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Very Very Sick Plants!


Hi guys in week 5.8 of a multi strain grow and my BB Blue cheese is looking very ill! Do I flush and chop? Is this due to heat stress. Pics in next 30mins cheers




Seems to be only 1 corner of the room affected I have some curling on some other plants and temps have been high lately I wanna know if I am better to flush and chop or let them go the 2 weeks they need??? Will Bud rot set in and is the damage going to stop growth all together ( podding out )


I would use a pair of tweezers to carefully pluck all of the decimated leaves at the stem so the crumbly dead matter won't become lodged betwixt the buds.


Will his not leave them vunerable to infection and disease from the plucked stems??? Anyone else got any suggestions ???


Active member
They look burned from being too close to lights. Move lights up and they should be good to go.


Active member
have you seen anything crawling in the soil? any flies flying around? looks like gnats or somekind of defficiency, maybe you water that side more? check ph and give them a flush and see how things develop, the other side looks fantastic


Well-known member
i ve had similar experiences. my dj blueberry burns like that towards the end. I think its from a buildup of salt in the soil.or root aphids that I can never find. either way I let it go the full 8-9 weeks. im still yielding good from mine. I would just start flushing now. check ur rootball for bugs after chop. them burnt leaves wont hurt just takes alittle longer to trim. no worries bro


cheers guys thanks for your input ! You know what its like we all know the problem really but always like to hear it from others :)


Active member
I found that high temps are ok as long as RH is high. While high RH can be problematic in itself(bud mold etc), high heat and low RH will lower transpiration and stomatas will also close up. Low transpiration and/or water shortage can/will cause a couple different issues/lockouts/defs like Ca and K problems.

I had this exact same looking thing happen a while back. On all my plants I was using same coco, same pots, same nutes, etc, but a couple had the problem and others didn't. Only thing I came up with is that the problem plants were closest to the dehuey. So they had hot dry air blowing on em and they looked like yours. Also, the the lower part of plant was not affected, only the tops that were really close to light and hot. Not scientific, but rearranged room and problem over.

Oh yeah, right now I have a new strain that bolted and leaf temp at top buds are 100+, none of the issues discussed only the bolting/strecthed bud. Of course I don't like that either but that's pretty a well defined problem that'll get fixed.

Anyway, I did something like festerous said, except I just tugged em out. The biggest diff between them and others was that the smell and taste weren't as good. Still had huge nugs tho. When I harvested I ended up pulling many of the leaves out instead of trimming, which made for all bud bud.


Active member
It might be due to your reflector is not placed optimal creating hot spots, have u checked the ligth footprint ?


Yeah its definitely some type of temperature related burn there's no other way that only half of the room could have burnt leaves like that. Put a thermometer at the canopy of the affected leaves and see what's going on. As for the already burnt leaves just pluck em off carefully. Other side looks good as fuck though! If it's not a temperature burn just lay off nutes until harvest.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
The taco curl with the leaves is a heat issue the burn is not... light burn looks nothing like that. Its a phosphorus def or a nute burn. If its nute burn it could be from lock out from ph or other reasons... take the plant out flush alot of fresh phd water in it.. monitor ph and the EC of the run off itll rise .... monitor them both till it falls... the numbers will tell u everything. good luck