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White fungi first soil mix


Im a idiot
I made my first mix and had it in a trash bin with the top on
Watered it with a 1 gal tea and put the top back on

Now i have white mold. I took the top off and considering putting the light on the soil to help dry it out

How can i salvage my soil
Too much water homie but drying your soil completey kills of beneficial microbes in your soil as well.

three kinds of things that could be the cause. Good: fungi, algae. bad: mold
from my experience fine fuzzy stuff on the surface is mold. It is caused by too much water and or your dirt is too dense/compact to let air through.

soil should be fluffy and moist and should be able to drain water through it without it sitting on the surface.

adding coco coir, tilling should fix it mold. white mycelium/mushrooms and light colored algaes are ok.

Good luck!


Active member
HEY 1WDC,was curious why so u watered ur soil with tea? not that havent used it in past on so stubborn newly planted.i used 13 drops from a boiled tea bag in qt. of tap water,2 drops ammonia.2drops dish soap,2 drops of whiskey,for a exsperiment i spayed a newly planted plant,in bark one part,5 parts promix,little time release,wasnt growing until sprayed it one time,wen it starts growing spray no more,it was not ph ed...caution use only as exspermint only..i do not endorse this as a way to grow..just saying..peace moon/we are all people...
I've never watered my dirt with teas, but I make my own compost and use dirt from around the trees in my backyard. usually, these things are loaded with worms, critters, plants, mushrooms. It is a sign that the soil is alive.

A patch of dirt in the middle of my backyard dried out because of a drought. first the grass dried to a dust, then it became exposed to the sun, then the dirt became compacted. Now nothing will grow on it, even if it has water.

i grow

Active member
Stir it up and let it sit in the sun it will be ok in my experience.
Ive made super soil in the past that does the same thing it just means the microbes and besties are working! Once stirred the as was fine.

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