
  1. ice minus

    Cloning directly into soil: Should I remove the domes once they are acclimated? Or keep them on no matter what, even if not wilting?

    Hi all, novice here, tried to be somewhat descriptive in the topic but full scenario is like this: Took cuts last Saturday. They wilted extremely quickly without a dome, so I kept dome on them, but removed it a few times per day to spray with super mild solution of water, stella maris (kelp)...
  2. hyposomniac

    Do I need a node?

    Do I really need a sacrificial node in the rooting zone of a cutting, as most guides suggest, or will straight stem material get the job done?
  3. CottonMouth


    Well this is a first for me, I had clones in the box for a week now and for the first time I used a humidity dome. This has turned out to be the worst mistake ever. I took the dome off today for the last time and watered the clones put them back into the box and 4 hours later they had all...
  4. sero!

    Sero´s south american DIY home cabinet 1st grow attempt, 400 W SOG

    Hi to all you people here at IC! :wave: before starting with this grow issues i would like to introduce myself. My name is sero, i live in a small flat with a great garden in the south of south america and i´m a begginer in the art of growing cannabis. As this´ isn´t legal here, my only...
  5. Mr. Bongjangles

    Cell Tray Cloning w/ Perlite

    Hey everyone, thought I would take a moment to share my preferred cloning method - cell trays with perlite. It's very simple, requires filling the tray with water about once a week, and I've not lost a single cutting so far using this method. Roots have been typically popping out of the cells...
  6. free radical

    cloning-100% perlite or rapid rooter?

    Whats up fellas, the time has finally come for me to take my first cuttings. I've got most of the setup for the perlite method...rubbermaid, 2 10" bubble bars, air pump, lines, etc. (everything but the perlite). But I was reading around and it seems people have a lot of success with rapid...
  7. F

    New Wick Cloner For $0

    Well I've been needing a new cloner because I no longer have the space for many jiffy pots that requires little to no maintenance. So I made my way over to the link-o-rama and made a spin-off of pontiac's cheap effective cloner. Starting materials... 1 Hawaiian punch plastic jug. 1 plastic...