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Israelis develop 'cannabis without the high'


Active member
Yeah, but i have smoked Hemp

and i have smoked high in cbd and low in thc strains.

Stuff just gave me a headache.
I've had the opportunity to puff on "Harlequin" for 7 days and then 10 days.

Tastes a bit like Juicy Fruit and has a nice 'mellow' to it.

No headaches whatsoever but definitely positive cognitive improvement, sharper memory, better mood control, super pain reduction, I could READ in a moving car without nausea!

Amazing stuff! :

Keep it Clean! :D


Active member
"Harlequin" is 8% CBD and only 6% THC and from the look and taste of the buds... definitely NOT hemp. LOL

No idea what high CBD kinda hempy strain you were using. hehehehe

Keep it Clean! :D


Active member
ICMag Donor
Wonder how much they spent developing that, shame they coulda made some 40% strains maybe :D


ICMag Donor
Yep... the recreational cannabis users will find this topic boring, a non-thing.

Medical users should be ecstatic about strains like this... jumping for joy! Anyone who's medicated with cannabis for extreme pain or any debilitating issue and had to 'work' or 'use your brain' will understand how much it affects your effectiveness.

Imagine being able to medicate for 'whatever' you're treating with cannabis and being able to function completely normally... Let's just say it's an amazing switch after 25 years.

Colorado has a few high CBD, low THC strains floating around... I've already ended up with "Harlequin" and will be happy to come across others.

Flipping in a week or less... "Harlequin" is about a 70 day strain.... (Definitely NOT done at 60 days)

Looking forward to being able to medicate 24/7 for everything... and no high. :D It was a shock when I had to medicate with high THC, low CBD bud again... ouch. Can't wait for "harlequin" all the time... till I find something better.

Can you say "Canna Pills" boys and girls?? I knew ya could! lol

Keep it Clean! :D

Can agree with you on that after being on Rx NSAIDS since '96, Tramadol, and now opiates 3+ yrs. The stigma behind narcotics is something, too.

If I can make a sublingual med, that's my aim. Under the tongue, diffuses into the bloodstream through a profusion of capillaries, the oil/tincture then diffuses into them and enters the venous circulation. Read there are oil manufacturers out there, but cannot afford the uber exorbitant price.

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