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Silver's second straight-bulb several strain sweetened soil sweetness. Seriously.



Sending good vibes bro... What I thought were fungus gnats, turned out to be right on... But I didn't catch the RAs hiding just out of plain sight... To look for the RA on the cups is pretty easy, I'd agitate the top of the soil and then blow lightly, watch for movement... They hide from the light breeze and really the only way to see them is watching for movement or a loupe... Fuckers are real small, grain of sand size... I've also seen them crawl onto the blumats and sides of pots/cups when watering or blowing and agitating to look for little buggers... The old yank and blow works well too... (Yank them out of their cups ya sicko...)

Hoping for the best and certainly no RA! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, let alone a nice fella like you silver ;)
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Active member
the nds look great by the way bro, little suggestion about running them though, if you give them a little more veg time to get them to about 42" to 50" in flower, youll be shocked at the increase in yield!


Active member
hmm-Had you tried to take the dead plant up Silver-for watching to the roots ? did they gor eaten-or dried out ? the roots-could tell something-manbye they stopped to grow suddenly and therefore short roots onto..could you had forgot to watering enough ?

BUT ND on the other site-hm reason to put thumb UP Absolutly,,fat fat buds !! it,s pure buds nearly-
sad things yes-those died..

silver hawaiian

Active member
the nds look great by the way bro, little suggestion about running them though, if you give them a little more veg time to get them to about 42" to 50" in flower, youll be shocked at the increase in yield!

:tiphat: I think I'm seeing the light. This one I just started is the biggest yet, and she looks like, .. well.. yeah.

hmm-Had you tried to take the dead plant up Silver-for watching to the roots ? did they gor eaten-or dried out ? the roots-could tell something-manbye they stopped to grow suddenly and therefore short roots onto..could you had forgot to watering enough ?

BUT ND on the other site-hm reason to put thumb UP Absolutly,,fat fat buds !! it,s pure buds nearly-
sad things yes-those died..

Definitely wasn't underwatering - I was thrown off by the droop though, .. Kept picking up the cups, seeing how heavy they felt, seemed fine, etc.. (In addition to knowing I'd been keeping up on the watering..)

I think these fungus gnats just smashed these couple seedlings, .. All young and frail and infirm-like. :tumbleweed:

silver hawaiian

Active member
84 days

In 2.5 gallons o' dirt

Nightmare Diesel







Active member
Beautiful bud my friend! Love the nice fat resinous nugs! Yeah a 45" plant usually yieldede about 6-7oz per plant with single or double colas, give them some veg time and they will repay you nicely!

silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks all!

jbg, now ya got me thinkin, .. I've got a couple in beer cups that I figured I'd throw in around 20-22" or so, .. But I'm starting to see, the bigger the better with this lady..

Maybe I'll do a shorter-veg run in the meantime, of whatever else I've got cookin', while letting the ND hulk right on up.. :watchplant:

_D! All good my friend - the universe will abide, much like the dude. :bow:

I'm stoked for this'n to dry out so's I can get a tally on the weight. Just by my eyeballs, I feel like this is the most I've ever yanked from a 3 gal pot (not even full, this'n).

I'm letting the other ND go for another week or so, I think, .. I think that after it greened up after the yellow spell, it's been set back a smidgen in terms of an otherwise normal schedule..

:chin: So, sheeyit. I pitched two of those Happy Valley testers. Leaves me with one. Not great odds.

Still haven't decided if I should restore order in the universe and pop a couple more Happy Valleys (to replace what's lost), or if I should make a left turn and break out something else.. I've kind of not decided wtf the universe is telling me on this'n, except to wash my ass.


Living life large...
Nice haul off of the N.D. I'm with Jonny on that whole "bigger
is better" thing, IMO not only do you get way more bud, it seems
to me that it's a bit better quality wise as well, 2 birds ~ 1 stone.

As for the "not so, Happy valley", Me... I'd defiantly fire the rest
of them beans up, better to go down with all your guns a blazing,
with a hail of fire the like of which not seen since Tony Montano...:shooty:
than to give up when there's still bullets left, with which too fight !

Peace. :ying:

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Active member
Dont know whether you have noticed it yet, but my favorite thing about her is no matter how much she produces, ive never had to stake her.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Freebies from the spot today:

Few of these


And some of these



First impressions: Watching the video on their website in re: Fastilitor, "Increase dose to slow vertical growth and encourage branching and tighter internodes."

Can't find any definitive info, but that makes me wonder, .. Does this juice contain PGRs?

Also wondering about the pellets. Was wondering if it'd make a too-hot soil if I added 'em to my existing mix, .. So now, I'm fingering, if I do a side-by with this stuff (vs the normal hawaiian styl-ee mix), I oughtta just do a base mix of FFOF and ProMix, then add the sh*t.

I dunno. I'm not, in any way, let down by my dirt mix, .. But just fingered, for shits and giggles, to maybe do a side-by with this pre-fab crap.. ? :dunno:

To be honest, I don't feel I've had any significant insufficiencies in my dirt, .. If anything, I need to get back to basics - eg. more EWC teas, ..

Anyway. Free is free, and new is new, .. But is new better?

silver hawaiian

Active member
I wondered the same, in re: the Si. I'm not smurt enough to know much the difference, ..

The pellets, they say, are a 2-3 month veg/bloom food source, .. They advertise 100g of pellets (one sample pack, of which I have a handful) per 5 gal container, .. Mix in or top dress..

What's in 'em? Who knows. I'm almost tempted to do a side-by, just to test a market product v the dumb hawaiian dirt mix, .. ?

silver hawaiian

Active member
Did a little clicking on their website...

Stay away from this crap.


Feels like lots of hype, right?

I dunno. For an organic dirt-at-heart guy, this stuff feels too much like a hydro gimmick, .. ?

Part of me feels like, .. Just tell me WTF is in here that's so awesome.


silver hawaiian

Active member

There shalt be one such SIDE BY SIDE testerooni, with the same cut, one in the usual hawaiian funkadellic mixedness, the other in a generic leading OMG DIRT product, mixed with Pro Mix (as is the base for the hawaiian nasty), amended with the ZOMGies of the Aptus rabbit food.

Nightmare Diesel, perhaps?


Active member

Feels like lots of hype, right?

I dunno. For an organic dirt-at-heart guy, this stuff feels too much like a hydro gimmick, .. ?

Part of me feels like, .. Just tell me WTF is in here that's so awesome.


Feels Like? This shit is 100% Hype.

The descriptions of the product allude to the ingredients. But I can promise you that the only reason they aren't telling you ingredients is because they are a complete rip-off....

While were on the topic....

Why do you use Pro-Mix mang?

Make your own, up the quality HUGE and save a ton of money....

I'm just saying mang!

Bails of Shagnum Peat Moss are Much higher quality and much cheaper.... then add whatever aeration amendment you like. Like Lava rock, perlite, vermiculite... whatev's

But seriously don't use that aptus shit... Not worth your time. You are way to good for that shit.. I know you just like switching things up and tinkering like all of us... but you can get the APTUS Science from some much cheaper methods, that will also be much more potent as you can make them yourself.

Seed Sprout Enzyme Tea's - Coconut Water - Aloe Juice Etc.

silver hawaiian

Active member
MHG - so glad to have your company, for this reason precisely!

Why ProMix - still got a good chunk of a bale from last year, .. ;) Going forward, I think I'll buying the [forget the brand] bales of Peat/Sphagum mix from HD next year, .. Apparently it's the same supplier from whence the ProMix do come, .. Far cheaper.

At this point, I'm probably 90% fully self-service on the level of dirt mix & recycled dirt mix.

That's what intrigued me about the side-by with the Aptus pellets - to see, what's my fuzzy wisdom do v guys in white coats & sales guys with slicked hair, ..

On a side note, .. It looks like a prolonged veg show is in order, comin' up.. Ugh.