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Doug's Varin, avete mai sentito parlare di questa genetica ad alto contenuto di THCV?

senor coconut

Active member
Come nelle migliori tradizioni del ganjabusinnes le origini di questa genetica sono incerte, pare sia nata in California per errore dall'incrocio di una Thai con una Harlequin.

Questa varieta' e' una Sativa da 8-10 settimane e 22-24% di THC quindi anche piuttosto potente, quello che la rende particolare e' l'elevata percentuale di THCV che di solito si trova in percentuali sotto l'1%, mentre qui starebbe intorno al 10-15% e in alcuni casi anche oltre.

Le conoscenze sugli effetti del THCV non sono ancora approfondite come quelle di THC e CBD, da quel poco che si sa pare abbia effetti psichedelici anche piu' intensi del THC ma di minor durata, e' efficace contro crisi d'ansia e stress, aiuterebbe a ridurre i tremori di malattie di origine neurologica come Parkinson e Alzheimer, e soprattutto pare sia (al contrario del THC) un sopressore di appetito e aiuterebbe ad affrontare meglio malattie come il diabete.

Adesso non so cosa ci sia vero in tutto cio', considerando che i semi si trovano e hanno prezzi normali voi la provereste?

L'unico dubbio e' che non avendo una seedbank di riferimento (Come ad esempio DNA per la Chocolope) il rischio di beccarsi qualcos'altro c'e', ma almeno i semi non sono venduti a cifre folli e quindi se se ne prende qualcuno solo per provare il fattore inculata dovrebbe essere sostenibile.
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Well-known member
I heard of it a long time ago when the thcv talk was big,I never found any seeds for sale then so I never tried it. I thought Harlequin was a high cbd like Charlottes web strain so it should calm it ?

senor coconut

Active member
I heard of it a long time ago when the thcv talk was big,I never found any seeds for sale then so I never tried it. I thought Harlequin was a high cbd like Charlottes web strain so it should calm it ?
Yes, Harlequin is reputed strong in CBD and weak in THCV while Doug's Vary should have less than 1% CBD so it's difficult to believe they are related, on the other hand would have much more sense believing on Thai side since some Asian and South African landraces are known to have higher THCV amounts than average but of course, the origins of this cross are not clear and everyone like to bring its own story riding the hype.
OK, THCV has been an obsession of mine for over a decade now and I'll try to tell you what I know.

I tried these, which are made with Doug's Varin, and they gave me a headache. I suspect they were high in CBN but I have no evidence of that outside of my own subjective experience.

Pink Boost Goddess from Emerald Spirit Botanicals is another high-THCV strain that's available in CA but I haven't tried it.

Dutch Passion's THC-Victory is advertised as high-THCV. I paid an absurd amount of money for the seeds and the results for me were disappointing. I got a lot of variation with plenty of defects. The plant that I harvested never stopped flowering and the trichomes never turned cloudy. I didn't have it tested but I doubt it contained much THCV. It did taste nice -- kind of a grapefruit taste.

I personally take THCV tincture every day and I love it. I make the tincture myself using THCV isolate, MCT oil and a little caryophyllene. I take about 30 mg THCV per dose. I take THCV before vaping flower and I'm pleased with the results. My experience jibes with the results of this study:

ACE's Ethiopian is the other option. I believe it has tested at 2% THCV and maybe higher in some cases. I'm currently working on several breeding projects using Ethiopian and I'm using natural and/or supplemental UVB light as well as an 11/13 light schedule in hopes of encouraging the THCV trait.
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"Whether you are looking to try something old school, like Durban Poison, or something more modern like V1, thankfully there are a lot more options out there for THCv-rich flower and manufactured products."

This is misleading. Unless you're in South Africa, you're very unlikely to find "Durban Poison" with any THCV content. Not one of these "Durban" samples showed even a trace amount.

Also, I think the "un-munchies" claims are overstated. It does seem to lower fasting glucose but I doubt it would help anyone with a real weight problem.

senor coconut

Active member
@Douglas Fir I agree, obesity in most of cases can be tamed with physical activity and a correct nutrition without going surgery, never believed in miracle weed too, the reasons I'm interested in Doug's Varin are mainly because I love sativas and that kind of clear headed, no body and no hangover kind of high, experienced that with a Dr Grinspoon I grew 3 years ago, but waiting for 14+ weeks of flowering can become problematic so I'm in the perennial search of strains that deliver a similar effect but are also a bit shorter to finish.
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@senor coconut Yeah, about a decade ago, I bought a few ounces of something labeled "Kenyan" at a dispensary. $86/ounce -- cheapest weed they had and I was the only person buying it. I'm guessing it was "Kilimanjaro" from World Of Seeds which means it was probably a hybrid and not pure Kenyan. But I was just amazed at how clear-headed and invigorating it was.

But to me, it's not about Indica vs Sativa or NLD vs WLD because for example Punto Rojo is an "NLD" "sativa", right? But the high is couchlock in my experience. So chemotype over phenotype is what I'm saying basically.

This chart is closer to my way of thinking about it. I wish it included terpenes because I suspect in most cases when people ask where a strain is on the Indica-Sativa spectrum, they really mean how much myrcene and/or linalool does it have.


Too old Senior Member
On blood glucose levels, well,... I can bring you my experience as a diabetic in treatment with both fast and slow insulin .... I noticed that in periods when I smoke much more than normal the amount of insulin that I need to maintain the correct glucose levels, decreases by a good 30% ... and I think this does not depend on thcv since my herb is usually commercial seed herb ... nothing special .... what I noticed, besides this is that the decrease in the amount of insulin is much stronger if I play with a strain that I particularly love and it is a sativa-dominated strain of Eva seeds: Jamaican Dream, The most shiny herb I've ever smoked in over 50 years

I like and I am very interested in the chemotype discourse
@can'tfindmyway I believe THCV is proven to lower fasting glucose.

But in this study it failed to affect overeating or weight gain.

And I can't find the study so I may be wrong but I believe THCV failed in phase-II clinical studies by GW Pharmaceuticals when it was tested as a diabetes treatment.

This is anecdotal but in my experience (and I think I've seen someone else make the same observation) I think there may be a rebound effect when the THCV wears off which could lead to an even worse case of the munchies than if you hadn't taken THCV.

But don't get me wrong. I consume all my calories in a 5-hour window and I think THCV along with cinnamon and Na-R-ALA likely prevent what would otherwise be a big insulin spike when I do this. And I love the way it modifies the high of THC and it seems to have a number of potential medical uses.


Too old Senior Member
I wish I was lucky enough to be able to buy that product and test it .....
But in this study it failed to affect overeating or weight gain.
From what I saw about me,,,,, (experiments of my diabetes) ... insulin has a tendency to make you fat .... and for this reason he gave me a drug "Forxiga" that prevented the intestines from absorbing sugars ... and it worked, but ..... the benefits were much less than the damage ..... let's say that on diabetes in my opinion there are still too many uncertainties .... the classic therapy only avoids some problems from diabetes, but it creates many others perhaps more subtle still The balances that govern the metabolism of sugars are so complicated ... if you add something you create some decompensation that then you have to heal with other drugs .... it's a chain without End ... you just have to think about the insulin / cholesterol interaction ......... and therefore you are also forced to take statins ..... a fucking mess ..... it's a bit like our plants ..... if you exceed with P you go into a shortage of Ca:ROFLMAO:

For now I have eliminated everything other than insulin .... I have reduced carbohydrates and fats ..... I have increased the amounts of Jamaican Herb dream .... and for now I remain on fasting values of 110-130 .... with 12 units of rapid and 12 of slow divided into two main meals ..... if I drop the grass and resume the statins the values fly to 150-180 on an empty stomach .....
And I can't find the study so I may be wrong but I believe THCV failed in phase-II clinical studies by GW Pharmaceuticals when it was tested as a diabetes treatment.
puo dipendere dai protocolli
But don't get me wrong. I consume all my calories in a 5-hour window and I think THCV along with cinnamon and Na-R-ALA likely prevent what would otherwise be a big insulin spike when I do this. And I love the way it modifies the high of THC and it seems to have a number of potential medical uses.
Na-R-ALA...very interesting!!
Found also this strain called "Novarine" which should have a high content of THCV:


Also their breeder "Elite Seeds" seems interesting since their philosophy is focused on cannabioid profiles.
I'm skeptical for a few reasons. I'm not able to post a link but there's a post from 4 months ago in the PaMedicalMarijuana subreddit where someone reviewed this strain. The photo of the label shows it tested at nearly 23% THCA. There's no mention of THCV. Perhaps it wasn't tested for THCV but this still doesn't jibe with Mandala's description of, "...with a 10:8 ratio of THCV:THC and a combined percentage of 17-18%."
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