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Government/FBI watchers



I dare you to say on the phone "Im going to assinate george w bush." and see what happens. My friend said this and fbi or cia came to his house and gave him a speech about saying stupid stuff like that. He told me this but i dont think i believe him but he swore to it so i dont know.


OK I'm not saying that I believe this.......But I wouldn't say it to prove I don't believe it......So maybe somewhere in the back of my mind I do believe it?

Or maybe its that I just made some really good hash.


Active member
yea, I was gonna mention that yahoo answers and wikipedia arent the best for accurate information, but then again, I can't prove I am not being watched. I also believe I'm not smart enough or dangerous enough to keep a close eye on, but I do have some pretty outrageous thoughts, and once I have 50 posts, I will PM a crazy thought to someone and enlighten them with my creativeness. I want the people to be the government again, I want my loving nation of people back, all we can do is blindly blame anyone we can, when we in fact should collaborate and defend our right as a team, just as this website community does.

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