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Manitoba med,GG2 indoor/outdoor


Active member
Dread:O,i will. I left most of it till the end(i mean till 100% milky and may be some brown). I agree it is best when it is done perfect!:)
Husky:yes,curing is a must!!!But the samples...well i will cure them faster:)For now this is the only plant from this...strain that i have in flowering. the others were males. The smell is mostly like the mother Mish mash,little bit different. I just can describe it with my poor English:)Something that stays in the nose for long and when i squeeze them...wow:)All i can say it is not fruity and it is very strong.Not much like the manitoba,mostly mish mash( something like fuel may be).


Active member
And curing is a must if you want maximum potency.

I strongly disagree on this

i always cure half my harvest and dont cure the other half, just freeze

curing changes herb into something else IMO but the fresh weed is REALLY strong often much stronger then the cured weed , more full on direct high

Sacra Frasca

:tiphat: What do you mean by "freeze" or you dry it just before you smoke? Is there a way to dry it during freezing?


Active member
No I mean i dry it with leaves on till stem barely snaps but snaps

the weed is sticky and smelly at this point and then i manicure and leave it 24 hours in a jar and then i freeze it, so no long curing

You can also skip the jarring part

after taking it oput of the freezer put it in a jar

Freeze it in small packs in ironing bags so no air can get to it. It wont get drier in the freezer and you will keep the intense fresh aromas and taste

I dry it about about 14-18 days


Active member
Well,most important to me is to cut when the plant is best:)
THC123: freezing sounds really interesting! i haven't tried this before. Unfortunately in this case i already smoked half of the plant after very fast drying:) How unprofessional!:)What i understood from this is that she has a lot of potential! So u say by your opinion it is better to dry the plant without curing it?i can try this method with some of my other plants.


Active member
I am not saying one method is better then the other. Both methods give you very different results

when you compare fresh weed to cured weed , it seems like 2 different strains.

freezing when weed is ati ts best in the fresh phase just maintains all the original strong aromas effects and tastes

Some people just dont like cured weed, i like both but as I said curing changes weed into something else this can be good but not necessarily. Some strains lose the superdank aroma with curing, others get a better smell

That is why you have to test to see which strain is best stored in what way