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If Vitamins can be Hallucinogenic for People, can they Soften up Feral Cats ?

St. Phatty

Active member
I was pleasantly surprised by the brain drizzle that I had when I took orange peel, banana peel, and larger doses of Vitamins C & D.

I've been cutting up orange peel and putting it in the cat food, along with organ meat - beef heart.

I'm hoping that feeding the people friendly feral cat, will have an ecstasy like effect and it will become more touchy feely and decide he wants to be petted like a normal cat.

Anyway, that's my current Cat Experiment.

I put canned cat food on top of the orange peel and the beef heart chunks, so that the fish juices leak down onto the supplements and the kibble.

I was thinking about adding a tiny bit of edible Cannabis, but just want to give him one thing at a time.

Next week I thought I would add banana peel to the feeding dish, and then at some point, a tiny amount of Cannabis edible.

On the other hand I gave 20 pounds of beef liver to his mother, and she never let me pet her.


Well-known member
Can pick up several of my feral cats and turn them upside down as I rub their tum tums, just sort

happens with passage of time, and trust.
Got to to love the dear little things.

Where I live, feral cats live an average of 18 months.

Several of my mine which were all feral are now 18 years plus, and still going strong.
Mostly a dog person, but having theses dear little things be a part of my life is pretty


They know when I am not doing so well, and they come and gather round me, don't know if it is

an offering of comfort, or a gesture of protection. Touches my heart either way.

Picked up two additions to the outside cats over the past year. Need to get them fixed.

Been dosing them with birth control until the covad issue slows down enough I can get


St. Phatty

Active member
Picked up two additions to the outside cats over the past year. Need to get them fixed.

Been dosing them with birth control until the covad issue slows down enough I can get


i tried really hard to get oral birth control for the cats when there were more of them.

i started giving the outdoor cat anti-viral compounds, i.e. quercetin & vitamin C.

started out small. now he gets more than me, by body weight.

he's been doing a few more indoor cat behaviors, like sitting on the edge of the driveway and watching me work.


Active member
We lost one of our cats recently( car) and ive been thinking of trying to befriend some of the feral cats around here. Either that or get a cat from a rescue centre? What you all think? Thing is, im seriously thinking of getting the electric fence thingy but fear it might psychologically damage the cats...


Well-known member
I use nonovulin as population control for the cats I care for.
I get it on ebay and it costs between 10 and 30 bucks depending
on who you buy it from. 1/2 a tablet in the food twice weekly.
30, ten mg tablets per package.


Well-known member
We lost one of our cats recently( car) and ive been thinking of trying to befriend some of the feral cats around here. Either that or get a cat from a rescue centre? What you all think? Thing is, im seriously thinking of getting the electric fence thingy but fear it might psychologically damage the cats...

Had neighbors who used compressed air hooked up to motion sensors to keep
the cats off of his new car. Another did the same with a motion sensor hooked up to the hose that he pointed at his car. Never seemed to harm the cats. The guys did at some point loose their new car enthusiasm, and the cats just love the high territory...


Well-known member
A rescue (15 years ago). Indoor/Outdoor


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New member
I recommend you not to consume excess vitamin D because it can be toxic. This vitamin is liposoluble and is stored in the body for a long time. Vitamin C is water-soluble and you expel it through the urine. It is not stored in the body.

In this page about vitamins there is a summary of all the vitamins and the effects that can cause the excess of its consumption.

St. Phatty

Active member
I recommend you not to consume excess vitamin D because it can be toxic. This vitamin is liposoluble and is stored in the body for a long time. Vitamin C is water-soluble and you expel it through the urine. It is not stored in the body.

Back in March I increased my Vit C, so I was taking 1000 mg ascorbic acid, 1000 mg Sodium Ascorbate (less acidic, stomach doesn't like 2 Ascorbic acid tablets), and about 2 ounces of orange Peel.


I was tripping. I think maybe I had been depleted and my brain just sort of went nuts when it had a full buffet of chemicals to play with.

Extremely visual. Wish I was fast enough to draw what I saw.

The only diet change was the Vitamin C and the orange peel.

Still not sure, what was that ?!


Well-known member


The occurrence and distribution in Citrus genus plants of N-methylated derivatives of tryptamine and their 5-hydroxylated forms are reported. Tryptamine, N-methyltryptamine, N,N-dimethyltryptamine, N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), 5-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, 5-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (bufotenine), and 5-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine (bufotenidine) were quantitated by LC-ESI-MS/MS. Leaves of all citrus plants examined contained N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine, a compound that we first discovered in the bergamot plant. Interestingly, we also found out that all plants examined contained 5-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine and 5-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine, compounds never described so far in the Citrus genus. As N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine and 5-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine possess nicotine-like activity by exerting their action on acetylcholine receptors, it is conceivable that both represent the arrival point of a biosynthetic pathway aimed to provide Citrus plants with chemical defense against aggressors. This hypothesis is supported by our finding that leaves and seeds, which are more frequently attacked by biotic agents, are the parts of the plant where the highest levels of those compounds were found."


So what was ur protocol again?


Well-known member
if you get a buzz from vitamins you were probably pretty deficient in them, when I had a bad flu once and wasn't really eating for about 5 days I took a multivitamin/mineral after and it literally felt like mdma

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