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Marijuana proponents light up TV with ads (Nevada Ballot)

it's early still not even half the precints are reporting but even if it does fail look how many people have voted yes. It's a step in the right direction if only we could get legalization on the ballot for the federal government.


Rubbing my glands together
So far from what I just saw, the percentage voting in favor is at 47%. 12% higher than 2 years ago when they tried to make 3 oz's legal. So it's a step forward, a small step, but a step none the less.


Rubbing my glands together
Well it looks like we lost the fight for legal marijuana in Nevada. They are saying it measure has been defeated. Totals being shown now are 44%yes to 56% no. Should have the final numbers tomorrow.


The Soapmaker!
It's a shame, but the evening was still pretty encouraging for those of us interested in changing the direction this boat is heading!

For the most part, American voters came through this time.


If the jumps continue in favor of legalizing in the near future, legal herb might not be all that far off....a 12% jump in favor in 2 years is a huge jump as far as voting's concerned, if it jumps by even a few percent the next time around, that's a massive message to the federal govt! Just imagine what the polls might look like next round, another 12% jump? 15%? Never know, just KEEP EDUCATING voters! We have the yearning for legalization, we need to keep up the determination. If you fail to succeed, keep trying, isn't that right folks?

Never give up! This wasn't a failed attempt in CO, NV or SD (not all votes are in, but it's not looking like a win for any of them)

Hell no, it wasn't a failed try at all. The federal government knows they're losing the propaganda war, the numbers speak volumes. In fact, I hear them saying, "Hey fucktards---your days are numbered."


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
moose eater said:
>>>Totals being shown now are 44%yes to 56% no. Should have the final numbers tomorrow.<<<

Considering the direction that the absentee ballots tend to run, it's possible that Nevada could have a final vote count of 46-47% in favor, and 53-54% opposed, which would make them the most successful vote in the limited history of similar initiatives.

moose eater
thats right buddy we didnt loose by much i think if its run again just like it was this time around it very well could pass. i believe a presidiental election would have brought more ppl to the polls, although it failed this time around i'll continue my prayers and mental fight for the win in our cause. heck to be perfectly honest question 7 is what brought me to the polls this time i havent voted since GW stole the election for his 1st term but have voted every election since the age of 20. im in my 40's now lol
I know its got to be some what difficult to get legalization on the ballot but if all states could try to get it on their for the next election it would help the cause. As long as we can get more positive ads which is probably just as difficult as getting the signatures if not harder. And keep pounding those incarceration rates for non-violent marijuana crimes then eventually more people will come around. Nancy pelosi taking over as the house speaker is great for the cause too. I am no democrat or republican but i support any canidate who supports medical marijuana. blaze on all.....