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Mexican Drug Cartels Putting Americans in Danger

The report below is from the "Right Side News."

Americans on the American side of the U.S. Mexican border are in much danger today from newly trained Mexican drug traffickers, who according to the highest level of the Mexican military reveals that Mexican Drug Cartels (MDC's) are currently training Mexican smugglers in the art of military tactic's.

These trainees often referred to by many as coyotes are very important to the drug trade. These coyotes are believed to be responsible for the tons of illegal drugs being clandestinely smuggled into the United States from Mexico on a daily bases. As a result of this new level of training it is putting many average Americans in grave danger and right here at home.

A high ranking Mexican Army commander who insists on remaining anonymous has told the U.S. Border Fire Report that Mexican coyotes are now being trained by the Mexican Drug Cartel known as the Los Zetas and are operating in the deserts of Arizona. These highly trained former Mexican Army solders who themselves went through some of the best and latest U.S. Army training at the American tax payers expense now are passing this training onto the front line drug smugglers that guide these drug loads and human beings into the states mainly through our southern border with Mexico. They're known as "Los Zetas"

This new breed of coyote now operate as a fine tuned military unit. I was able to make contact and talk with one of these new Zetas coyote smugglers. The deal was, if I would agree to not take any photo's or know his real name he would talk with me.

So I'll call him Juan. Juan told me that he had been guiding people into the USA for years and said he made a good living for him and his family of 7 kids and a wife. He said he was approached a couple of years ago by a Los Zetas officer who offered him military training and lots more money. Juan said that he picked 5 of his best workers who over the years had help him with his guiding business and they all went to a Zetas's camp for 9 weeks of training. He says " that he now makes much more money" he went on to say with this new training and man power he's able to bring many more people and loads of drugs into the US via the U.S. Mexican border. He said that where he once was paid 100 U.S. dollars per person (Illegal Alien) and 500 per pack mule (drug carrier) He now makes much more than that.

He confided that he and many others now as Los Zetas's operatives run five (5) man armed squads who lead both people who want to come to America and drug smuggling mules across the Arizona desert. " One of the members of his team runs point, two or more on each side of the group when possible or otherwise imbedded within the middle range of the group. Another brings up the rear as a tail gunner each carrying an AK 47 and the tail gunner packing a M-60 machine gun and or a 12 gauge riot shot gun. The groups range in size from four or five to a hundred or more per trip.

He, told me "that the weapons are used to guarantee the success of the operation". He said "there are many dangers I and my men can face in route, me and my men have used our weapons to protect the group against Rattle Snakes and even Bear attacks" 06/08/09 - 10 second video - bear on trail. But later he admitted that the main reason for having the weapons is to protect the drugs, mainly from competing drug gangs and Bajadores (Mexican bandits) who from time to time they encounter. According to him many of the roaming gangs are looking for a fast and easy load of drugs, But also there are competing drug cartel gangs who are also trained and will try to take our loads and who want to operate on our turf.

Juan said "But now we are much better prepared to deal with this and other threats that we may have to face on every trip." I asked, if and when he encounters American law enforcement would he and his men fire their weapons at them? He told me that was not likely to happen because the routes he uses are not patroled by American authorities. He claims that this is made possible because [some] high U.S. Government people are paid by the Zetas to "not be in the area at certain times" during his operations. He said " we take additional precautions to prevent that from happening". "We post our own people all along the route to I 8 and near the transfer points on the highway mile markers. We place our spotters on high ground and fly ultralight aircraft, both have communication equipment, radio's and throW away cell phones. They are paid to watch for authorities and intruders, such as gangs, dangerous animals, American tourist, hikers, campers and all others who may be in the area."

Arizona estimates there are up to 1 million tourists known as snow birds who migrate to Arizona to winter each year, spending upwards of $1 billion dollars. Many of those snow birds camp, play and enjoy recreation on and near the dangerous U.S. Mexican Border in southern Arizona. Just like birds flying south for the winter, human residents of cold climates desire to escape the cold climates for a life of leisure. Most are unaware of the many dangers that the Mexican smugglers pose to there safety. There are signs posted on much of the Government lands warning visitors to the dangers that they my face if encountered by these dangerous smugglers. Juan, told me he is retiring, that he has made a lot of money in the last couple of years and he is going to leave his business to one of his younger associate operative from which he expects to receive payments from him for years to come. Juan is moving his family to Colorado to live the American dream.
Read More: http://bit.ly/b0FNKW
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Active member
What's weird is that the responses ^^ only seem to care that this was reported by 'right' leaning reporters. As though any thing that any one who leans to the right says must be opposed.
I have a friend who lives in a major smuggling route and his home was broken into and his family terrorized by these 'smugglers'. He escaped while being dragged into the desert.
Americans are in danger from these Mexican drug cartels and the coyotes, and Los Zetas, and MS13, and such.
Do you who attacked the messenger^^ believe that these things are OK? Why? Is it because you believe that the people who would halt drug smuggling are the same people who want to stop illegal immigration which you are all for?
Over 40% of the drugs come across in the Tucson Sector

(Source DHS/CBP)
FYEAR---MARIJUANA (lbs)---COCAINE(lbs)---HEROIN(oz)---METH(lbs)
2008-------1,642,420-------------9,272--------------735----------- 483

*FY2010 stats as of 4/1/10 (6 months)

Drug Movement Into and Within the United States

Drug Transportation Corridors in the United States

Tucson Border Patrol Sector Monthly Apprehensions Of Illegals---Length 262 miles


New member
los zetas have been runnin da underworld since 2006.....started across the border of brownsville ,texas...ex enforcers for the gulf cartel...ppl n texas been knowing bout dem....all da mexican reporters get killed if dey dnt take der 500 dollar bribe a month for not reporting about dem.....n 4yrs dey have taken over....now 3 major cartels have joined forces 2 fight dem cuz der takin over all da smugllin routes