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Bigger is better for pot dispensaries


We have to give a little credit to pepole like the DeAngelo's and Lee's. Unfortunately in this capitalist society, monopolies are part of life and those who run them happen to be very intelligent and business savvy individuals. HHC is the first dispensary I've seen to list CBD and THC levels on nearly every product which I credit to a portion of their success.

HHC did what every other dispensary in the bay did but took it to another level and you cant really hate on that.

Having said that, their clones suck and most, if not all of their medicine is overpriced. There are many other dispensaries in that area that have better quality at a much better price. Plus, that is the last time I stand in a line for 45 mins to get my meds.


These postings are just worrisome. We really don't mind you having your opinions about us, but changing our words in the forum to suit your bashing is incomprehensible and just plain rude. We are trying to assist patients in need and do so for many who genuinely appreciate the work that we put into it - including myself, who is a cancer patient with auto-immune deficiencies.

Thanks you guys.

Much love,
John B. @ HHCOAK

Just not Leon or myself. Investigate previous posts to see why he changed your words(because that IS basically what you guys told us)..... Learn from our posts and grow or refuse and lose my business. I don't really care, too many of your comps around you for me to worry about you not paying attention to concerns we brought to you.


We have to give a little credit to pepole like the DeAngelo's and Lee's. Unfortunately in this capitalist society, monopolies are part of life and those who run them happen to be very intelligent and business savvy individuals. HHC is the first dispensary I've seen to list CBD and THC levels on nearly every product which I credit to a portion of their success.

HHC did what every other dispensary in the bay did but took it to another level and you cant really hate on that.

Having said that, their clones suck and most, if not all of their medicine is overpriced. There are many other dispensaries in that area that have better quality at a much better price. Plus, that is the last time I stand in a line for 45 mins to get my meds.

Kigy -

Just as a heads up - We do try to supply well-priced meds and have sales and specials every day. Please check on our menu page to see those posted on weekdays. The more and more taxes being levied by Oakland are not helping matters though. In fact, we have had to cut some of our services and things to try and keep the prices the way they are now since the taxes are greatly adding to our overhead.

We also definitely realize that the line can be an issue and we have been working hard to come up with ways to alleviate that. We are currently working on an express line, and online ordering, etc. So, hopefully we can control the line size a little more in the coming months. Please keep in mind that all patients who have difficulty standing, etc. may recieve priority service in the line if they ask for it at Reception.

Thank you for the feedback, Kigy. We greatly appreciate it!



Just not Leon or myself. Investigate previous posts to see why he changed your words(because that IS basically what you guys told us)..... Learn from our posts and grow or refuse and lose my business. I don't really care, too many of your comps around you for me to worry about you not paying attention to concerns we brought to you.

Big Bud -

I think you and Leon are reading into things.
We sincerely, DEEPLY apologize if any of these posts sound(ed) condescending, etc. We have absolutely no intention of doing so. I personally feel that online correspondence, especially in forums, gets read into a little and gets taken the wrong way often. This is one major reason why we encourage you to voice these issues in person at the dispensary. One on one interaction can be much better as things can be more easily/better voiced and explained.

Your suggestions and comments have been very informative and helpful, Big Bud. We have read them and we do try to fix things that you and other patients believe need changing. However, not all of these issues can be alleviated for every patient since others have different opinions and needs as well. So, we do try our best to accommodate everyone, but sometimes we cannot please all. We try our best though!

Again, sorry for any and all ill feelings our posts may have generated for you and Leon. That is definitely not the intention as we wish to only provide you with information and answer your questions and comments.

I think, in the end, if we were all to meet up and discuss this in person, we would be enjoying a smoke together - whether we disagreed or not. I suggest that we try to carry that over to these forums. In the end, this would benefit us all more. We would not get all riled up at each other and we could work towards forwarding the cannabis movement overall together.

Both you and Leon rock, Big Bud. Thank you for the comments and everything. I am glad that we can discuss these things in some way, and that you are not left without a voice at all. That would suck for all of us! Please do keep the comments and criticisms coming. Just please do not directly change our words. If you have an opinion to the contrary to ours then by all means post it in reply to us, but please do not do so under our name - making it look like we said things that we did not.

Much love, and much respect. :cathug:

John B. @ HHC OAK


No Longer a Human Watering Can
So, we have been trying to obtain a permit to open one of the four large grows in Oakland. Our idea - move small growers in to continue what they have done so well for all of us over the years. Instead of creating a large operation and taking over, we want to obtain a permit so that we can invite any/all growers to participate and continue growing their own!

We would like to thank all growers for their incredibly hard work, and we absolutely hope that we can find a way to have you continue what you have been doing for the benefit of all patients! :thank you:

Much love,

Wow !! I love that idea i hope it works for you, and for all of us. The idea behind creation of our med's being done in a manor that follows the same styles that Micro brewery's have taken. IE.. Smaller, better quality product Vs. the Large Brewers Coors or bud wiser .. Sounds so much better to me. We should create more jobs in our market by encouraging the small and medium operation ...
Bravo ,

When you get that facility ready for renters let us know ..:)


Active member
HHC is only as good as their growers....i notice their quality goes up and down. sometimes i go there they got almost a dozen good looking strains, and then there are days like today when they literally only had 2 or 3 good top shelf strains. also i have gotten PM from some of their cuts, but thats the gamble you take.

i dont hate on HHC...they are really handy when you need some good oils or just wanna buy some buds and see whats around. i do think they should lower prices on some of their mid grades...i mean subpar premature outdoors for 50 an 8th is steep as hell.

i like HHCs idea of having that big warehouse, and then leasing out spaces in it for growers. that would be pretty cool but bet it would fill up quick. have a little 10x10 section and 5 lights or something like that....only issue would be contracting your neighbors mites, etc....who moniters to make sure people arent sabotaging grows? unless each area was in a lockable room....interesting ideas.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
If some one travels to a med state where getting a card is as easy a seeing a doc?,
and wants to get a license to smoke is it possible even if you are from another country?
does anyone have any expertise in this area?...


Personal experience, excepting no chiropractor.

Personal experience, excepting no chiropractor.

at one point, after sleeping on an aero-bed for about 6 months, my sciatic nerve decided to turn into a slinky and bunched up to the point where I could not walk upright. It was kinda funny, because I could drive just fine, but when I arrived at the chiro's office I almost had to crawl from the car to the waiting room. A couple of adjustments later, I was upright and on the mend. He also showed me a stretch I now do at the first sign of sciatic nerve inflammation that keeps a real problem at bay. An MD or DO would have prescribed me a muscle relaxer.

Which healer's technique is more valid?

You say "glorified masseur" as if its an insult. I would say that they are both extremely important healing arts.

I hurt my back in a work-related accident. My doctors gave me 2 choices: a back operation with an (optimistic) 40% success rate, or a rehabilitation specialist associated with a medical college. I took option number 2. At some point, I was limping (more like crawling) into this doctor's office with a pinched sciatic nerve.

It turns out that this doctor was well versed (which I didn't know previously) in acupuncture, and stuck me with needles. My leg and single buttock got to feeling very warm. After 10 minutes of treatment, I have never again experienced any sciatic nerve pain in that leg. That was with a single acupuncture treatment. YMMV.