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Loss of dreams from cannabis?


What are you smoking, different kinds of herb? More info please ;)

smoking like 3 or 4 kinds yeah.. :O mostly casey jones

i've always been a dreamer tho i seem to have intense dream a few times a week that seems like an alternate reality, i have frequently had odd dreams that i spend the entire time trying to "figure something out", almost like a puzzle.. very exhausting.. very repetitive.. wake up feeling like i just got off work after all of the thinking.


If you want your dreams to return can start dosing up on a herb called Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) start mixing it with ya pot, drink as a tea or even put a pile under your pillow gives you crazy lucid dreaming or bring your dreams back if dont remember.
Another really cool thing in your dreams try look at your hands seems to give you a sense of self and seems to give you more concious control.

Sour Deez

So I was indulging pretty heavy for a few days straight, prob like 3x my normal since my buddy was around and we were celebrating or whatever. Then yesterday I had a busy day so i didnt get to burn at all. I was beat, so I just went to sleep.

I never want to have dreams like that again. In my dream I woke up to my dog having a seizure on my bed or something, he was just violently shaking and I couldn't get him to stop. I even remember thinking to myself is it a dream? but then remembered I woke up to him shaking. Then all the sudden I actually woke up, sweating crazy, jumped out of bed so fast to wake him up I think I almost gave the poor dog a heart attack.

I stated earlier in this post I never dream or remember my dreams.


Active member
When I quit weed, I have paranoia-inducing dreams where I am caught smoking, all the time.

It goes to show you, everyone else in my life doesn't believe in it. I am so scared in my dreams it's funny, but now in my waking life I know how they want me to feel.

I think through dreams, you get a view of who really is what and when.

A simple thing to say is that a person ignores things, can't figure it out....and when they dream they perform the function they are programmed to make. Therefore if you are beaten everyday and you ignore it (find another bodily-sense and organs within your own) then you will have dreams about it.

You can totally ignore things in real life and dreams will make it come out. Bigger things like my cannabis activism have come into play where I have learned how to outmanuever in my dreams because there is not a limit.

Ok, fly in a dream! Try it, it's either hard or easy or inbetween. See, everytime I am dreaming, I can fly. Flight, even in my dream is hard for my little conscious to handle.

What little things besides flight can our mind limit us on? The same dreams where you could rule the earth, but you WERE LIMITED by your mind.

A dream where you couldve turned it into something great but screwed it up. YOUR OWN MIND.

See, in dreams you really do fail because you have creative control. The less control in a dream, the less control in real life. If someone really does have a lot of control, if they lose the control...they are way less sane.

What I am trying to say that even in a dream we are limited but also infinite and it tells me how small my mind really is compared to ultimate really.

As humans we're biased. An animal makes more "sense" than us. So I believe in dreams sweeping consclusions can be made about the real state of man by relieving him of his physical reality and showing him.....it....


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Actually I just watched a show about dreams cannabis didn't come up lol .Anyways they said that no one remembers thier dreams unless they are woken up during them and asked in REM sleep what do you remember ?? Anyways the whole thing was a very interesting show about how we dream our life and organize our thoughts everyday. peace out Headband707

The reason you might be remembering your dreams more when your not smoking is your not sleeping as deep when your not knocked out from the cannabis lol


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I haven't had a dream that I remember in like 10 years. I did not think it was related to weed until I saw this thread. I just thought that I had stopped remembering the dreams for some reason.

Nice thread! I am glad I know now, much appreciated.

guest 77721

I've noticed that most of my dreams are weed themed for the first few days of a break. Like trying to find a place to sneak a joint at work or smoking somewhere unexpected. I also have plants growing all over the place being found out by friends and family.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I haven't had a dream that I remember in like 10 years. I did not think it was related to weed until I saw this thread. I just thought that I had stopped remembering the dreams for some reason.

Nice thread! I am glad I know now, much appreciated.

and it's still not related to cannabis lol peace out headband 707:dance013:

nah I take that back it is related to cannabis lol just not in the way you might be thinking more in a sedative way...
If you look at the mechanics of the body your not remembering the dream because your not getting woken up during REM. If you look at the cannabis smoke your getting knocked completely out lol peace out Headband707
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High Grade Specialist
i dream almost every night but i can usually remember only small fractions of my dreams. like hazy pictures of what happened. (daily smoker btw).

when i stop smoking it gets more intense and i can remember more of my dreams. they tend to get really fucked up for a while too.


Sounds to me like you suffer from short term memory loss. You can over complicate things if you want. But a dream is still a memory. Stop smoking and the short term memory loss goes away. I forget things while im awake, because of ganja. Why wouldnt it be the same for somebody sleeping...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
i dream almost every night but i can usually remember only small fractions of my dreams. like hazy pictures of what happened. (daily smoker btw).

when i stop smoking it gets more intense and i can remember more of my dreams. they tend to get really fucked up for a while too.
Most ppl only remember fractions of their dreams :)


Active member
@ all,

So, instead of going cold-turkey and not smoking for two weeks (which I will start today), I decided to try and get a deeper sleep than what I (may) get normally (during long periods of daily, heavy, cannabis intake). I took 76 mg diphenhydramine (OTC sleep med) last night before bed, and I had dreams (that I could recall)!!!

And boy oh boy, did those girls get fuc*ed hard last night in my dreams!!! (yes, my first dream I can recall in ages, was about hot ass 20-something chix! Sweet! :) )


Active member
Something else that might be worth a try: visualization.

When I train people that are not natural lucid dreams, to lucid dream, I use the same method that has been used for used by Wise people for ages. That method entails laying in bed, and repeating with conviction three times: "I will recall my dreams".

Once a person can fully and easily recall dreams, which can take weeks of repeating that mantra, the person should start repeating the following, with conviction, three times while laying in bed: "I will see my hand in my dreams tonight".

After some time (day/weeks) the dreamer will see his/her hand in the dream. At that point the dreamer is starting to lucid dream, i.e., control reactions in dreams, and control dreams themselves (depending upon power of lucid dreamer).

Once the dreamer sees their hand in the dream, the mantra changes to: "I will see my arm in my dreams tonight". And once the arm is seen, the dreamer can move onto a mantra of: "I will see my body in my dreams tonight". Once the dreamer sees their whole body the mantra can become: "I will control myself in my dreams tonight".

Once a dreamer has placed their body in their dreams, and has control over their body in their dreams (i.e., once they realize they are dreaming), they are officially lucid dreaming and can start to take advantage of the very powerful dream state.

The movie "Inception" isn't far off from how real life lucid dreaming works, one must train themselves to lucid dream, if they cannot do so naturally. I think the writers of Inception used what I am writing about (re lucid dreaming) as the basis for the movie.


Active member
I read a good article that explained all the science behind this a few years , back . Can't find it now of course. I wanna say they mentioned calamus with your herb to counter the lack of dreams??? I wanna say it was in HT or CC....

Here's a one


Wow! ...

"To address this question, Feinberg, et al. (1975) compared the sleep patterns of experienced marijuana users on tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a placebo. Feinberg, et al. (1975) reported reduced eye movement activity and less REM sleep in the THC condition. They also reported a REM rebound effect, that is more REM activity, on withdrawal from THC. So,there exists some scientific evidence that marijuana interfers with REM sleep."​


Didnt read the entire thread but as others mentioned i believe...

You always dream....several times a night during your 90min REM cycles..just might not always remember them.

If you'd like to try to improve dream recall you need to keep a notepad by your bed and jot down anything in your head immediately upon waking.. whatever thoughts you have or anything you can remember just prior to waking up.

- -

Try drinking some tea called Tension Tamer from Celestial Seasonings.. ..heard about it on some lucid dreaming forums and gave it a try.. perhaps its a placebo but I swear I started to get more vivid dreams after drinking a cup before bed.

Contains the following: Perhaps its the catnip :bigeye:
Eleuthero, peppermint, cinnamon, ginger, chamomile, West Indian lemongrass, licorice, catnip, tilia flowers, natural lemon flavor with other natural flavors (contains soy lecithin), hops and Vitamins B6 and B12.

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