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Lumigrow 330 es


Active member
Lumigrow has confirmed with me that the ES330 and ES165 are EOL'd. I am trying to get more information about the Pro series because I am not believing anything they say about it right now.

Keep goin

Lumigrow has confirmed with me that the ES330 and ES165 are EOL'd. I am trying to get more information about the Pro series because I am not believing anything they say about it right now.

WOW...they have officially LOST it..!!

Hate to ask...sure it will be obvious when you tell me, but "EOL'd" ??

The Pro series seems to be counter intuitive from my experience with LED so far. The last thing you want is MORE watts in a smaller panel!!?? Unless you're gonna put 4 units over a 4x4?

Looks like Cali lightworks is gonna get my money...even after what LeeR said about the upper housing...3 yr warranty means to me the inner components must be higher quality that the plastic housing shows.

Or DIY is in my future...!?? Not really my thing though...


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I think somebody fell on their head there - I just replied to oneshot's post in another thread with the same information about power vs footprint. I think that EOL is End Of Life.


Active member
WOW...they have officially LOST it..!!

Hate to ask...sure it will be obvious when you tell me, but "EOL'd" ??

The Pro series seems to be counter intuitive from my experience with LED so far. The last thing you want is MORE watts in a smaller panel!!?? Unless you're gonna put 4 units over a 4x4?

Looks like Cali lightworks is gonna get my money...even after what LeeR said about the upper housing...3 yr warranty means to me the inner components must be higher quality that the plastic housing shows.

Or DIY is in my future...!?? Not really my thing though...

EOL = End of Life

I dunno, the new Pro units look INSANELY bright.

They are using 3w and 5w chips with double the efficiency.

Straight from the Lumigrow rep I am talking to today:
The PAR values for our ES330 at 1.5' above the canopy would be 820 micromoles, whereas the PAR for the Pro 325 and Pro 650 at 1.5' above the canopy are 1,814 and 3,537 respectively.

that is BONKERS bright.

Lumigrow is sticking to the commercial growers who want big panels.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
that is BONKERS bright.

Lumigrow is sticking to the commercial growers who want big panels.

Yes, I'm sure that it is "bonkers bright". But what is the point? My 330 will burn the living shit out of plants within about 12"-14", but even in a GL80 tent (32" square) I need to supplement the front and back of the narrow dimension of the fixture. The last thing that you need is more power - you need more coverage. Unless they've gone to a much wider-angle lens, they have only exacerbated the problem. Even a wide lens is only going to be of marginal help because of the redundant overlap immediately under the fixture as opposed to around the edges.
Yes, I'm sure that it is "bonkers bright". But what is the point? My 330 will burn the living shit out of plants within about 12"-14", but even in a GL80 tent (32" square) I need to supplement the front and back of the narrow dimension of the fixture. The last thing that you need is more power - you need more coverage. Unless they've gone to a much wider-angle lens, they have only exacerbated the problem. Even a wide lens is only going to be of marginal help because of the redundant overlap immediately under the fixture as opposed to around the edges.

It looks like this is one application where a light mover would be a winner. Maybe on a cycle timer with one to two hour alternating positions?

Keep goin

Yeah, I think they are missing the point. Bright is not the problem. Directly under my 330 with a simple foot candle meter the readings are the same as my 600w HPS !! But move out to the edge of the canopy and there is NO light!?

So, rupert...you HAVE one of the new units?? What have you observed about edge coverage?

And village green...maybe that would help? But I always think adding more lights is the answer rather than a mover. The problem with a mover with LED is also the fact that you really need a rectangular movement...not just linear!?

rives, not sure how much wider angle lens they can go...doesn't the 330 have 120 degree lenses??

How many of the new pro panels would be needed to cover a 40x40" canopy??
Hey Keep goin,
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the difference between linear and rectangular movement. Could you explain a little further?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
It looks like this is one application where a light mover would be a winner. Maybe on a cycle timer with one to two hour alternating positions?

A mover might work very well, but I've never been convinced that they could be installed in a tent and function long-term. There is nothing to solidly mount a track, and it seems like the motion of it starting and stopping would raise hell with the structure long-term.

KG, I thought that the lenses on the 330 were 90 degree, but I could be mistaken.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Lumigrow is not interested in hobby growers at all. Such a shame. They flat out told me they really only value commercial growers results/tests.

Obnoxious really.

Now I really do think that they have fallen on their heads. As much as I like leds, if I was going to grow commercially it would be with a bunch of Gavita 1000 DEs. They keep misfiring - 48" long fixtures for a 47" tent, obsoleting the 165 & 330, increasing the power in the same size envelope, now casting aside small growers. I think that if I had any stock in them, I'd be dumping it.


I've been thinking Lumigrow is going for the commercial greenhouses. Like the integrated high power HID lights with small reflectors--you don't want to block the sun any more than necessary.


Active member
I've been thinking Lumigrow is going for the commercial greenhouses. Like the integrated high power HID lights with small reflectors--you don't want to block the sun any more than necessary.

Definitely but they could easily develop a 'hobbyist' light as they call it. Just a pain trying to talk to them :(


Active member
Once again...it all comes down to the almighty dollar......Greenhouses, if they buy, would purchase how many lights?? 30-40-100? I guess depending on the size of the operation and the category which most of us fit into would be the casual/semi-casual growers where we would buy 1-2...3 at the most.. Simple economics people..Do I like it?? Fuck no.. I think it's worse than disgusting especially since it is the small timer grass roots movements which do a huge amount of R&D on our own and freely share the info. Slime like them come along and use that info to line their already bulging pockets....

ummmmmm,,, okay.. ranting done..thank you for listening..

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