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is grow equipment considered paraphernalia if you have weed on you?

I am going to be driving with all my grow supplies in the car. No scales or anything, just shit like bulbs, ballasts, etc.

They are totally wiped clean, no trace of bud or smell to them. I'd really like to bring a half an ounce or so back with me. If I get pulled over and busted with the herb, am I risking the possibility of a massive tack-on because of the equipment? I can't seem to find a straight answer on this.

I really want to bring a personal stash with me but not at the risk of a huge intent to cultivate charge. I guess I can mail myself all the grow shit, but that will be a large amount of money. I have heavy carbon filters and everything.

Anybody have any insight on this? Thanks!


Rubbing my glands together
You get pulled over. Cop maybe finds your stash. Opens the back of your transport and finds the grow equipment.
Ok. Basically he can charge you with anything he wants to. Then it's up to you and your attorney to prove him wrong.
There's nothing illegal about having the grow equipment. Not a thing. People use it to grow other crops all the time. But if you're gonna drive down the highway with your personal stash in one place and everything to grow it with in another, don't be surprised when leo reaches as far into the legal tree to see what charges he can shake out. If nothing more than to make your life miserable for a year or so.


Active member


But surley you where intending growing salad crops under lights
Lots of people do.A

TB Gardens

Active member
Ya it doesn't matter what ur story is brother, what matters is whatever story the fucking cop wants to weave

...sounds like u already know the answer to ur Q. It's one of my main rules brotha, never ever ever any herb in the truck when I'm transporting gear or soil. Like other poster said, they'll charge u with what they want - or hold u & check out ur properties if they can skeeve a warrant out of bud & equipment. Long story short, it just ain't worth the hassle in my book.


Personally, I'd just make sure I hide the stash real good. Assuming your stash is not a large amount, you should be able to hide it easily enough, like shove it up under the dash somewhere in that jungle of electronics. Seal/wrap it up good so no smell and dress like a nice respectable citizen. He's not gonna go search your car up and down for no reason. That's what I'd do at least.


Active member
like you're saying I'm gonna drive over the speed limit, run a stop sign, make a illegal u-turn
to see if I get busted with the ganj and lights.
use your intelligence, that's why you were educated.


Well-known member
Criminal Tools

Why not ship one or the other to your destination?
Screw the carbon scrubber.. just toss it and buy a new one at your destination. They are not that expensive. Ship only your main essentials like ballasts, bulbs, fans, etc if you want to stick to box type shipment.

All of it is going to be cheaper to ship then a charge in some un-friendly state. You can easily package everything on a skid and ship truck freight. Wrap it in black shrink wrap and have it held at a trucking terminal near your destination. You can pack a lot of stuff/weight on a truck shipment and likely still only be spending $250-350 to get it all there.

Or.. ride with all the equipment completely clean and ship the small amount of herb via vac-packed USPS.

Don't cheap out here and risk a lot of headache in a un-friendly / un-familiar state. Just not worth it in my opinion.
Thanks for your opinions guys. I'm gonna ride clean. Fuck it. Not worth the scare. Where I'm driving, cops are notorious for snooping around. Black man with California plates driving east through Nebraska during harvest season? Sheeeeeeeeit. I predict I get pulled over twice.

Scrappy doo, cops absolutely can, will and do search your car for no reason. I've been pulled over and searched a half dozen times in my life, never for any justifiable traffic violation or reason. I was always clean thank god but it's a very regular occurance.

Lane violations when you never even switched lanes... I still don't know what those are but fuck if I haven't been pulled over for it a bunch.

Wishdoctor I have no idea what you're talking about brother but you seem to be under the impression that police need a reason to pull you over. This is not true. It's your word against theres. That is why in many rural counties with no gas station/industry sheriffs put up signs that read "drug dogs ahead" and then they wait for people to get off the next exit which doesn't even have a gas station...odds are if they see you and dont recognize you as local you are running from the dogs...they make up a reason to pull them over and start sniffin.

It's like that famous video on youtube of the lawyer and cop talking all this shit about how you should never talk to the police during a traffic stop. Yeah OK. There is the real world and there is imaginery court room bullshit for upper middle class and wealthy people who have world class lawyers willing to devote 30 hours a week to your case. In the real world a cop asks to search your shit you're fucked, game over, might as well let dude search and try to kiss his ass. If you say no he'll just get the dogs, the dogs are intentionally trained to be terrible (they have like an 80% fail rate, most people don't know this) the dogs go crazy..then probable cause then search then they find ur shit and you're in the same position you were in if you consented...except now you have a cop who fucking hates you and wants to ruin your life vs a guy who might have sympathy.


Haha well to each there own. I'm a clean cut looking white guy. Never been pulled over and searched like that. But then again I've not traveled that route before. Good luck bro.


Well-known member
It's like that famous video on youtube of the lawyer and cop talking all this shit about how you should never talk to the police during a traffic stop. Yeah OK. There is the real world and there is imaginery court room bullshit for upper middle class and wealthy people who have world class lawyers willing to devote 30 hours a week to your case. In the real world a cop asks to search your shit you're fucked, game over, might as well let dude search and try to kiss his ass. If you say no he'll just get the dogs, the dogs are intentionally trained to be terrible (they have like an 80% fail rate, most people don't know this) the dogs go crazy..then probable cause then search then they find ur shit and you're in the same position you were in if you consented...except now you have a cop who fucking hates you and wants to ruin your life vs a guy who might have sympathy.
Sorry - cant get on board with that. Let em get the dogs.. let em go crazy and ultimately search your shit. Don't ever consent to a search. In the end sure it can possibly result in the same charge.. but at least you did not assist in your arrest. There is still a slight chance that the dogs are on another call or something.. there is a slight chance that your lawyer can get it tossed for some reason or another. If you consent you give your lawyer absolutely nothing to work with.. Around here we let em get the dogs and we take the charge. They want to waste my time over a few grams of weed.. I'm gonna waste theirs. Love the look on their faces when all their lengthy searching, etc turns up a misdemeanor charge for a few grams after they thought they were going to find some real weight. I could care less if the cop hates me after the fact...I'm gonna let them get all worked up while I remain calm and civil. They want to harass you, let them.. make them work for their "bust". They do their job.. you do yours as an American and stop forfeiting your liberties.

They can catch me red-handed with a pair of fiskars trimming a crop.. I aint admitting to shit nor saying a word.

Also.. no lawyer is spending 30 hours a week on a possession charges.. you pay em..they do their job... they already have relationships with the prosecutor / judge.. maybe sit down for lunch together...shoot the shit about golf/the new hot secretary... Your charge is otherwise dropped or lessened...

It means nothing to them. The charging officer who got his panties in a bunch has nothing to do with it at this point.

PS- you could always make the trip as an old white guy instead of yourself. lol www.spfxmasks.com


By mine own experiences, the blue gang throws as much shit at the walls as they possibly can and they waits to see what sticks.
Going clean is the way to go.JMHO


If you get pulled over and have weed + grow gear does not mean you intend to grow weed or have conspired to grow weed.

Yes like some have said they will throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks but the D.A. has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt you intend to grow weed or have conspired to grow weed. So if the D.A. has absolutely nothing on you but weed + grow gear, would the D.A. be able to convince a jury that you intend to grow weed or have conspired to grow weed? Would it even go that far most likely not. Are you in a city/state that totally goes after weed growers / smokers?

Hell if that was the case every current legal gun owner would be convicted of intending or conspiracy to commit a mass shooting.

Do not have any pictures of grows or proof of growing, grow books etc... ditching your computer's hard drive is a bit to far. They are not going to dig that deep. Would one seed get you in trouble? Who know but don't have any on you.


New member
rule number one is dont transport drugs period

rule number two if a cop asks you questions you be a god boy and answer him/her. its up to you to figure out whats incriminating or not. dont be stupid and act like you have a pair. cops will take that as an invitation to fuck with you in anyway they can.

rule number three is that anything you say at anytime is incriminating regardless of context or meaning. so youre fucked if ya do if ya dont kind of thing.

rule number four is never consent to a search. why on earth would you forfeit your rights? let them call the ass sniffers to the scene. if they alert then so be it if you followed rule number one then you are good and your hired help can file papers if they damage anything.

rule number five is that cops don't always follow the rules. its really hit or miss in my experiences.

rule number six is you are black so you may be screwed no matter what in some parts of the country. just the facts on the ground is all. ive never been to california or nebraska or anyplace in between so i dont know if your blackness will come into play.

there are more rules maybe i will remember them at some point in the future. but my future is very hazy so who knows:)

ps i have broken the rules at different times in varying combinations so i do speak from experience. fyi prison sucks. its cold. in more ways than one.

have a safe trip. be smart.


If you expect those fuckheads to play fair then you have a real education ahead for yourself. Maybe you can figure out how many joints you need to travel with and vacuum pack them in colored plastic hot sealed and stashed somewhere no one can find them. Have a cigarette pack with a few for the road. do not smoke around other cars or close to or rolling into a town. Wait until you are at least 15 miles out of a town or 30 miles before the next town before you smoke. Throw away roaches every time. A $2 roach is not worth a $10,000 fine and 6 months in jail. Don't overdo getting high. Might even pull over to smoke. If you do, stash your stuff until you're ready to hit the road again. Same at night if you sleep in the car. Get out and stash before you lay down. If you have to throw it out, zero the travel odometer so you can come back later and get it. Make sure the car is serviced and full of gas. Check tire a couple of time before and during the trip. Fill up in big towns. Pay more if you have to but pick places that seem safe. The rules change when you have pot in the car. Every fucking thing matters and everything is serious every time....Don't speed - especially when high. Best to wait until you come down some first. If you don't have an Escort, then don't speed at all! Not sure about the black part but I would figure they might categorize you in with the white trash crowd and they search them all the time!

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