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Krispy Kreme Doughnuts


Whats up fellow ICER'S !

so I'm back on the mag I used to post and read around here a lot a couple years ago and had an old thread here in the vert sec under a diff UN. Well I had a run in with broads and other misc. stuff so I was down for a minute but im ready to get back into it now that things are alot more stable. Ive been down for over a year and lost all my genetics and shit and only kept one mom that I cut back to one branch and hit her hard with the so called " bad stuff". I kept and eye on this so called branch mom for months and really kept an eye on the borgs through constant microscoping. I eventually cloned her and threw her away and re grew out a a new mom. Shes a KKSC that Ive had for ages and boy is she a real keeper. I waited for the bad stuff to wear off and now im using predatory mites as a preventive which im currently having great success with. Anyway enough of the history bs lets get down to the fun stuff and whats up an coming in the future.


So I currently have 8 KKSC that I just put into flowering a day or two ago and I wont be flowering these babes sadly there will be sacrificed as I will be cutting the new generation from these ladies. I plan to run 4 600w doughnuts with 8 ladies around each 600w in 2 gal hempy buckets. I use to be a big fan of Hundred Grams doughnut threads and was inspired to try a similar set up based off of his prior layouts. I also decided to give the hempy bucket a go as retro turned me on to these and Ive been hooked ever since I saw the results on a couple tester plants I had back in the day. So these next couple of weeks will be pretty boring as all I will be doing is cutting clones I do have a couple of basic questions ill post at the end of this post for you IC vets that are still out there and helping :biggrin:

So Ive pretty much always used H3ads formula 6ml micro and 9ml bloom per gal. with a few shots of bloom boosters in flower. Ive used 6/9 with ro before but holy shit did that RO water take forever to fill up although the ph was always on point which was amazing cant complain there. I did however run into some defs. using ro water Mg def to be more specific makes total sense after doing a little reading. This past month I decided to get a bigboy filter and start using my tap instead as a lot of farmers do. My city tap straight out the kitchen faucet is just below 200ppm so its not super hard to start with. After running it through a big boy filter It comes out below 150ppm usually sits around 125ppm. I think thats a solid start hopefully some icers will chime in. Anyway I had to reread h3ads thread as I wanted to make sure I didnt forget anything. Everything came back pretty fast but I just wanted to double check. The KKSC look a little light green and can tell there probably getting a little MG hungry. I know h3ad says to feed full strength 10inches + and the ladies are ten inches plus so it makes sense. Ive been feeding them 1/2 strength 6/9 w/o any epsom salt which comes out to around 400-450ppm. 3/4 strength 6/9 comes out to 550-600ppm for me too w/o epsom. full strength I believe peaks out a little over 800ppm. Ive found that using full strength 6/9 gave me nitrogen tox. back in the day which was no fun. So I thought a solution to that would be to cut back on the base nutes to 3/4 strength does that sound right vets ? I hit the ladies with an epsom foliar spray at 1/2 tsp per gal. of water last night right after the lights shut off and will probably follow up tonight as well. I always have this mg problem it seems and im hoping some vets can help me I thought the tap water would solve this. The last watering I gave to the ladies was 3/4 strength 6/9 at around 600ppm. I mixed up some new nutes and used 3/4 strength 6/9 with 1/4 tsp per gal of epsom salt which brought me b/w 700-750ppm for the next watering. Ph usually stays around 5.8-6.0 too. Could I not be letting the ph drift low or high enough ? Im thinking that even though h3ad said epsom salt isnt needed that isnt the case for everyone. Im thinking that I will now keep the epsom salt in the formula from clone to flower. So please vets chime in a let me know what you think....I thought full strength 6/9 around 800ppm might be too much for the ladies but they are showing early mg def signs. I want to keep it stupid simple lol but this damn mg def is killing me. Should I go w/ full 6/9 and just keep an eye if they start showing nitro tox or should I got 3/4 strength 6/9 with 1/4 tsp epsom per gal ? Im stuck in the middle right now.

** PS: I use and easy cloner for cloning and was also wondering if you guys use any nutes before the roots show. I usually do 1/4 strength 6/9 but thinking of adding 1/4 tsp per gal of epsom too. I also spray and keep a dome on the first couple of days to keep the humidity high. They look like shit w/o the dome but after the first couple of days there good. Do you guys give 1/2 strength 6/9 as soon as the roots show ? I think im scared of getting to trigger happy and that nitrogen tox. haunts me still lol **

Ill post some photos of the babes and the progress over the next couple weeks and show you all the prepped flower room. If anyone has any questions please feel free to post


AJAE :tiphat:


also running low on florabloom thinking of switching to maxibloom for the next run seems simple enough anyone have any experience with this ?


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Ive been running 6/9 for a lot of years in ro water with nothing else. When I get a strain that gets deep green, I back off the strength and give it like 1.0ec instead of full 6/9 which is 1.2ec. So its like taking ur 800 down to 650 or 700.

The mg usually comes down to environment problem or ph. Check those out to see if they can be adjusted. check ur runoff ph, to see if ur coming much higher or lower than ur input ph. I know coco runoff ph isn't supposed to be accurate. But everytime I ve checked it and say it was coming out at 6.8, I would feed with 5.5ph going in till it started coming out 5.8 to 6.0 and it would fix my mg prob. u can also get mg probs by too wet medium and too cold medium.

Im sure some people see my post and say u should add mg. But from my experiences with running several dozen strains, I think 6/9 has enough. U just have to find the problem like I stated above and fix that.

Any other q's I missed just post em a few at a time, its hard to read and respond to a huge paragraph.


mirac ! my man thanks for replying so quick i hope to give everyone a good show here :woohoo: just tryna get a hang of this 6ml micro /9ml bloom per gal thing again. i never stated this but obviously im in coco.

so you think my filtered tap water is good if its below 150ppm ?

I know sorry didnt noticed how long it was until I posted it haha

no epsom salts for you ehh ? good to know. Whats your formula looking like for unrooted clones ? are you doing 1/2 strength for your unrooted clones until they show roots then hitting them with full strength 6/9 all the way thru veg ? I always heard coco runoff ph was no good but use runoff to check ppms will def give it a shot though. I will go with a full 6/9 with no epsom salt ph'd at 5.8 next watering.

Thanks again mirac for your input !!! :thank you:


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
mirac ! my man thanks for replying so quick i hope to give everyone a good show here :woohoo: just tryna get a hang of this 6ml micro /9ml bloom per gal thing again. i never stated this but obviously im in coco.

so you think my filtered tap water is good if its below 150ppm ?

I know sorry didnt noticed how long it was until I posted it haha

no epsom salts for you ehh ? good to know. Whats your formula looking like for unrooted clones ? are you doing 1/2 strength for your unrooted clones until they show roots then hitting them with full strength 6/9 all the way thru veg ? I always heard coco runoff ph was no good but use runoff to check ppms will def give it a shot though. I will go with a full 6/9 with no epsom salt ph'd at 5.8 next watering.

Thanks again mirac for your input !!! :thank you:


Below 150 should be good. I like ro cause I don't have to guess anything about my nutrients, cause the r always dialed for coco. Its great to take away worrying about a big part of growing like that. Makes problem solving so much easier. Say ur 150 is 90ppm calcium, then its gonna mess with ur nute uptake. But like I said probably 150 is fine.

No Epsom salt. I believe h3ad cut it out eventually. Actually I have helped 3 or 4 friends convert to coco 6/9. All of them like myself have dabbled with Epsom, cal/mg, silica, etc... Eventually they or myself ran into deficiencies. In every case I told them to cut the extra stuff and go back to just 6/9, and in every case it fixed the deficiency. Deficiencies in coco with this blend almost always come down to environment, watering, or ph. Remember that and it will serve u well.

Unrooted clones, I assume u mean straight in coco. I never dialed that in, as I use cubes, or plugs, and tp into coco, and go straight to 6/9 or a little less concentration. In straight coco though I would prep it with flushing with straight 6/9 to help set the cec, then prob use half strength to water, and keep moist.

A slurry test is supposed to be more accurate. But I believe u can tell pretty well if there is too much salt in the coco, or the ph is way off, just by testing run off.

Ur feed plan sounds solid, as that's what I do with nothing extra, and can crush gpw with it.

and ur welcome, its my pleasure to help people, as this site, and its kind sharing members, has been a big factor in helping me get my grow dialed in.


For sure Mirac im going to stick with just 6/9 I think my problem is being to scared to use full strength from the start so they slowly get def. I will def use full strength 6/9 for the next couple waterings if they dont green up. I will use half strength 6/9 and do a flush and then go back to 6/9 to see if maybe it was lockout. Will def let my ph drift a little more too maybe 5.6-6.2 ? then that mg def can kiss my :moon:

sorry mirac maybe i was unclear when i said unrooted clones i meant ones that you just cut from a mama and stick into a cube. Are you misting with full strength 6/9 in a dome even though they have no roots yet ? Or 1/2 strength solution in your mister until those pearly whites pop out ?

Cant wait to see this clone factory begin :greenstars:

will post some pics of the kksc today


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
For sure Mirac im going to stick with just 6/9 I think my problem is being to scared to use full strength from the start so they slowly get def. I will def use full strength 6/9 for the next couple waterings if they dont green up. I will use half strength 6/9 and do a flush and then go back to 6/9 to see if maybe it was lockout. Will def let my ph drift a little more too maybe 5.6-6.2 ? then that mg def can kiss my :moon:

sorry mirac maybe i was unclear when i said unrooted clones i meant ones that you just cut from a mama and stick into a cube. Are you misting with full strength 6/9 in a dome even though they have no roots yet ? Or 1/2 strength solution in your mister until those pearly whites pop out ?

Cant wait to see this clone factory begin :greenstars:

will post some pics of the kksc today


Just water works great in the peat/coco cubes. In rockwool ph soak in 5.5 for 30 min, then keep moist with just water. That way they eat some of the stored nutes in the leaves as they start to root. Otherwise u can stall them out with nutrients before they have roots.

The kksc is a vigorous girl. Mine likes to stay a deep green with 6/9.


it is !! just the good kind of doughnuts ! ahaha no sadly there will be no krispy kreme doughnuts here only 600w doughnuts covered in white kreme coated nuggs. welcome to the thread my man

also anyone switch from 6/9 to maxibloom and liking it more ?

just asking out of curiosity

ps. you can pull up a chair and grab a box of KK for the upcoming party



Heres some photos for everyone ! shots before lights on see the white tips and light greening mg def beg. a little hope to get it solved on the next couple waterings.

Still looking good though :dance013:



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hey mirac one more question are you flushing your coco every week or two with half strength ? i usually go 10-20% run off each water fyi.


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Nope, no need for that if u are getting good runoff like u r. Not unless ur seeing a buildup, then half strength is a good idea.


Active member
it is !! just the good kind of doughnuts ! ahaha no sadly there will be no krispy kreme doughnuts here only 600w doughnuts covered in white kreme coated nuggs. welcome to the thread my man

also anyone switch from 6/9 to maxibloom and liking it more ?

just asking out of curiosity

ps. you can pull up a chair and grab a box of KK for the upcoming party


Yes, because it was cheaper, lol. I mean you have more control with 6/9 but for how easy/cheap MB is it was an easy decision for me.

You won't want to mix it by hand though... Definitely a reservoir + pump is superior here.

I run Jack's Professional Hydro + CalNit. Even cheaper than the MB, and I've gotten the same or better results.


glad to see you stopped by LSWM.

Im running low on bloom so i think i will finish off the ladies and start the new clones on maxibloom. were you hitting fresh rooted clones with the full 7gs of maxi or did you use a lower ec/ppm for veg ? can i use maxi with my <150ppm filtered tap ?

will def look into jacks i see everyone using it now !



o shit LSWM i got a GH dual diaphragm is that going to mix it up legit if i leave it over night. I will obviously shake the maxibloom ahead of time but hoping that airpump will clean it up if i miss any know what im saying ?



Well-known member
I been running 6/9 using tap water in coco dtw for years. As long as I have good run off I never see a problem. Run off is key with 6/9 in coco. I never flush with water between feedings, only the last 14 days I use ph 5.5-5.7 water. As long as you have 20% run off your good, I go a little more. As far as clones I take cuts, stick them in some cloning gel for 10-15 mins then stick them in some coco that I have rinsed heavily with half strength 6/9. I never spray them or put a dome over them, they may wilt for a day or two but always bounce back and are rooted within a few days. As long as you have a nice warm place for those clones they just do their thing.


Active member
Do you hand water? I do multi-feed DTW coco in small pots. I just use an extra pump to mix solution in a tote before it goes into the final tote/reservoir. I use EcoPlus 396 GPH pumps that I buy locally and have my hydrostore price match the for $15 a pop. Cheap and effective.

I never run above 1.2 maybe 1.3 EC, and I believe you add that on top of your tap EC. I use RO so I can't tell you. I used Jacks for Veg and Maxibloom for flower before buying 25lb bags of Jack's. I wanted to test it out first. I probably would use Maxigrow for veg if I didn't have the Jack's, but I was running 6/9 before that.

As for the RO taking forever to fill, you should get yourself some sort of reservoir and a float valve. I have a 35 gallon trash can which is almost always full of RO and my RO is only like 150 GPD. The beauty of using RO is it's the same every time, and with Jack's, all I do is add Jacks first, then CalNit a half hour later after it has mixed. No pH'ing or checking EC. I mix the same amount of water every time, same amount of nutes. I don't even use pH adjuster.