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Best Chair for Bird-Watching & Animal Watching in a Blind

St. Phatty

Active member
My home is becoming more and more of an Oasis that attracts wildlife.

When I go outside, quite often a flurry of feathers happens and I don't get a chance to see the little cutie pies.

Anyway, I've been thinking about making a Blind, like a deer-blind.

I have a big curved piece of wood panel that will help me make a viewing panel, like at an aquarium.

But my driveway is GRAVEL. Until I put in the fancy parquet Blind floor, it will just have a gravel floor.

What kind of chair should I use ?

I was thinking lawn chair is not a bad idea - for sitting.

But the chair needs to allow you to look through viewing holes.

So, like a low profile bar room chair, that allows people in the blind to rest comfortably and look out the viewing holes.

The regular animal visitors are Quail, Wild Turkey, and Hummingbirds, during the day. Skunk after sunset.

I'm sure there are some birds I don't know the name of that would make bird-watchers excited.

I just think it would be cool to sit there and watch all the animals come out, without people spooking them.

But I know Zilch about chairs, other than I could go to a store and spend $300 and buy the wrong thing.

So I thought I would ask the ICMag Brain Trust :tiphat:


Well-known member
some of the lightweight pop-up hunting blinds have viewing slots/holes/windows that are just the right height for folding chairs. Dicks Sporting Goods frequently has them set up as demos...takes deer a few days to get used to them, turkeys etc don't give a shit unless they see motion...