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Inside 'bodia grow


Awesome Captain Bonez! :jump: You can't go wrong with a 150. It's a very versatile bulb that will teach you a lot. It's hard to tell in the pix, but you can get it pretty close to the plant with out doing any damage. 3-4" is nice. 10" is too far away.
cheers for the praise and advice guys, i just took some more shitty pics of my ghetto grow, shes growing nicely.

took the glass cover off the light like mota advised me too and lowered the lights to about 4' or so from the canopy, i put my hand above the top leaves and it doesnt feel particularly hot + i have the fan on it 24/7.

shes bushed out real nice now after her first week, i wish i had a decent camera to take some real pics but shes still a bunch of leaves at the moment anyway so not too much to report.

she seems healthy, giving her about 2 liters of water nearly everyday and have the timer turn the light on from 8pm until 8am as again, mr.mota and his endless knowledge suggested the cooler parts of the day (although to be fair the sun doesnt hit the room directly at all so it never gets raging hot in there, just a bit stuffy.

at night i'll have the door open to get new air in there and then close her up for the night just before ive blazed my bong and crawled into bed.

peace and chicken grease!




also quick question, is it worth cutting/trimming the larger older leaves to let the new leaves coming through get some direct light or just let the bigger leaves fall off in their own time?

Thanks, Bonez.


I clear growth out of the way of bud spots and thin stuff out a bit in veg to keep an even canopy and get her used to it. You can get the fan quite close as well get her quivering! Good luck mate!
quick trim of some big ol'leaves that were blocking out potential light from the smaller buds, shes looking good and starting to come through nice, hopefully get some real pics up soon



Gooolish Captain! LOL Keep in mind that you don't have to trim the entire leaf if it isn't nessesary. Leaves feed the plant. If you can't tuck a leaf under, you can just cut the parts that are shading other bud sites.
Keep it green. :ying:

sorry i havent updated in forever, i really dont have any decent camera of any kind still, but lucky for you i got all drunk and bored last night and dragged my laptop downstairs and tried to get some pics, not the best quality but you should be able to get a rough idea











and for no reason at all, a picture of this wicked awesome sativa ive been tronning on

the reason one of the branches is leaning over was because it was getting a bit rogue and i had to tie it down, it just wouldnt stop fucking growing and i didnt want a beanstalk plant.

hopefully this thing will finish flowering soon so i can get some more plants under the light, at the moment i have some guerillas gusto, lemon haze and some 'no name' weed growing in little pots, 2 of the seedlings died the other day though, was a sad day.

any tips on how to make seedlings healthy will be greatly appreciated, have a good one people, time for the first bong of the day, see ya!!!


Great thread, it really shows how anyone with a light and the right attitude can grow successfully no matter where you are!

Seeing this makes me realize i need to start employing LST. I'm always too scared to bend my plants.
Great thread, it really shows how anyone with a light and the right attitude can grow successfully no matter where you are!

cheers buddy, i cant believe its actually taken me this long to do a 'proper' grow with all the whistles and bells.
to be fair mota has helped me out so much, he baby stepped me through it and set me up pretty good and even came out the store with me when he was sick as a dog just so i ended up buying the right thing, big thumbs up.

I also finally bought one of those heat extractor fans that you find in bathrooms or whatever for $20, it instantly made the world of difference taking the temperature right down.

Seeing thi makes me realize i need to start employing LST. I'm always too scared to bend my plants.

you've probably got way more experience than me in growing herb, but ive found through this grow so far that you can manipulate plants a lot, they can take a beating and adapt to the change without a problem.

it's worth a go, but next time i'll just grow normally as i cant be bothered with keeping it all tied down and adjusting it a bunch, although i will do it again sometime now that i have a better inkling on what im doing.


any tips on how to make seedlings healthy will be greatly appreciated

Great pix Captain Bonez! I start my seedlings in just about any soil I have around as long as it's to too hot (too high in nitrogen). I keep them warm (75-80*F), moist and under 24/7 clf's untill I get @ least 1 full set of 3 fingered leaves. Then I back the lights down to 18/6 and only water them (with pH balanced water) when the cups get very light/dry. I don't feed them anything for the first 2 weeks, then start w/1/4 strength nutes and work up to full strength.
Hope that helps. :ying:
I start my seedlings in just about any soil I have around as long as it's to too hot (too high in nitrogen). I keep them warm (75-80*F), moist and under 24/7 clf's untill I get @ least 1 full set of 3 fingered leaves. Then I back the lights down to 18/6 and only water them (with pH balanced water) when the cups get very light/dry. I don't feed them anything for the first 2 weeks, then start w/1/4 strength nutes and work up to full strength.
Hope that helps. :ying:

That does help, thanks very much.
as soon as this grow is chopped i'll be putting seeds straight under, cant really do too much on the nutes side though as i dont really have access to much, just that seaweed ive been mixing in and some guano, i should be headed back to England for Christmas and New York for New years maybe, so ill try and stock up on some decent shit to give my plants, even if its just some miracle gro
check out my spectacular pics! (about 7 weeks in now roughly)

might be a slow grow due to the fact i dont bother with the PH or anything, hopefully that will change soon.





Bro you are rockin this.
I am hugover as fuck,but those picture are the perfect cure.
What you do for your first grow with very limited supplies, and a Haze hybrid, man you on the right track for sure.
always nice to see one of my crosses grown, but this just simply rocks.

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