sensible Washington's legalization initiative, I-1068, facing a big deadline for signatures in July. Public perceptions of the marijuana community have never been more important in the history of Washington state."

come on children, do we need a time out?


New member
FYI you can get day-to-day updates regarding this mess at the seattle cannabis defense coalition (CDC) webpage. google it.


Active member

Remember, google is our friend. ....

woo, WO!!! WO!!!! back the disaster truck, the fuck up....


they keep track of everything you do!
and one of there goals is to NEVER, EVER delete ANYTHING......

the sooner you realize that the better your off.
everyone, please, STOP using google.


Active member
and one of there goals is to NEVER, EVER delete ANYTHING.......

that goes for stuff YOU CLICK DELETE ON!!!!!!!!!

my virus software alerts me that Tokeofthetown is a malicious web site

i vouch for them, i havent experianced problems, as ive been routining there site for sometime.

most likely the antivirus software mis-interpriting an ad or something. there all crappy these days... norton especialy.and mcafee
i hold a mcse(microsoft certified systems engineer) cert and used to work with pc's b4 i started to grow. white-hat hacking,security, routers, servers, firewalls, SQL, call-center-grade VOIP...


New member
'Don't like Google watching your internet use? Pull up your pants! Use the Firefox browser (free) and the No Script plugin (also free). You will be AMAZED at the number of scripts being run behind your back. Almost any site you visit will be found running a script called google-analytics. You allow No Script block it permanently and Google no longer tracks you. You can allow google-static to run so you can get google maps. Also, all of those obnoxious flash ads show up as a white space if you deny their script. Aaahhhh...... peace