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...Growing Gals....



I was troubled when I read that the women's forum did not meet a particular lady’s' needs and I would really like for us to change that. :redface:

I tried to put myself in her shoes and imagine starting this adventure on my own what would I want to see...
What Threads would 'dig' right in and benefit me the best way, in a timely manner... I can kinda' get lost sometimes out in the list because of some titles just not giving enough info as to what all they cover, :rolleyes: then ya've wasted a click and time lookin' at it!

I guess I kinda in vision multiple types of threads, kinda a mini menu. Some Showing off The Ladies of IC's Grows, Some being resource guides that would be a great time saver for someone wanting to dive right in, but those in themselves maybe being separate threads ... You know how most of us girls love Details!! :D ...and, Most of us that have been here a while KNOW right where that info is and when we come across it we could recognize the potential for it helping out a fellow female... :bandit:

I Love your idea's Indigo and those are great links... I also really liked how you divided up those basic things to know and understand... :jump:
1. Understanding when its time to repot
2. Basic notions on pH in relation to nutes and soil measurements
3. Understanding when plants need to be watered
4. Basic notions of the use of Nitrogen (N) in veg
Maybe some those could be made into threads all on there own? :confused:

Grow Ladies, Grow!
Tech Specs in Skirts
Mary Mary Quite Contrary - Growin' Ladies Style
ICMag Women Growers present Cannabis Gardening Basics
A Ladies Guide to Successful Cannabis Gardening
Growin' Gals - Tips and Tricks for the New Grower
and yea, you must be on a roll.. lol.. Those are SO cute!.. Do any of them stand out to you ladies?.. Which ones ya'll like the best..?? Any more ideas?? :D

Here are a few more links that maybe we can find a place for during our Organization period...
Honey a Natural Rooting agent
Drying and Curing your BudZ...

:respect: Thank You All For Your Contribution now and in the Future!! :bis:



Yeah Ms. G....the potential is amazing. I agree with you on the mini-menu type thing, and I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to ask Dutch to create a sub-forum, to separate the cultivation related stuff from the chit-chat? Do up and sticky some mini-tutorials and guides maybe, and sticky a thread of interesting links like the ones we've been putting up? The grow threads would go in there, and everything would be neat and tidy 'cause everyone knows the ladies like things tidy LMAO! :D Just thinkin' out loud...:smile:



The Tri Guy
I don't know about the ladies, but I'm certainly of to see if there is any honey in the kitchen. I'm having that problem with one of my plants I need to keep but wont clone.
Thanks Mrs G.


hey GMT :D ...that was Blue's method of the honey cloning, I thought it was pretty cool as well.........


New member
Tips and Tricks for the new grower

Tips and Tricks for the new grower

Growin' Gals Tips and tricks for the new grower should be a thread, or a mini thread. I know sometimes I would like to ask "dumb questions" that if I probably searched for I could find, but the more you post and get replys it helps to know there are "others out there" btw, I usually lurk; but all these posts by you experienced Gals is so great! Thanks!


:D I agree Kathy and Thank You for your input, that is what we need to get this right gals... :friends:

:wave: Ms.G


So happy to see this thread here. I figure I'll just jump in if that's OK. If I am out of line I figure you'll say so, and then I'll do better.

I am new here, but have been growing for our house and recently a few other family and friend's medical needs for a couple of years now. I started when I tried cannabis for myself and decided then and there it was what I needed. Once I saw what was sold out there, I didn't want any of that for us. I am not experienced much with different varieties except for what I have grown out and studied. I had a mentor who was wonderful, with many years of hard experience. She got me started with some seed and guidance the first year. The relationship went south the 2nd year when she saw what we were capable of together and wanted me to be involved in things with her I didn't agree with. Sure miss her alot, we were friends for 16 years. Men, MJ, and gold can sure break friendships up.

My MD provided me a recommendation with out ANY arguement. His and my first. He said nobody would argue with my medical problems. If I can get better then I should go for it.

The decision to grow came final when when I talked to my son about my use and he told me some stories about what he went thru to aquire his own supply. One of his stories was that he thought he had found a seed and it was actually rat manure. That settled it, and I have provided for us from my garden since.

Hubby has blown out his back, developed ddd, arthritis, trauma induced stenosis, nerve damage and received a severe chemical brain injury on his job. Cannabis helps with his horrifying pain and spasms, agitation, depression, and neuropathic problems. They don't know why he can still walk, but he does for now.

Son went south on meth and alcohol for a number of years and has migraines and pain from a fractured vertebra he had when he was 8. Cannabis has brought him back to the man I know as my son, a good, productive and sober daddy and husband and it controls his migraines, anxiety, depression and pain. His health has much improved and he is just beautiful again. Our communication and relationship is awesome now.

MMJ has solved or helped with most of my medical problems. It isn't the complete answer but it is a huge factor and catalyst in my quality of life and sense of healing and well being. I have much more freedom now from physical and mental pain and a MUCH reduced dependency on prescription drugs and the horrible side effects.

It's now my priviledge to help in my community(my penance for being such a nasty prohibitionist for so many years). I make up various concoctions for differing needs as well as provide cuttings and gardening help as I can for our little informal group. I work as an beginning herbalist and am studying holistic practices and methods. I am still learning about the Cannabis plant too.

I view Cannabis is an amazing organism with a strong personality and strong emotional abilities. No plant has touched me like this before. I believe I see evidence of some powerful qualities yet to be recognized. I believe these qualities reveal themselves as the plant is cultivated in the manner that is of the most benefit to the plant rather than for production or stealth convenience. Sort of like the difference between home grown tomatoes and store bought. I am no scientist, I just know what I see as a gardener, mom, wife and grandma.

I grew up farming and truck gardening so had experience that way to get started.

My garden this year is the best so far. I have 7 different varieties this year. It's been wild and wonderful. Harvest has begun!



My ideas for titles:
The "G" Spot (Ms. G's Guide for the Gals who Grow)
The Skirt's Dirt on Growing
The Ladies Room
The Powder Room
Feminine Mystique
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Thank you so much Ambre and as you will see, I used some of your words.... i hope that was alright... :smile: You are Truely a Do-it-Herself gal! :respect:

NaN!,, Welcome Welcome!! and yes, jump right in anywhere you like... very unique and touching story you have... I am so pleased that you are a part of us now... Be well and i look forward to seeing some of your grows... :friends:

The "G" Spot (Ms. G's Guide for the Gals who Grow)
.....and girl you I just gotta tell ya, that is just TOO funny,.....,, to use!! Made me Laugh!!
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Secret Room

Welcome NAN great to have another female grower in our community. Lots of help here with all your growing needs. Good company with a common goal to grow fine weed.

Ambre>>> Thanks for the info in your grow room thread on the "link question". I should have done it already, I will get to it. I'm changing computers in the next couple of days this one is dying. If I turn it off I have trouble getting it to power up it's 6 years old time for a new one. Going to miss her, I'm so use to her fickleness. As for my clones I think I was right not only not rooting but I'm spraying for mites. If they don't root by Friday I'm re-cutting them and going to float them in my fish tank, after I fix my jets to aireate & put a air stone in.Desperate measures for a deperate woman. :dueling:

Secret Room

My new computer is working good. I worked on my aquarium today the PPM is off the chart not a good idea to use it for cloning so I built a bubble cloner.
I hope that it's works out for me. 3 clones showed a 1/4" of root, 1 had none and I recut it, 1 showed 1" and I repotted into vermiculite/perilite mixture till the others root.

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