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Drug Czar Ohio speech about drug policy............


If I knew how to post a link, I would. It is basically the same bullshit they always spew, but there was one little caveat....I say that sarcastically....the govt is emphasizing that they want to disrupt the domestic trafficking and production. Since coke and heroin are not made here in the US, that means they are still making it a priority to come after growers. I am disappointed, but not surprised. I wish the govt would start thinking honestly how to bring our debt level down, and I really think marijuana can help with that. I mean, I already know the govt is a hypocritical club, as there is one licensed MJ grower in the country, and there are med patients that the government allows, and sends them weed ciggies. How can that be allowed, but the rest of us are not allowed? It is like having kids and 1 of them gets everything, and the other 1 gets nothing. It is not fair or right, but it is happening. How can there be a licensed by the fed govt grower living freely out there, and so many of our brethren are locked up or on the run? Wake up govt and smell the marijuana, as it might be the only thing that will give relief. Growers and MJ users have seen the light, what about govt?