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Boulder offers free joints for flood relief



Stressed out about losing your home to the historic floods in Colorado? Chill out, man, and smoke a joint.

Organizers of a group opposing a marijuana sales tax ballot question in Colorado handed out free joints to medical marijuana patients and "stressed out recreational users" in Boulder on Monday -- both to promote their cause and as a form of flood relief, The Daily Camera reported.

"Boulder has been victimized by floods," said Rob Corry, who helped organize the event and hopes to defeat the tax question on the November ballot. "We want to bring some flood relief to folks."

Their cause was a popular one.
Group members ran out of ganja shortly after they began handing it out on Boulder's Pearl Street Mall, according to the Facebook page for the event.

Colorado legalized the private recreational use of marijuana last fall.

The same group gave out hundreds of free marijuana joints in Denver's Civic Center Park earlier this month, Denver TV station KMGH reported.