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Advancing and going strong - 600w SCRoG - AK47/Lemon Skunk -


The herms effected only AKs and to the light issue, it's solid darkness the whole cycle.
It occurred once that I accidentally opened the side flap about one hour before the lights went on, but should this one-time-occurrence effect the flowers furthest away from the flap?

The pH have been solid around 6. A problem here could be that I only got a manual pH indicator (drop-indicator), so I don't see that precise value here.

About the water running to the sides have mainly been because of me letting the soil dry up completely before adding new water. This because I don't got any perlite or other addons to it, it's pure, which makes the soil really compact.. It's in need of the air.

I've figured out as much as first time SCRoG'ing really is an experiment. I kinda expected much more from myself and have had my standards lowered after this incident.

Anyways, got a bit overwatered lately, due to the flush.. waiting a couple of days/to the soil to dry out before i rewater with the solution..


Hi Chiefen, too bad about the hermies. Looks like it's a bit overcrowded there anyways so I hope the surrounding plants will fill in the void where the hermies where. Have neither strain started producing buds yet? If that's the case I sympathize with you, I know how impatient you can become while growing.

Check out my Lowryder thread in the outdoors section if you want to, I'm also growing in Sweden. :) Best of luck to you.


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ICMag Donor
I have Lemon skunk going now. Mine is slow as crap to flower, I have read alot up on it, there is quite a variety of phenos it seems, some going 9 weeks some on out to 11. Mine were slow to start, just getting some looking fuzzy now at 48 days... I thought my PH might have been low possibly, gave em a good flush and slowly getting to the fuzzy stage. Still have one that isnt doing much, by that I mean just small amounts of pistils no globbing up.

People have told me to be patient I might have a longer running pheno, I sure started worrying because my ice cream are blowin it up right next to em.... lol

I hacked out the bottom thrid of mine about 20 days in, complete defoliation of all fan leaves at 30 days. No hermies, though I did get some fan leaves that grew single blades. They bounced back really good from the trimming though and seemed to take off.

Mine are from seed s2 I guess it would be, a friend made em by light stressing one of his ladies, no lights for 3 days. All the seeds popped girls and no hermie yet, fingers crossed... Im at day 48 from the flip. Expecting to go full 11 weeks by the way they are looking, some of mine are getting fuzzy now some are still looking a little further then yours.


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ICMag Donor
By the way I doubt you stressed them that bad by trimming, I have topped mine after the first leaf set, and have topped topped topped, LST, snap stems, twisted, pinched, defoliated, you name it. lol

Looks like its just bad luck to me mate. Nonetheless, good luck dude.


well, now at day 35 after flip, there's coming some good looking nodes.
They're building up the base and starting to get fluffy as well.. Not fully done with the transition yet though.

Since i got these cuttlings from a friend who's been growing from same mother before this, he said he cut his around day 56-60, but of what I've seen from his smoke, it was way to early (crystals still clear as glass).

Anyways, was only the AK herming, 3 lost. Not much to do.
Cot down some major branches to spread the light evenly on the most stretched branches, looks good so far.

Need to give them some nute's soon, about a week since the flush but the pots are still soaked.
I'll throw up some pictures in a day or two.


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ICMag Donor
Hang tough your LS ladies are about 10 days behind mine and some are really fattening up good now. I'll keep ya posted how mine are looking, the way it has gone though I don't think I will run lemon skunk again, well we will see the smoke could change my mind!


Honestly, I'm 100% positive that the LS will be worth all hustle!
If it is, indeed, the same mother as I've previously smoked, it's one of the best strain I've smoked! (Split with White Rhino)

Just the most anticipating time left though, which i hope will go more smoothly than it have up to this point.


So, well....

What can I say?
Finally some productivity from my ladies!
The budnodes are finally starting to grow up and make a diffrence!
Sadly I've noticed alot of nodes getting pollinated from the hermies, but not much I can do about it.

Even though it's day ~41, i think they will go a couple of weeks further than expected (expected 58-65 days from other journals/seedbanks) but Meh!
I'm just happy that the buds are finally showing!


Just to show the stretch and the uneven tops!
Lets just hope there will be a bunch of huge colas! *High Expectations!*



Had to re-organize to light as well.
Since the strech wont stop, one of the tops started to get burnt (Only the leaves though)
One of the... lesser main colas.
Anyways, luckily I had a cooltube laying around, was hell of a job though..

Anyways, it's advancing and still going pretty strong!
Added Nutes yesterday as well, about 1½ week after the flush (The soil was really wet for a long time).


Hey man.
You are doing well for your first scrog I think, especially with what's been thrown at ya. Keep posting, I'd like to see how it ends out for you.
I'm doing my first ever real go at it now, and decided to throw a screen on'er, just tucked'em all as they were about 4-5 inches above net, haven't flipped yet. And I just did heavy underscreen trimming maybe 3 days ago. I don't know how exactly you went about tucking the tips back down. Maybe when can exchange notes/advice sometime.

Anyway; it looks alright.
Have fun man.


:lurk: :yeahthats

IMO Any seed should be keepers.
As long as the hermi-pollen was a result of stress, and not genetics, they should be some good fem beans. Maybe the cross will limit the stretch of the LS? That would certainly be a good thing. :)


Yeah, I will keep them whatever the result is...
Can be good to have for next summer if nothing else.

Being away this week, so update will have to wait 'till the weekend.


So, things are going good...
I guess.

As stated before, these ladies take their time with the flowering, really pointing out how control-less I am.

Day 56 since the flip o' switch, and they're far from done.
The pistils have finally sprouted for real (More of them, thicker, whiter), the Calyx's are starting to swell pretty good as well.
Now, what I'm afraid of is that lots of pistils are starting to turn brown, which for me is a indication that they are starting to get ripe.
I might be wrong on this, and would love to be corrected, but the tricomes are far from ready and honestly, the buds so far isn't much to the world.

Anyways, another Nute-burn occurred..
This was after some over watering -> drying them out -> Flush -> Dry -> Nutes (Normal Dose).
So, really got no idea what to do..
Been checking pH and correcting it to the right value, but the leaves still shows the discomfort. :(

Anyways, here some bud-pics!





'til next time!


Wow, that long?
I thought mine had gone slow, but your's seems to be even worse (No offense)
I'm thinking about 4 more weeks until I dig up the chop-axe, going another nute-solution for some extra boost, then flushing and going bio nutes the rest of the time.

But maybe it's me who's trying to hurry things up?


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ICMag Donor
I'll show ya mine over the weekend ill get some pics,,, good for a laugh, it will make you feel good! lol


Well, time for the picture updates.
There's really not much else to tell since it's the slow process going on at this point.
I see one plant is soon-to-be ripe and ready for cut, but I'll give it atleast one more week, mainly because I flushed yesterday and the crystals haven't gotten as foggy as I want them (the majority is still clear).

Otherwise things go as planned, the ladies are really getting fat at this point.
The AK is a couple of weeks behind, will have to wait to cut them, since the whole "fattening" process haven't really started for them yet, they are still building up their bud-nodes.
But if they get even remotley close to as fat as the LS is, I will have some really huge colas! =)

Anyways, Day 65 today and here's some flavored bud-pics!
(Only LS on pics)






Just to show you what I mean in diffrence between the ripening with the AK and LS.

Same day on both, different progression.



And a overlay pic:
Last edited:


Day 72 and STILL going strong!

Day 72 and STILL going strong!

Day 72.
Already two weeks over my first estimated time-line when it came to these ladies.
Anyways, everything is going fine, no more Nute burns or other sh*t.
It's plainly the Waiting Game going on here.

The Lemon's (most of them anyways) will probably get cut one week from Sunday. Sadly, but I guess expected, not all of them will be done.
The AK's are just now getting started with their fattening while many of the LS's are in the end of their cycle.
The Microscope is out though, so keeping a CLOSE eye on these girls!
I've cut one plant, which was smaller than the others but seemed done (A different geno, or strain maybe?) which didn't really give much but DAMN! It was some good smoke! Looking forward to the others!

So, I'm still not sure what attracts people here on ICmag, or the viewers of "Grow Diaries", but here some bud-shots!

And trust me, I know how ugly a flash-bud-pic looks, but it's either that or grow-lights as lightning on the shots..








Let's see.
Not much left until the first wave of harvesting.
Counted to 5 Lemon Skunk that will become ripe 'til Sunday.

Most of the buds already got mostly milky crystals, the cylaxes looks REALLY frosty on most places and they got a kind of fox-tailing going on..
I like it!

Anyways, there's two Lemons that's not rly ready yet, and got another dose of nute-solution, together with the AK's, which just now popped and started fattening.

Anyways, since it's not so much left until they get cut, I'll give you some bud-porn and come back later with a general update.

Day 75 (14th of September)




Remember, these pic's was taken about 6 days ago, Ill be better with more righteous pictures when it comes to the frosty'ness!

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