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New HGL Generation-X lights


New member
Has anyone ordered/recieved one of the new Hydrogrowled Generation-X lights? Im particularly interested in the 336x-pro or any of the other 3w pro models. I can only find one prototype model grow but its not marijuana plants. I was wondering if anyone has any first hand experience with these lights and if so any links to threads would be helpful. Im mainly interested in whether these lights produce or not but would also like to know detailed specs.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
you might wanna google "Cammie Mckenzie Scammer" before spending money with that company. :2cents:


New member
I know I've read all about it but I've also already spent money with the company and they haven't done me wrong. I just feel like this is one of the most innovative designs in an LED light and it would be wrong for everyone to dismiss it just cause "LEDgirl" associated herself with the company. Of course i agree they have some shady business tactics but realistically what business doesn't especially in the marijuana industry. Thanks for your consideration though that is some valuable info you should know before investing 2k.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i must have gotten lucky, my hydro grow led has worked perfectly since i got it for half price over a year ago,been on 24/7 for the bulk of that time too...


New member
Im in the same boat I bought my 205w like 2 years ago when they first came out haven't had a problem with it.


New member
So I heard there suppose to be shipping out the lights sometime this week. Any one have any info/sources of this?


I don't know much about optics, but I'm pretty sure that a lens can't increase output at all.
A certain amount of light goes in, the same amount comes out- it can be dispersed or focused, but it can't be amplified.


Active member
I don't know much about optics, but I'm pretty sure that a lens can't increase output at all.
A certain amount of light goes in, the same amount comes out- it can be dispersed or focused, but it can't be amplified.

okay i'm no scientist

but can't it be focused, in that the beam of light is stronger than the light by itself being at a wider beam....i am imagining a magnifying glass and the sun

so wouldn't the optics being focused narrowly cause a more focused beam of light than a wide beam? like wide angle/narrow angle?

more light hitting in a concentrated spot versus light spread out, wouldn't the concentrated/narrowly focused light deliver more photons to any given point on the plant than a wide beam light source?

i don't work for hgl, just questions i'm thinking of...

honestly when i see their new optics though, it looks like a cheap fake of a kessil led array
it would be wrong for everyone to dismiss it just cause "LEDgirl" associated herself with the company.
AFAIK, she is the founder, owner, and ceo of this company.

Of course i agree they have some shady business tactics but realistically what business doesn't especially in the marijuana industry.
She snitched on one of her customers out of spite, and threatened to snitch on others. I don't know of any other businesses in the marijuana industry that would do such a thing.

Edit: And by she, I obviously mean he.


New member
AFAIK, she is the founder, owner, and ceo of this company.

Actually I didn't know this I thought she was just on forums AGGRESSIVELY advertising the product. The fact that she was able to start a company after all the controversy she/he generated on those nissan forums is really amazing but lets not even get into that I wanna know about the product, the character of the ceo of the company is not of much concern to me. Now as for the product I currently own an original penetrator model and overall I am satisfied. I admit I was expecting more yield wise but thats not completely the lights fault I haven't been using good genetics and have been making noob mistakes. I feel with good genetics and dialed in i should be able to pull close to 1g/w with 180w output. With the 336x-PRO putting out 520w that should be an easy 500g and thats not even factoring in the new X-lens technology. I can tell that not as many people are as excited about these lights as I am I just know when I have 2gs in the bank its going towards one of these lights.

She snitched on one of her customers out of spite, and threatened to snitch on others. I don't know of any other businesses in the marijuana industry that would do such a thing.

Ever hear of DNA genetics? js people claim they rat on there connects to get rid of the competition now thats fucked up

avant gardener

It can be focused, but it can't magically make more photons come out than went in.

what, no magic?!?
i only want to use lights that defy the laws of thermodynamics.
how much more do i have to pay to get one of those?

Actually I didn't know this I thought she was just on forums AGGRESSIVELY advertising the product. The fact that she was able to start a company after all the controversy she/he generated on those nissan forums is really amazing but lets not even get into that I wanna know about the product, the character of the ceo of the company is not of much concern to me. Now as for the product I currently own an original penetrator model and overall I am satisfied. I admit I was expecting more yield wise but thats not completely the lights fault I haven't been using good genetics and have been making noob mistakes. I feel with good genetics and dialed in i should be able to pull close to 1g/w with 180w output. With the 336x-PRO putting out 520w that should be an easy 500g and thats not even factoring in the new X-lens technology. I can tell that not as many people are as excited about these lights as I am I just know when I have 2gs in the bank its going towards one of these lights.

whoa dude. it's pretty well documented that this bitch has played motherfuckers like fiddles— first for car parts, and then for lights. AND she might be a filthy ass snitch. in spite of this, you say you are NOT CONCERNED ABOUT HER CHARACTER?!?! that this stuff is ALRIGHT to do because of the nature of our trade?!?!?!

my friend, you have clearly bumped your head. i'm hoping that the real issue here is that you are just so damn naive that these things wouldn't bother you. maybe once you've been fleeced a couple times you'll wake up. i invite you to pull your head out of your ass.

the only other possibility i can imagine is that you just signed up here because you are a shill for this scam. if that's the case, i can't even mention the things that i hope happen to you.

if i've missed something here, please accept my humblest apologies.

Pig Pen

I have used HGL and they work - "after a fashion". The same money spent for a reputable lamp brings much better results. His/her character aside, the snake-oil marketing by her "company" perpetuates the myth that LED's are poor performers because they don't output the marketed photon flux as compared to HPS/MH technologies. If she used decent Bin'd LED's she wouldn't have to use lenses. But instead the company produces lamps that are cheaply produced in China, with little or no component QA, and thus lower output. Sad that the line is priced at the same level as higher quality lamps. The markup per unit must be quite profitable.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
The products do work, but his/her character and reputation is every reason NOT to do business :2cents:

Pig Pen

The products do work, but his/her character and reputation is every reason NOT to do business

I have tested HGL lamps head to head with three other lamps and her's consistently produced less flowering and bud produced. I would rate HGL under Procyon, TI ProBloom and Lumigro rated from low to highest results.

All this even before we go to the very troubling reputation of his/her character in past enterprises.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
people can make their own decisions about who they do business with - but im not aware of anyone paying for a light from HGL and not recieving it. the snitching thing is true - except that the person she snitched on had actually put her out of pocket by a few thousand dollars.- not that this necessarily justifies it

one thing i will say with confidence is that the company has and does strive to make good lights and improve them, and i have had great results with their lights.


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