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Lost my vertginity, now straight to bondage


Active member
Love it man. Thinkin about running 4 plants around 1k watter's my next go, Almost identical to your set up. Cant wait to see your results!! Killer lookin buds already too man, frosty bitches.

I'll be watching, show us how its done.


Well-known member
Day 31 I believe. Chugging along nicely. The ladies have got their final haircut and are ready to really start dancing.

Got a bit of light bleaching but nothing major. SLH is a very finicky plant, hates nutes but is starting to get frosty as hell with trichs running down the entire length of some stems.

On to the photo dump.







Active member
I have noticed that some strains get that curl when put in with a vert bulb.I run the same thing as you pretty much,600,5x5.

I just put in a killer queen redux and a godberry from MOD 2 1/2 weeks ago.Both are in the same mix(philthys mix)same size pots same every thing.After the 4th day my godberry started to get that curl at the top fans.The KQR didn't skip a beat and still has those nice flat stand up fans.Go figure.I have had this happen a bit.....some strains do it others don't.


Active member
Looking good man! I'm running the exact same setup as you and you are about 5 days ahead of me. Mine don't look quite as good. Growing an older HGS "Black Pearl".


Well-known member
Here we are @ days 37 of 12/12. They got a good trim and every day I pluck a leaf or two if they are blocking bud sites. Seems I could have done more with some of the sucker branches but live and learn.

They are stinking to high hell and really starting to pack on the weight and frost. I have a hard time capturing just how frosty the SLH is.

I had Koolbloom liquid that I used in the last run but I have not used it this time and the buds are doing so well that I am just going to stay the course and keep doing what I am doing.



WiFi #1



WiFi #2



Active member
Subbing up!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I been considering backer screens in my doughnut garden for a minute now. They truly are the new wave of the Vert. garden.

Now that I'm running 1k's, I'm finding it to be a necessity to mock up some frames real soon.

That WiFi is looking really good. I'm planning on sourcing this same cut. If not straight WiFi, I'd settle for their WiFi Alien. It's also got great press...


Well-known member
I am very pleased with the screens so far. It is my first scrog of any type so I know there are a few things I would do differently next time. I would look to get 2-3 straight rows of colas fastened at different heights. I think mine has gotten a bit messy.

With a few tweaks, I think I can get a very good yield out of this setup with the right strains. I wouldnt say my 2 wifi phenos are huge yielders but I was happy with them last time and this time I am already seeing big differences in the buds. Once I get her fully dialed, she will be a very good producer to go with the quality

The plants seem to have really taken a jump in bud swell this past week. When I looked last night, I was shocked, it seemed they had a bit of an explosion from one day to the next.

We have reached the half way mark for the wifi unless the clones finish a bit earlier than the seed mother. I Expect the SLH will run about 1-2 weeks longer. The last time I cut the SLH at 70 days as well but thought it needed 2 more weeks. Now with a nice cure, if I smoke a bit too much, its almost a panic inducing, very high energy buzz. I bet with 2 more weeks it could really put a hurtin on someone, lol.

Still hoping for 4 oz per but I think 5-6 per in this setup is not out of reach with these strains.

Thanks for the kind words and Im glad you guys are liking the show.

End scene


Well-known member
So these pics are from day 43 of 12/12. All is ticking along just fine. I have 2 phenos of the WiFi. With the dried product, both look, smell, taste and hit just about the same. My first run, the #2 was a bit of a better yielder and it is showing so again this time. I could maybe get #1 a little closer to the light but #2 is standing out as being the one I am going to keep.

I also have a hybrid of the 2 as with my first run, #2 was stressed and put out a pollen sack and I found 1 seed in a #1 bud and cracked it and that plant is doing quite well.

The WiFi went 10 weeks (70 days) on the nose last time from seed. From the looks of these plants, I dont see them going this long this time.

The SLH is packing on weight and frost nicely and looks like she still has a ways to go. From the seed run, I established it was a 12 weeker but I Would love if I could get it closer to 10-11 this time.

Anyway, enough of my blabbing and on to the porn.

WiFi #2






Well-known member
Full plant shots




I just noticed that I didnt take one of the #2


A finicky eater so dont mind the yellowing, I havent got it fully dialed yet.



New member
Ladies looking lovely Bmac1 .
I have same size tent light etc and started to plan a grow like this , very happy to stumble on to your diary .
Great seeing a tent vert scrog .
Look forward to seeing your girls finish .

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