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Help! My lights were off for 3 days!


I have been working overtime, and I havent had time to check on my 2 week old little girls for a few days, apparently a fuse blew and I'm estimating they were out up to 3 days.

What should I do? Are they permanently messed up? Are they going to be hermies? Should I just start a new crop? Or are they salvageable?


mack 10

Well-known member
plants will be fine. check your electric load. you dont want it trippin' on and off.


Moon-grass farmer
What fuse?

They'll be fine.

By them being 2 weeks old, I'm assuming you mean just 2 weeks veg. If you weren't already on 24/0, I would put the light cycle to 24/0 for a little while just for good measure...


Active member
They will be fine. In fact some growers use dark periods to provide positive stress so they will probably make up for lost time. I am hoping you meant breaker and not fuse. If it is a fuse buy the next size up. HM


Active member
They will be fine. In fact some growers use dark periods to provide positive stress so they will probably make up for lost time. I am hoping you meant breaker and not fuse. If it is a fuse buy the next size up. HM

I'll take Highonmt's word on them being fine, but before you just pop a bigger fuse, or breaker for that matter check the gauge of your wire first.

14 gauge use a 15 amp max, 12 gauge use 20 amp max. You just might need to lessen the load that the light is on. Also, see what else in the house might be on that circuit, and don't use em...

I have wired a few houses, new construction and old retrofitting. So again, don't just up the fuse as this can overheat your wires!


New member
They will be fine. In fact some growers use dark periods to provide positive stress so they will probably make up for lost time. I am hoping you meant breaker and not fuse. If it is a fuse buy the next size up. HM

this is an excelent way to light your house on FIRE!!!!

Wendull C.

Active member
Please clarify. This Thanks puff. I am new to this. They will be fine, I just am having trouble with a buddy who thinks checking once a week is fine even after a timer switch. Let my frustration leak into my post. Not meant to be negative. All I meant was most problems from mites to mold or a blown or erratic timer are better remedied by constant monitoring. I understand that is not feasible for all people and wasn't trying to bash the gentleman. Just adding my cent and a half.

Wendull C.

Active member
Not to come off wrong, the plants will be fine. Imo all problems are easier to remedy if they are caught early, like mites found with a minimum stippling and not webs over your tops. A room of mine is 14 days behind because my grower forgot to reset a timer bank to 120 v. 600 verts when we turned on the big dogs. This was not caught because he was not checking regularly or to make sure the timer was set right by peeking under the door during the dark cycle, which imo should be done at each flip and for a week afterwards. The same goes for new timers or light controllers with triggers Just my half a cent.

Wendull C.

Active member
post didn't come up so I rewrote it. Now it's a redundant double and I'm to green to be allowed to edit my posts. sorry guys.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Twisted and Medi said it best. You NEED to figure out why the trip happened.Then go from there. As far as the plants you will be fine.I hope you take this issue seriously.I am NOT looking down at you, just want you to be here for a long time to come.Soooooo many folks trip a breaker and just reset it. Without thinking of why it tripped. You can actually move leads around a bit in your elec panel to suit your needs,and location of said need.PLEASE investigate the reason for the trip.


Twisted and Medi said it best. You NEED to figure out why the trip happened.Then go from there. As far as the plants you will be fine.I hope you take this issue seriously.I am NOT looking down at you, just want you to be here for a long time to come.Soooooo many folks trip a breaker and just reset it. Without thinking of why it tripped. You can actually move leads around a bit in your elec panel to suit your needs,and location of said need.PLEASE investigate the reason for the trip.

yes....please be safe. breakers and fuses have a purpose (to protect you and your belongings) from electrical or fire damage.

properly rated they should not trip (or blow) unless something is wrong.

Wendull C.

Active member
The reason for the breaker or fuse in your electrical bow is to stop more amperage going through than the wire can handle as the post above says and will trip in the case of a breaker or blow if a fuse when the specified amperage is reached. By just upping the breaker size on the same wire you are allowing more amps than the wire can handle so it gets hot arks and blows up. Fire.