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Minions of the Dark


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
I haven't grown D Goblin or Nocturnal outdoors myself.
Goblin Lines are all bred for PNW, but Only Goblin Girl has been outdoors before.

Nocturnals grown in N Cali last year and did very well.
They were very good yielding and stood it's ground along side some Cali favorites.

Halo (rebreeding) is a mixed bag of gennies.
More for pheno hunters seeking a wider variety.
The sativa dom phenos take till end Oct.
The indica dom phenos finish late sept - early oct.

Halo 2x are your best bet and show deep resemblance to the original Halo cut.
I expect these females will preform very well for the PNW region, and grow amazingly in southern climates.
This is the 09 cut.

Halo 2x should be your 1st choice as the line is proven above the 45th parallel.
Nocturnal is 2nd choice and will probably put one outdoors myself.



Its a bit chilly in colorado....

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Ya a wee bit chilly you might say;) sheesh, and I complain when it gets down to 5-7 degrees a few times during the winter, I need to remember those pics next time I wanna open my mouth!! Does it get like that alot? As you might guess Ive never been to CO but Id like to sometime, it sounds like a cool place haha; really, I get the feeling its happening there with some great people.




You've got all kinds of beauties! I like this one alot; she reminds me of a sour d I run except with more foxtailing and thinner leaves. Do you still run this one and is it strait Rom, or is there something else mixed in there? Im not familiar with rom but Id say shes got something else in the mix

Im still chugging along, on page 43 actually but the system wouldnt let me comment on anything last night so Im backtracking some. Im seeing a great group of friends here, full of love and support and Im happy to be around you guys!!


Whats up er'body. Finally got thing moving along with my plants. Last one out and still hangin so now I got room for my first flowering nocs.

Here is what Im doing. I am making an attempt at running no till style in 5 gallon smart/sips. In order to make the most of my small tent and run several strains at once, I am essentially taking clones and giving a very short veg time of 1-2 weeks. Then I am stuffing multiple plants into one pot at a time...then they go on a staggered schedule...basically like a sort of SOG. First up is the noc strain then the rest if this goes well enough. I don't plan on having a large yield since its a personal stash...just a steady supply.

Here we are at 14 days from flip. 4 plants in one SIP.


Looking good there bro and way to go on the no till!! Those ladies are super for two weeks. No till is the place Ive arrived at after doing the ROLS deal for a few years and its the next level; easier and once the soil is really alive and kicking its mainly a matter of keeping it watered with a few amendments and teas from time to time. Howre you liking the LEDs?


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor

You've got all kinds of beauties! I like this one alot; she reminds me of a sour d I run except with more foxtailing and thinner leaves. Do you still run this one and is it strait Rom, or is there something else mixed in there? Im not familiar with rom but Id say shes got something else in the mix

Im still chugging along, on page 43 actually but the system wouldnt let me comment on anything last night so Im backtracking some. Im seeing a great group of friends here, full of love and support and Im happy to be around you guys!!

Those are pure Romulan.
I like to call her "jungle weed"
Columbian, Korean lineage with 80% + sativa.

Excellent weed!



odd stretch on my goblin queen....

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That does look a bit overextended, looks like what happened to me when I went overboard on the alfalfa on the girls in bloom; stretching and delayed budding, I wont do that again!!
Did you figure out what the deal was?

Im not trying to clog the thread up by dredging up posts from two months back, so please let me know good people if Im out of line; I want to be respectful!


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor

Im not trying to clog the thread up by dredging up posts from two months back, so please let me know good people if Im out of line; I want to be respectful!

You are quite respectful.
This is a public thread on a public forum.
All are welcome.

Never too many Minions :hotbounce:hotbounce:hotbounce:hotbounce:hotbounce


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Latest seed drop of Goblin Queen.

36 planted in my base mix 5 days ago.
35 have broken soil, 1 is being stubborn.
Too early for mutant detection yet.
I planted 36 pre-selected females and figured I'd get 24 clean non-mutated gals.
We shall see.

I'll drop some pics as soon as I expand to a bigger grow room.
Nocturnals are beautiful, all 29 of them.


you could also get on some sprouted seed teas both as foliars and soil drench.... the growth enzymes and hormones given off by germinating seeds should be just what you need.... the main enzymes that are created and/or released in the sprouting and soaking process are amylase, arylsulphatase, β-glucosidase, cellulase, chitinase, dehydrogenase, phosphatase, protease, and urease. It would be worth anyone's time to look up each of these to see what they're bringing to the soil food web. These enzymes are separate from the plant hormones that are also present after this process such as cytokinins, auxins, etc.....

there's a couple different ways you could do em....

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ya'll should note that I make my own "nutes" as it were....

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Looking good with those sprouts C4. At this point I dont know much about the specifics of the enzymes they produce but the plants are loving them and Ive been enjoying watching the benefits for several months now and I wouldnt want to grow without them! Increased growth rates and more resin to name a few and the praying leaves are cool too:). What are some positives you've noticed? gl


Glad to hear that the Halo 2x breeding is showing well.
The original Halo cut has lost all it's vibrancy from genetic drift.
The first run of her produced 18 ozs of semi dense spears of bud.

It had the soaring romulan high with a perfect blend of The Purps heavy-happy high.
I also re-bred the original Halo breeding using a brother to the Neon Purps.
Expect a 75% Romulan dominant jungle weed and 25% indica dom females.
The indica dom cuts are the shit to look for.

In the spring, I will release several seed lines to the seed boutique here at ICMag.
Halo for pheno hunters, and Halo 2x for a more stabilized line.
I'm confident that they will meet the quality level that is expected from most seed breeders.

Nice to have more minions to join into the project.


Sorry to hear the halo has drifted but I can see you've got all kinds of goodness coming up so her greatness will live on!!
From what Ive seen already Im up for supporting your work; I think its quality and Im about that, keep it up!


so, out of curiosity... who grows how? personally I'm in that ROLS bus.... how's about ya'll? what's yer program?


Im in that same boat; the ROLS thread inspired me to make the leap and its been so sweet!! Since Ive made the beds for my bloom rooms things have moved more to no till which should prove to be an interesting journey; one that I plan to document more once I get my hands on a decent camera. I use ACTs, SST(sprouted seed teas), plant extracts I make myself with kelp/alfalfa/neem/nettles etc and the occasional topdress and the plants love it!
I see you do similarly and it shows in your beauties:)


So I've converted two co-workers this past week to try organic soil grow, soon enough I'm going to be door to door spreading the good word. Hand out packets of ACT and pamphlets on a better relationship between soil and you. "Happy worms of latter day sativas"


Hey HB:) youre doing good work, keep it up!! Some will listen and that reason enough to keep trying


Thanks to Ironhead2 for pointing me over here. I'm got more reading to chance up again. It seems like I'm always in catch up mode with your threads.

I'm following the Minions.



Thank you Pako for pointing me over here, its been lovely! This thread does move fast so Im playing catch up too, which reminds me, I need to get back over your way and see whats up on your thread because its a good'n too!

Peace dude:)


First 2 pics are a monster dark Dionysus i chopped today. Branches were hanging horizontal from weight so today was the day. Last 3 pics are Goblin Queen. Gonna give her another week or so. Densest buds I've ever grown. Merry Christmas all.


Super looking buds you got there, id smoke em!!


"The one" is a constantly moving target.
So subjective, as to be an opinion based solely on your own requirements of what make good or bad.
A personal journey at best.

The hardest part is to shitcan older cuts to make room for better cuts.
Once you get, say 10 keepers, all the best of each individual breeding, then score a better cut of any or them.
Then the decision has to be made to keep your numbers in check, or axe one.

You get attached to a cut, like a pet.
Having to decide to shitcan one is the hard part, or the 'complication' in the decision.

Keep those you see fit for now, to your liking, and when a better one comes, you'll know what to do.

PS: You are far from rookie status, relax and enjoy the adventure.


True words SG, heartwarming and a solid reminder at the same time. Im bad about hanging onto cuts and phenos because I get attached to them, therefore Ive got a menagerie of about 35+ different ladies and about 20 guys; Im about to narrow the selection a bit soon, its going to be hard but its necessary!

One of the things I like the most about being here is getting to see the difference in views and the resulting rainbow of plants and methods, truly inspiring:)

There are alot of talented people here and nobody needs to feel unworthy; we're all learning and growing after all;)

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