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Any hope for Contact wearers?


I'm just curious if there will ever be any eye drops for people who wear contacts to use for clearing up red eyes. Everytime I smoke, my eyes get horribly red from my contacts, but I can't use any drops because they all require you to take them out before use. If you do use them, you get the dreaded Dry Eyes haha. Any help?


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I can't remember the name of it, but I had some eye drops I could use while wearing contacts.


I leave mine in all the time. I sleep in mine thou.. meh Your not supposed to do alot of things lol.. but it's plastic it'll last a lil

Why can't you put your eyedrops in with your contacts on? Your contacts can move around n the solution can get under them if needed. I use the Visine with the yellow label.. the Red label thats for redeyes DOESNOT work with contacts well at all.. the green label is like pouring acid in your eyes.. no thanks

I like to use rewetting drops and the yellow bottle visine.. makes my eyes looks great.. my eye doctor gave me a this prescription for eyedrops with steroids in it :puppydoge looolz.. I'll get that paper and let ya know what it is.. I guess its supposed to make it so your eyes don't dip when your Superfritz.. maybe she knew i was high when I went in rofl
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Why are your eyes all red?

ah it's these damn contacts. Always dry.. I always used that as an excuse if my eyes are red.

If you still need drops, just check where they sell your solution and you'll find something. :joint:


TheGoodStuff said:
Little green bottle of fake tears.
I just use Visine. I'll look into the yellow stuff...

Ya stay away from the green stuff... it's acid (works but acid) atleast for me.. or maybe the green is the good stuff and the yellow was the acid.. damn I can't remember :joint: whichever it is.. it works better then the red.
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D Rock

I wear contacts and always use clear eyes it has never messed them up in any way.
hennessy I sleep in mine all the time and have no problem with drops when the contacts are in but im lucky cause my eyes barely get red. idk why.


Aw man, sleeping with contacts in? The goopy/sealed-to-your-eye feeling is soo bad!
I've always used normal eyedrops even though they say not to. But then again I throw my contacts out daily.


See I can use regular eye drops, I find Rotos work the best. But after 15 minutes your eyes get so dry and irritated..


I find that using any eye drops with lubricants in them make contacts feel very dry and irritated. I use the cheapest ones from walmart called "equate sterile eye drops" which only contain a tetrahydrozoline hcl solution.


I've always been able to use any eye drops on the market. Of course, I have hard lenses. The things don't even cover all of my Irises. Since they are hard they do not obtain the same sort of suction on the eyeball as soft or gas permeable lenses. Thus the liquid from the eye drops has little difficulty getting good coverage of my eyes. The downside of hard lenses (there are many, hence why they do not prescribe them to new patients too often) is wearing them for anything more than about 16-18 hours results in a similar displeasure akin to having pink-eye. :D

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