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Red eye Magazine, What happened??


New member
I was up in the loft the other day and found a pile of old red eye magazines. I just wondered what happened to these guys? Why dont they still publish?

I've been re-reading them over the past few days and ive gotta say i love em! The travel-logs rock and i can relate a lot more now, the words and pic's bring back some fond memory's.

Anyone else got an old stash of red eye's??



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i had a couple, and high times. gone now tho'. i remember they were'nt readily avaliable..
i had to mail order.mind u it is weed init ,can't expect to see 'em in the newsagent. lol


ICMag Donor
Zarro,,, BigBuddha... et al :canabis:

Red Eye Press is American,, they still publish books.


Active member
Used to dig this mag, like u say Singto the travel articles where ace, i remember one about fiinger hash in Gambia, still wana go there.
I wish i had still had mine, heaps better than weed world..



New member
Here's an article that educated me never to smoke soap again... making soapbar in Yorkshire.

They did advertise red eye press publishers books but i think they were the red eye express, and based in Lincolnshire.

I've got one with a Gambia and Senegal trip in it, is that the one you're talking about? Its also got a captain butane article about making bho, and a breeder Steve article. Sound familiar?



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Dr. D

Active member
Red-Eye was an awesome mag, i too loved the travel stories always an interesting read. It only used to get published every 6 months i dont know if they still come out i havent had one in ages i stopped buying mags a while ago now...Peace


Active member
wow! what a real blast from the past! i felt i had to add some imput to this thread, yes red eye magazine was one if not my favourite mags during my youth , first started buying them from tower records, and when that closed down i looked up the phone number inside the mag this was where i met the editor nik aka zorro, so every 3/4 months i would visit him, and have a nice session with either my grass or his excellent hash and i would buy a box of magazines to redistribute out to shops, mates etc, then on one occaision, he was smoking cheese , i was already paying a high price when we could for cheese and had already started to grow plants in my parents cellar, so naturally i asked for a cut, next time i visited he had 3 cuts , the rest shall we say is history, the last time i remember seeing zorro was around 2007 just after i had won the cannabis cup, he was saying at the time he was considering moving/getting out of the old ratrace and going to go travel, but also i knew he had a few other personal problems as well, i really miss the guy, we have so much respect and love for zorro so if anybody knows where we can get hold of him or his whereabouts please let us know, but since then we have heard a few rumours ie he had a heart attack, hes in a morrocan prison, he sold red eye to weed world, hes in a commune in the south of france! so would the real zorro please stand up! peace uk posse! big b
I loved the trichome technogley grow rooms in those mags...ive still got mine in immaculate condition..great mag!!

did you also order the high times from tower records BB :) memories hey


New member
Yeah great stories and pic's without the feeling your reading a sales pitch.

I was looking through the cheese issue and it describes just what you said Bigb. Ill post a pic of the article in a bit if nobody has any objections?



ICMag Donor
Checked the PDF today on brethrens computer,, Gambia and Senegal and Butane run edition... the reports go for a few pages in those old magazines.. real old-school traveller info and nice photos :yes: ganja :yes: and the culture :yes:

Edit : if you search the tinter-web I guess that some editions might still be available on pdf format.. :D


I have some RED EYE Mags 1 of zorro's adventures is CHITRAL AND THE LOST KINGDOM OF KAFIRISTAN,,, sat with a gang of hash traders and he is unsatisfied with the quality so tells his guide BOB who asks for a better batch, and a runner comes in a hour later with 3 parcels 1 is a 25 gram slab for a suitcase and the other was a 250g brick for boats of the same hash he asks about the other and he is given a goat skin of 4/5 kgs of 2nd grade pollen (He looks happy in the photos) splifs go round and more samples come out he later talks about the ancient way of mixing hash and opium he had 20 years back he said it had a redness when torn and is still produced for the local market..


Active member
Man I miss red eye what a mag! Makes weed world and high times look like a joke! Such a shame the only ganja mag that isn't just ads and ads disguised as articles had to go. I heard they were growing and got busted atleast that is what a couple of head shop workers have told me when I asked about it no longer being around.

Since then I've been trying to get hold of every issue. Think i'm missing about 4 of the 20 odd they released even got hold of issue #1




Since then I've been trying to get hold of every issue. Think i'm missing about 4 of the 20 odd they released even got hold of issue #1



i only ever had issue 1 of red eye .got it from everbloom about 1995 ,,gave it away with every single issue of weedworld ,,mags take up to much space :)


Active member
Those mags are very collectible, just like high times.
Put them up on ebay and they will sell fast for $10+ each.


Active member
I remember buy these mags in glasgow.sure it was tower records. Had these and high times plus other grow books.
misses burnt them in garden.after an argument. She never burnt my Richard f stratton books thank god

red eye was well made qualty mag.luved the stories.weed world was ok for a bit but adverts where too many so stopped buying them

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