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Nye County BOCC and District Attorney Stand Up For Med Patients


Rubbing my glands together
Although it's an election year, members of the Nye County Board of Commissioners and the Nye County district Attorney, all of which are up for reelection, are finally getting what my friend has been screaming about!! Good for them!!! Nice to see a tiny southwestern towns leaders standing up for the right thing.

Excerpts, from the following article below, is what the thread is about-
1=Nye County commissioners are considering a bill to repeal a previous medical marijuana zoning bill, so dispensaries would now be allowed in the Pahrump Regional Planning District and another bill allowing individuals to continue growing their own marijuana apparently in defiance of state law.

2=The other bill, 2014-18, states the Board of County Commissioners finds the public health, safety and welfare of residents in need of marijuana for medical purposes is best served by allowing patients and caregivers to retain the ability to grow it for medicinal purposes even if dispensaries are authorized in the county.

3= “The Board of County Commissioners specifically finds that the best interests of the residents of Nye county is served by allowing patients and designated primary caregivers to have the ability to grow marijuana after April 1, 2016 even if the patient or designated primary caregiver resides within 25 miles of an authorized medical marijuana dispensary.”

4=When asked for comment, District Attorney Brian Kunzi admitted the county bill conflicts with state law.“This bill is contrary to the changes in the law regarding the ability to grow one’s own marijuana. This is a very difficult issue. The Nevada Constitution provided individuals with the right to possess marijuana plants to be used for medicinal purposes. While I believe the state may regulate the amount of the marijuana plants that may be possessed for truly medicinal purposes, banning the ability to grow and then forcing an individual to purchase medical marijuana from the one dispenser that is permitted in Nye County, which is a government created monopoly, could be considered an unconstitutional infringement on the right that was adopted by the people.
“Recognizing the right to grow as a necessary element of the Nevada Constitutional provision regarding medical marijuana is more defensible than the laws passed regarding the sale and possession of fireworks,” he said.


From the Pahrump Valley Times-
County may allow pot dispensary in Pahrump

By Mark Waite
Pahrump Valley Times
[email protected]

Nye County commissioners are considering a bill to repeal a previous medical marijuana zoning bill, so dispensaries would now be allowed in the Pahrump Regional Planning District and another bill allowing individuals to continue growing their own marijuana apparently in defiance of state law.
Both bills were set for a public hearing May 19 in Pahrump.
The latest bill, no. 2014-16, removed the exception of medical marijuana dispensaries from establishments that would be permitted in the light and heavy industrial zones within the Pahrump Regional Planning District or outside it. The newest zoning bill also calls for a special use permit to be required instead of a conditional use permit that will give county commissioners approval over individual applications.
The new bill includes requirements for an adequate transportation plan to ensure security while transporting marijuana from grow houses to the point of sale; secure packaging to prevent child access; a professional appearance for establishments compatible to the neighborhood; consideration of whether crime in the area poses an undue threat to security and whether dispensaries will provide convenient access to those authorized to use medical marijuana.
Both bills require a 1,500 foot buffer zone from a school, park, child care facility or church and not within 300 feet of any other community facility or residence. The property owner must sign an affidavit stating the property is being used for a medical marijuana establishment, an affidavit acknowledging it’s a violation of federal law and an affidavit holding Nye County harmless against federal law enforcement actions.
The applicants must submit a site plan and a business plan. Both bills have restrictions prohibiting consumption of marijuana on the premises; signage limited to a wall sign not larger than two square feet; a ban on minors under 18; cultivation or production only in an enclosed facility; no sales or storage outdoors including displays visible from the outside and surveillance cameras.
The other bill, 2014-18, states the Board of County Commissioners finds the public health, safety and welfare of residents in need of marijuana for medical purposes is best served by allowing patients and caregivers to retain the ability to grow it for medicinal purposes even if dispensaries are authorized in the county. Nye County is allowed one medical marijuana dispensary by state law.
“The board finds that the constitutional right adopted by the voters and should not be restricted as a result of the granting of limited and exclusive franchises to medical marijuana establishments within Nye County,” the bill states. “The Board of County Commissioners specifically finds that the best interests of the residents of Nye county is served by allowing patients and designated primary caregivers to have the ability to grow marijuana after April 1, 2016 even if the patient or designated primary caregiver resides within 25 miles of an authorized medical marijuana dispensary.”
Nevada Revised Statutes ban a person with a medical marijuana registry card from growing marijuana if a dispensary opens in their county unless they were growing marijuana before July 1, 2013, or if the dispensary is unable to provide their strain necessary for medical use, the person is medically unable to reasonably travel to a dispensary or no dispensary was operating within 25 miles when the person applied for the card.
When asked for comment, District Attorney Brian Kunzi admitted the county bill conflicts with state law.
“This bill is contrary to the changes in the law regarding the ability to grow one’s own marijuana. This is a very difficult issue. The Nevada Constitution provided individuals with the right to possess marijuana plants to be used for medicinal purposes. While I believe the state may regulate the amount of the marijuana plants that may be possessed for truly medicinal purposes, banning the ability to grow and then forcing an individual to purchase medical marijuana from the one dispenser that is permitted in Nye County, which is a government created monopoly, could be considered an unconstitutional infringement on the right that was adopted by the people.
“Recognizing the right to grow as a necessary element of the Nevada Constitutional provision regarding medical marijuana is more defensible than the laws passed regarding the sale and possession of fireworks,” he said.
County Commissioner Frank Carbone pushed to exclude dispensaries from Pahrump in the earlier bill, to allow people growing marijuana to continue.
The county bill mirrors language in the state law that states people with a valid registry identification card are exempt from prosecution for possession, delivery or production of marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia or aiding or abetting another person. A person who engages in medical use of marijuana to mitigate a person’s chronic or debilitating medical condition can possess or deliver up to two and a half ounces of marijuana in a two-week period, 12 marijuana plants, and a maximum allowable quantity of edible marijuana and marijuana infused products as established by regulations of the division. Those people must ensure the marijuana is safeguarded in an enclosed, secure location.
The county bill notes that on Nov. 7, 2000 a medical marijuana bill was approved by 63 percent of Nye County voters and by 62 percent of voters in the state amending the Nevada Constitution to allow for the possession and use of marijuana plants by patients and their caregivers.


Active member
Fuck yes go koonzi.
“Recognizing the right to grow as a necessary element of the Nevada Constitutional provision regarding medical marijuana is more defensible than the laws passed regarding the sale and possession of fireworks,” he said.


Rubbing my glands together
Been taking care of some family matters but keeping up with the news-

Article below is from the Pahrump Valley Times-

From the May 19th Nye County BOCC meeting-
Slew of medical pot ordinances passed

By Mark Waite
Pahrump Valley Times
[email protected]

Nye County commissioners decided Monday not to limit the number of special use permits for medical marijuana establishments and also voted to defy a state law, allowing people to continue cultivating marijuana even if a dispensary opens within 25 miles.

Applications must be submitted for a special use permit by June 20 but a provision was stricken that the county commission will select the top four applicants. Revisions to the previous zoning amendment now allow medical marijuana establishments in a commercial zone. Interim Community Development Director Darrell Lacy said they would also be permitted in commercial manufacturing and a business opportunity overlay zone on larger lots.

The buffer zones were reduced to within 1,000 feet of a school or public facility.

“We’re going with state minimums across the board here,” Commissioner Dan Schinhofen said.

Steven Pingree, manager and part-owner of Symbiosis LLC, who said he owned a 300-acre tree farm in Amargosa Valley, said he wants to build a marijuana cultivation and production facility on 43 acres he jointly owns with Farm Road LLC. He asked commissioners to eliminate requirements for complete business plans or financial plans. Pingree also asked the county to remove penalties making it a criminal misdemeanor to violate the special use permit, adding revocation of the permit or an abatement process.

“I don’t think it’s pertinent within the zoning purposes and secondly, when the state processes our application, as you’re all aware, the financial, criminal background, site plan and business plan is thoroughly vetted by the state,” said Pingree, who mentioned he’s also an attorney.

District Attorney Brian Kunzi said, “you can make anything criminal you want to make criminal and I think when we’re dealing with medical marijuana it creates a lot of issues with regard to the legality of medical marijuana establishments and the potentiality of illegal sales.”

“There are federal consequences, there are also state consequences that would apply. It would be duplicative or unnecessary for Nye County to prosecute for the criminal offense,” Pingree said. “Any special use permit you issue would be conditioned on a special application to the state. One way or another the state is going to do the business plan analysis.”

Former State Sen. Sandra Tiffany asked if a cultivation facility and dispensary could be located in the same building. Kunzi said there’s no restriction on it. Tiffany urged commissioners to let the state make the selections, using a merit-based system.

“Send everybody to the state that meets your requirements,” she said, “then you won’t have a lawsuit, let them make the decision by using the merit-based system.”

Debra Strickland, co-owner of Strickland Construction, who wants to build a grow house, said the free market system should rule.

“If you limit the amount of applicants that can apply for the special use permit and none of the applicants are allowed, you have no facilities here,” Strickland said. “I’d rather have 10 horses in the race, 20 horses in the race than none.”

Dave Richards, a consultant for CivilWise Services, said he represents three clients wanting to build projects on property that would have to be rezoned with master plan amendments. He said that won’t allow time to go through the planning process in time for submission to the state.

“These people are very substantial, very capable of doing these things. They have gone through Pahrump to look at the best viable property to do this thing on and could not come up with light commercial or commercial manufacturing,” Richards said.

Assemblyman William Horne, D-Las Vegas, an attorney who is representing a medical marijuana client, asked about the buffer between marijuana establishments and community facilities that could be located in strip malls. He also had advice based on Clark County’s experience.

“One of the things the feds have been harking on when you set your regulations, they insist on a robust regulatory system. People that have been asking for elimination of this provision or that provision I would take care in doing that. Once that robust standard has been lost, I think it invites federal scrutiny and I think that is what everyone is seeking to avoid,” Horne said.

Michael Augustine, head of the Nye Cannabis Coalition, didn’t like the bill allowing cultivation within 25 miles of dispensaries.

“I don’t want Nye County to be the epicenter of a lawsuit over violating somebody’s rights provided to them by the Nevada Constitution by suggesting that the only way for them to acquire marijuana is to buy through a government monopoly,” Kunzi replied.

“The state says if you violate those laws your registry card is revoked. That leaves you open for prosecution,” Augustine said.

Commissioner Donna Cox asked, “would there be any legal repercussion to this board for voting for an ordinance in violation of a state law?”

Kunzi replied, “you’re passing an ordinance in violation of federal law. I don’t know if it’s any different than what you have in your fireworks ordinance.”

This is big---Nye County commissioners decided Monday not to limit the number of special use permits for medical marijuana establishments and also voted to defy a state law, allowing people to continue cultivating marijuana even if a dispensary opens within 25 miles.

This guy, who is a "self proclaimed patients advocate" stated--

Michael Augustine, head of the Nye Cannabis Coalition, didn’t like the bill allowing cultivation within 25 miles of dispensaries.

To which the Nye County DA responded-
“I don’t want Nye County to be the epicenter of a lawsuit over violating somebody’s rights provided to them by the Nevada Constitution by suggesting that the only way for them to acquire marijuana is to buy through a government monopoly,” Kunzi replied.

“The state says if you violate those laws your registry card is revoked. That leaves you open for prosecution,” Augustine said.

So my question is-- What is his problem with patients being allowed to grow their own by exercising their right to do so as granted in the Nevada Constitution? Not to mention the violation of equal rights as guaranteed in the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. IE, if a dispensary opens in Pahrump, any patient within 25 miles of it would have to quit growing but the patients in every other town in Nye County would be allowed to continue growing as if nothing happened. That is an equal rights violation!! Just for information purposes, there really isn't another town within 25 miles of Pahrump that would be affected. Money maybe? It's an illegal section of the law Mr Augustine that was added because law enforcement, read that as METRO, wanted it. Just because METRO wanted it does not make it legal if it violated the constitution.
Not picking a fight with the guy but it kinda goes against patient advocacy if you want the no grow section enforced.

In other news- WeCan President and Founder Jennifer Solas
has been appointed to the:
Interim Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice’s Subcommittee on the Medical Use of Marijuana.
as the Advocate for Persons Who Use Medical Marijuana

Not quite so sure this is a good thing as she seems content to allow the law to tell patients they can't grow their own.
She told my friend prior to the assembly judicial hearing when he said something about the law taking away patients rights to grow to "JUST BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU GOT."
Damn sure not the person I want advocating for patients. She has been quoted in the paper as wanting to run a dispensary/grow op. So she has an agenda that is favorable to her and her friends and not patients. All about the money baby!!!

Oh well, back to family matters....


Active member
What's crazy about all this is "patient advocates" whining about kunzi standing up for our constitutional right to cultivate cannabis. It's quite refreshing to see the DA actually read and care about his constituents.

paper thorn

Active member
all this 25 mile crap has got to be stopped. the MMP needs to be called out by the people and get these bills, like the 2016 legal bill, changed so peeps can grow a few measly plants of their own.


Rubbing my glands together
I'll do you one even better.
Have been told by 2 different entities in the past 2 days with ties to the "dispensary/grow op process, that if recreational passes in the next legislative session, that it would work with mmj patients still allowing them to grow. Of course it would this way they get support for it and your signature on the petition. In a few years the mmj program would be legislatively voted out of existence and everyone forced into the recreational side. So no more growing your own period. The constitutional amendment that allows mmj use can be amended out of existence by a vote of the house and senate.
The new petition calls for both med and recreational and makes it all look good. But, the new petition isn't going to be voted on by the citizens. Hell the petition doesn't even have to be turned in for signature verification until November 11th or 14th, can't remember the exact date. It's a procedural move that lets the legislature bypass the voting public and vote in the house and senate for it. Nice uh?
So if mmj dies in Nevada, thank your democratic reps for pushing it and your republican reps for going along with it. Sorry motherfuckers the whole lot of em.

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