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Mister D's Vertical Redemption


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
The room was designed for just that. Probably a good six months of planning before I even lifted a finger. Researching automatic ph dosers and looking into IBC tanks so I don't have to be there for 2 months if I couldn't for some reason :biggrin:

You know it's funny you mention mega's sig, my celly said the same thing to me when I told him what happened. I do seem to have an issue with history repeating. Me and ole lady decided when that guy tried to rob us awhile back we were just gonna stay home, and yet here we went out again and look what happens. Crazy luck we have with that, it's not like we're in a high crime area, or going around trying to cause problems. Lesson learned though, if we go out for dinner and/or drinks it's going to be at a friends house. It probably didn't have to escalate to that level, but like you said, don't go pokin the bulldawg 'less you wanna get bit. And I don't think I could still call myself a man if I just walked away after somebody blatenly grabbed my girls ass and then called her something that, well lets just say it made me so mad I knocked all of his front teeth out with one punch, and my hand still hurts 3 weeks later. Adrenaline is a hell of a thing....... At any rate, not the least bit worried bout the lost clones. Killed thousands in the line of duty. Plus grow bro was thinking I might need some for the other spot so he took a batch a few days after I got locked up. They got transplanted yesterday. Only 30 though, i'm seeing about lining out some more to fill the racks.

RE> well lets just say it made me so mad I knocked all of his front teeth out with one punch

LOL this made me laugh (for some reason I have a mental image of a skinhead redneck with chicklet's flying out of his mouth and a very surprised look on his face)......best line in the whole thread! :biggrin:

Mister D I tip my chappeau to you sir, you are my kind of guy! :tiphat:


Active member
Glad your ok bro!

Sorry to hear about your run in with ignorance.

Have your girl carry around a couple pair of swimming goggles and some BEAR mace. Then if bs ensues, grab the goggles and spray away! You can give a few friendly reminders to your antagonists with the sole of your shoe as they flail on the ground grabbing there eyes.

Tazers arent to expensive and a quick shock can be given to ass grabbers nonchalantly as you walk by, again with friendly reminders via the sole of your shoe .

To everyone just gota put this out there...Bar fights are no joke. I had a good friend shot and killed because of some young gangsters in SF. My friend challenged these yougsters after some serious shit talking with no result. An hour or so later while he was across the street outside, dude comes up and shoots him and his friend in front of 5 girls and gets away.

Another kid I went to HS with punched an aggressive drunk dude once out of self defense and the drunky hit his head on a parking curb and died. Luckily the kid was defending himself and there were plenty of witnesses.

My patients dad died in a bar fight, when he was 2 or 3.

Just be careful out there with the babylon juice everyone.

Agreed 100%, and why I usually avoid bars all together. Watched five guys beat one of my friends to death right in front of me when I was younger. He wasn't even talking shit, just told them they might want to slow up on the drinking before things got out of hand. 20 mins later I had gun to the side of my head as they took turns beating my friend with a tire iron. Generally speaking that isn't the kind of thing you'd expect walking into a classy establishment, but my latest experience shows things can go wrong anywhere. It's an ugly world out there boys and girls, keep your boots laced.


Active member
Good to hear you're ok.

You too brother :thank you:. If you have some time and extras i'd love another care package from you and silver :biggrin:. Last ones fell victim to the thirst :moon:.

RE> well lets just say it made me so mad I knocked all of his front teeth out with one punch

LOL this made me laugh (for some reason I have a mental image of a skinhead redneck with chicklet's flying out of his mouth and a very surprised look on his face)......best line in the whole thread!

Mister D I tip my chappeau to you sir, you are my kind of guy! :tiphat:

Lol thanks for seeing the lighter side mega. I doubt it was quite as cool in real life as it was in your mind, but hey life's better with special effects anyway right? Still don't have much use of my hand, but it was worth it just knowing everytime that racist fuck looks in the mirror he will think of me. One good thing has come of this however, my dogs have become at least 10x more protective. Not sure how that's even possible, but I can't even piss without them standing right there now, and nobody (even friends they know well) is allowed anywhere near me or my girl. They have always been outside dogs, but they literally tried to rip a hole in the door to get to me when I got home. Just in case anyone is wondering they are exceptionally well trained and behaved dogs, they don't chew on things they aren't supposed to. There's just nothing like a dog's love. Really lends credence to that quote in your sig, at least in my mind :biggrin:.


Dawgs is family round my parts Bro just like yours.....and....yeah....If they`re not trained as a pup from the get , they get more stupid the older they get....anyways.....

My # 1 dawg Trojan goes everywhere GF and I go OFF the farm , but so does my Glock 40 and why ?......cuz if he eats a bullet tryin to protect us , they`re gonna eat all the clip and another down the pipe fer killin my dawg.......

Hell....I`d prolly rather lose the GF than the dawg , but I hope she don`t read this.....I`m just sayin.....Just glad yer okies and it`s behind yas.....

Waitin on kewl pics and healin hands Brozini.....Stay safe and....



Active member
Dawgs is family round my parts Bro just like yours.....and....yeah....If they`re not trained as a pup from the get , they get more stupid the older they get....anyways.....

My # 1 dawg Trojan goes everywhere GF and I go OFF the farm , but so does my Glock 40 and why ?......cuz if he eats a bullet tryin to protect us , they`re gonna eat all the clip and another down the pipe fer killin my dawg.......

Hell....I`d prolly rather lose the GF than the dawg , but I hope she don`t read this.....I`m just sayin.....Just glad yer okies and it`s behind yas.....

Waitin on kewl pics and healin hands Brozini.....Stay safe and....


They weren't trying to come through the door because of lack of training, that was loyalty. They saw i'm wounded, and feel guilt for not being there to protect me. Now they feel them going EVERYWHERE I go is non negotiable. Like I said, I can't even piss without them standing right next to me. And I agree, if someone shot/killed one of my dogs it would be a very, very, bad day for them. My girl and my dogs are neck and neck, could never choose one over the other.

Got a couple pics uploaded so I guess i'll do a teaser.......:biggrin:


Active member
So what happens when you spray 35% hydrogen peroxide on algae?


You get :kewlpics: There's a few more of these i'll upload as the mag permits. I thought it was pretty cool looking anyway, though I have been smoking alot of hash lately. Ended up needing to use bleach also (worked alot better). Put 1 gal. of bleach in 50 gals. of water and let it flood the table for 6-8 hours, drained, scrubed, and flooded for another hour with straight water. Drained again, and refilled with water and nutes. Decided to use my H&G samples. Just coco A&B no additives. Mixed at 7ml per gal. Took a quart of each A&B to mix 165 gal. of nutes.

And what does romulan look like at 8 weeks flower, after being left to the mercy of my room design for almost 3 weeks?




I'll let you guys make your own judgements, but i'm honestly impressed they're alive at all. PH was at 6.7 when I got there! EC was normal due to the top off tank. Oh and the whole table had fallen over due to weight of the buds. Obviously I staked everything before I took the picture. Btw these have been fed silica their whole lives, so it's not like the stems were/are weak. 2-3 weeks to harvest, depending on when I feel like it lol.

I have 43 pics for you guys so should be alot of updates over the next week.......
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Active member
My only judgement is that you too have drank the holy water and rejoiced! ha ha... but we all know at heart, you're a Satan worshiper!


Active member
More bubblin' algae!


The really shitty yielding pheno of destroyer, actually this one looks like it will yield well considering the pheno. IMO this pheno produces the best hash a connoisseur could possibly ask for. Truely a special treat that I will likely keep all for myself, my girl might get a hit or three if she's extra nice :biggrin:. And yes I will be turning the entire plant into hash as it won't produce anything even closely resembling a dense nug. This pheno does however usually produce a decent to exceptional amount of resin heads everywhere including the main stem. The chemmy jones on the left was put in at the same time, and height as the destroyer to give an idea of stretch. The destroy is ~6ft btw.


Another chemmy jones. Think I might like this one for the rack room.


Front and center is destoyer, it's the better pheno, but not the best one in the pack. To it's right is a chemmy jones, same seedling I mentioned awhile back that smelled just nasty and rotten in a good way. Continuing to the right is the most promising destroyer out of the pack. Still a month left on them so i'm waiting to see if she bulks up properly. Will be cracking the other 10 seeds soon enough to look for better examples. Next to her is another chemmy jones, love the smell on this one also. Much sweeter than the others. Better individual pics as time and uploading permits.



Active member
My only judgement is that you too have drank the holy water and rejoiced! ha ha... but we all know at heart, you're a Satan worshiper!

HA! and my celly thought I was nuts for drawing pentagrams in blood and chanting to the unholy master that owns every vert growers soul. Look who's laughing now! My plants thrived with the aid of our dark master :bis:

IN before mega gets bummed out


Mega better just be happy i'm around to supply bud porn good enough for a "if your erection lasts longer than 8 hours' warning :biggrin:. Though it doesn't have cat hair on it, so he probably has trouble gettin aroused.......


Active member
Hello my friend, looking good!! Did you find any short/bushy pheno in the destroyer? Glad things are back to normal ( so to speak :laughing: ) in the vert forum , kudos!!
Peace S


Active member
Hello my friend, looking good!! Did you find any short/bushy pheno in the destroyer? Glad things are back to normal ( so to speak :laughing: ) in the vert forum , kudos!!
Peace S

IME there are two phenos in the reg destroyer line. The one shown above, and another I'll get better pics up of soon. Both look very similar structurally speaking (what I refer to as the Xmas tree look). The other pheno however yields well to extremely well, and is among my favorite herbs. I did grow out a pack of fem destroyer a couple years back and there was short slightly bushier female in the pack. I'll be cracking a ton more down the road, as destroyer contains some phenomenal plants.
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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
WHAT my name is being mentioned in vain? LOL

Looking very DANKster MisterD.....keep up the bud porn...better than Viagra!


Active member
WHAT my name is being mentioned in vain? LOL

Looking very DANKster MisterD.....keep up the bud porn...better than Viagra!

Thanks bro, i'm just happy they're alive. Almost 3 weeks without daddy is a long time for my girls...... :moon:.

Couple pics uploaded so update incoming :biggrin:


Active member
Here is the other pheno of destroyer (my favorite). She isn't the best yielding example i've seen, on the lower end for this pheno. Keep in mind she still has month to go, so I might yet be suprised. Destroyer tends to really pack the weight on the last 3 weeks. Anyway we shall see. I have another ten pack waiting to be popped, and many more will be on the way some point in the near future :biggrin:.


and the right dounut just for shits and giggles.


It isn't the prettiest of crops, but it is a testament to my room design skills. Had I gotten off my ass and installed automatic ph dosers, the plants wouldn't hardly have missed me. I don't hold back the good, bad, or the ugly. This thread is here for others to learn from, and to a lesser degree it's good place for me and the boys, and girls? to BS and share some of our triumphs and failures. I'll work on getting close ups and better descriptions of the individual seed plants as their smells become more defined. I can tell ya, it's all some stanky danks already :biggrin:

More pics as the mag allows it to be so......


Respect my buddy......Only the strong survive as it should be.....but.....redundancy equipment like ph and ec dosers almost take the fun out of it huh ?......I said almost.....:moon:.....

Glad yas didn`t have too many casualties Bro......That lanky ass Destroyer reminds me of my outdoor sativa-zilla escapades waaaay back when.....and hey......

If she`s got a month ta go , I`m thinkin she`s got the structure to surprise yas if proper swellage will ensue....anyways.....

Good luck.....Freds.....:ying:.....


Active member
Beautifull pheno , she looks ready to swell! Starting to get curios , are you looking for moms and making some seeds as well?:greenstars:

Peace S


Active member
Respect my buddy......Only the strong survive as it should be.....but.....redundancy equipment like ph and ec dosers almost take the fun out of it huh ?......I said almost..........

Glad yas didn`t have too many casualties Bro......That lanky ass Destroyer reminds me of my outdoor sativa-zilla escapades waaaay back when.....and hey......

If she`s got a month ta go , I`m thinkin she`s got the structure to surprise yas if proper swellage will ensue....anyways.....

Good luck.....Freds..........

Almost bro, almost :biggrin:. Though piece of mind is priceless. As for the destroyer, you know how us old heads like those crazy sativas :smokeit:. I'm sure she'll swell up decently, but it's definitely not a good example of the size of buds this strain is capable of with the right pheno. A well kept secret in the commerical world actually. I'll die happy once I select a mother from a few hundred beans :biggrin:

Beautifull pheno , she looks ready to swell! Starting to get curios , are you looking for moms and making some seeds as well?

Peace S

Well unfortunately I lost the males while I was locked up, so no seeds for now. I am starting to seek mothers, but so far nothing has made the cut. Not that they don't all look very dank, but i'm a picky bastard searching for specfic traits. Many many more beans to pop bro :biggrin:. I think you'll finally be convinced to get yourself some destroyer once I get around to some closeups ;), and these aren't even top notch phenos.