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Help me design a side by side experiment to compare organic vs hydroponics


Señor Member
Can this type of an experiment even be properly done in the first place? There are a lot of variables in both types of gardening, so how could any conclusions help to advance science in any way? Lol. Still, that is something I hope science will sort out some day, and maybe this type of an amateur experiment, done as scientifically as possible, might help chip away at the old conundrum:

Does organic really taste and smell better than its hydroponic counterpart?

So here's what I'm thinking so far... First, it would be a small space dedicated to the grow, so, no other plants. Each plant would be clones of each other, selected from a reasonably-sized batch of clones to be as similar as possible in size and stature. The hydroponic one would be a hempy bucket, and the organic one would be the same size bucket but filled with organic medium instead. Both sides would get treated in the manner that they would be treated if they were growing all alone. So, in other words, each side is tended to separately, and no regard is given to the inevitable fact that the hempy bucket is likely to grow much larger, or at least quicker, than the organic one. The idea, though, is to keep one plant on one half of the tent, and the other on the other, not allowing them to creep into one another's half, so that the larger one can't block out light or anything like that, to keep it as even as possible. Since this experiment is about the molecular content of the end result, and not which one can yield the heaviest harvest, it shouldn't matter that one half will presumably yield more.

That's the general idea here, but now I'm trying to think about specifics. So I'd like to hear other people's input on this crazy idea. Could any useful data result from this? Am I wrong in thinking that, if organic cannabis objectively tastes and smells better than the same cannabis grown hydroponically, a lab analysis should be able to show a correlation or something like that? That seems better, or eat least more scientific, than going with the old blind taste test. I'm not above that, though, getting a panel together and having them compare the two, unmarked samples. Seems like a useful add-on to the experiment, at the very least. Also, since I'm not primarily an organic gardener, and don't particularly subscribe to any dogma about it, I'm not sure if purists would think that the organic side should be something specific, like no-till, recycled, living soil, or whether it's acceptable to use certified-organic teas, or that kind of thing, so I would love some input about all that. But I don't think it's necessary to use a whole bunch of supplements and stuff on the organic side, especially when I'm not even doing that on the hydroponics side. I would probably just use Maxibloom on that one, to be honest. So is there an organic equivalent of that? Like, just using Ocean Forest soil with some simple organic, store-bought solution?

Help me out here. What do y'all think? Worth doing or not? Any suggestions? Critiques? Own a lab and want to offer to do the analyses for free? :biggrin:


Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
The salts grow will yield more with less terps in the same volume pot.

The living soil plant will likely have more added dissolved solids in the yield.

After the chop, drying and duration of sweat should be equal.

The living soil yield will burn as well as the salts plant, if the dry/sweat
is done in the same fashion.

Blind test session will conclude the salts yield as superior.

Good thread.


New member
I was hoping you'd get a lot more responses, as this is what I am attempting to do myself. I don't know if you're still monitoring this thread but if so, what were your findings? Did you follow thru with the experiment at all?

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