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Honey QWISO Forum (lets show them why qwiso is the best)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The final product was really black/dark red. Im assuming this is because I didnt filter it quickly first, so the alcohol sat in the keif for to long while draining.

But it bubbles like a mofo, oil does bubble right? It was a nice well bodied high, went to my eyes right away then came a nice relaxed pain free body high. Super smooth, but the taste im not to sure about, its not a sweet taste at all, but its not disgusting, its just blah. Best way I can put it. Ill try it again after work, maybe it was cause i just woke up, who knows. Filtering twice seems to be the key to get that amber color.

ISO produces a redder oil than Ethanol.

Was this made from kif or from plant material?

Define bubbles. Oil will bubble similar to full melt hash and if there is no sweet taste, that probably is what it is.

I find alcohol extractions of fresh frozen material bland, but it makes some of the tastiests out of cured material.

Could you elaborate on your process?

Sour Deez

ISO produces a redder oil than Ethanol.

Was this made from kif or from plant material?

Define bubbles. Oil will bubble similar to full melt hash and if there is no sweet taste, that probably is what it is.

I find alcohol extractions of fresh frozen material bland, but it makes some of the tastiests out of cured material.

Could you elaborate on your process?

I basicly did a grinder wash, ive had it for awhile, def over a year. And i also had like .5 of straight keif i used.

I put some alcohol in zip lock. Put the screen part of grinder in there, shook, then did the bottom tray part, then dumped keif in. Cut end of other side of ziplock, poured everything in coffee filter, which took a little bit to drain. There was a bunch of keif looking stuff left in filter. Triple layered a cheesecloth over it and put it under my deck for 2 days.

And yes it bubbled similar to bubble hash.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I basicly did a grinder wash, ive had it for awhile, def over a year. And i also had like .5 of straight keif i used.

I put some alcohol in zip lock. Put the screen part of grinder in there, shook, then did the bottom tray part, then dumped keif in. Cut end of other side of ziplock, poured everything in coffee filter, which took a little bit to drain. There was a bunch of keif looking stuff left in filter. Triple layered a cheesecloth over it and put it under my deck for 2 days.

And yes it bubbled similar to bubble hash.


Oil made from kif will be have less flavor than that made out of plant material, where most of the flavoids and turpeens are.

Should be pretty potent however!

Sour Deez

Sweet, good to know I didn't mess it up.:dance013:

I didn't really look cause i was in a rush but i don't think there was any ash in the bowl after i hit it. I guess that would mean full melt eh.
Grey Wolf, It is QWISO. Here is another picture



A real fine thread fellas.. I am left with a few questions, if y'all don't mind..

Can I go str8 to oven after trim and kill the drying step and carbox step all @ once? Or would I be better served to allow trim to dry @ room temp?

I have some older watercured buds in my stash.. If I use them for qwiso, is the extraction time relatively the same? Or would a bit longer be fine (assuming whatever is bad that I don't want has already been washed away?..)

Also.. Y'all are some seriously sharp peeps. I have wondered for some time how to properly make honey dipped bud. When I try to research, it seems that 98% of folks don't have a clue, and the other 2% ain't talking... Since you fellas have done this so much, is there any point in the process that might hint at this possibility? For all I know, qwiso is the right way, or not??

Thanks guys, and keep the pics comin'! ;) I pulled a whole tray of sugar trim from the freezer I was saving for bubble.. Yeah, after reading this thread today, think I will be putting a couple pounds worth into this sweet oil..

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
A real fine thread fellas.. I am left with a few questions, if y'all don't mind..

Can I go str8 to oven after trim and kill the drying step and carbox step all @ once? Or would I be better served to allow trim to dry @ room temp?

I have some older watercured buds in my stash.. If I use them for qwiso, is the extraction time relatively the same? Or would a bit longer be fine (assuming whatever is bad that I don't want has already been washed away?..)

Also.. Y'all are some seriously sharp peeps. I have wondered for some time how to properly make honey dipped bud. When I try to research, it seems that 98% of folks don't have a clue, and the other 2% ain't talking... Since you fellas have done this so much, is there any point in the process that might hint at this possibility? For all I know, qwiso is the right way, or not??

Thanks guys, and keep the pics comin'! ;) I pulled a whole tray of sugar trim from the freezer I was saving for bubble.. Yeah, after reading this thread today, think I will be putting a couple pounds worth into this sweet oil..

Better to freeze it and extract fresh frozen, or slow cure it for a cured extract.

Going straight in the oven green overcooks the outside, while leaving the insides still wet. By the time the inside is dry, the outside is powdery and leaves a lot of fines in the extraction.


New member
This is how I like my finished Qwiso to look. Bell clear with a slightly amber tint. This is from mostly dried, frozen G13 small buds.

Sorry, hope you can see the pic now!


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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
This is how I like my finished Qwiso to look. Bell clear with a slightly amber tint. This is from mostly dried, frozen G13 small buds.

Ummmmm, certainly clear looking! Can anyone else see a picture?
are normal 5 gallon buckets (black or white) okay to use with ethanol extraction, or will they react? also, instead of a coffee filter, what about the nylon filter that comes with bubble bags?


Overkill is under-rated.
I use plastic buckets and never had a problem. The nylon bags would probably melt, but even if they didn't its not a fine enough mesh unless it's at least 5 micron. Most bags only go down to about 23mu so that's not good, too much crap in the final product. I use several layers of paper towels, and don't wring them out! The stuff that's caught in them needs to stay caught in them.
If you evap your wash in a teflon coated skillet, would you then be able to break off the hardened pieces with a plastic utensil? I've scraped goo out of a pyrex dish before and it sucks.

There are chemicals in bud other than THC which have an effect on us. If I do two washes, one quick and one thorough, at the end will there be anything left in the bud that would be going to waste? I don't know the chemical names, but those other cannabinoids ya know?

I'll be using methyl hydrate 99.9% pure.


Pre '98 Bubba Kush


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Hmm good question, big batch tek:

Put whole, unground trim in freezer for at least 1 hr.
Put 3-4 gallons of SLX denatured alcohol in freezer for at least 3 hours.
Take one clean rubbermaid tub, wipe it out with alcohol.
Get several large pyrex baking dishes, wipe out with alcohol.
Line a large strainer or colander with several layers of paper towels.
Put frozen trim in bottom of tub
Pour frozen alcohol over it to cover (mixture must be loose and somewhat floating, if it stays in a gob of trim you need more alcohol)
Stir the mix with a big metal spatula or spoon for the desired time (with frozen alcohol you have more time, it takes a couple minutes to pour in 4g of alcohol anyway.) I like letting it sit for 2-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Set your strainer into the first pan, and start to pour the mix into the filter.
When pan is about 2/3 full, move strainer to second pan and continue. Repeat until tub is empty.
Over an EMPTY pan, wring out the filter and discard the whole lot. Some pieces of trim probably fell into the mix. Make a new filter, line the screen again, and pour the last pan back through to catch any debris.
Put all pans carefully into a COLD ELECTRIC OVEN. A hot oven = fire. A gas oven = explosion. Or just cover the pans with some window screens to keep bugs and dirt out while they evap at room temp.
If using the oven, set at 200*F until the alcohol is gone and the mix stops bubbling, usually takes about 12-24 hours to evap 3-4 pans.
Then set oven at 274*F for 7 minutes to finish the decarboxylization process.
Reduce heat to 120*F to keep pans warm.
Pull out one pan at a time and scrape it up, using two razor blades to dump it onto waxed paper. When you have all but the corners done set it aside and do the other pans.
When you're done with the last pan, grab a small bottle of ISO and pour a half cup into the first pan, washing down the sides and corners. Wash your sticky fingers and razor blades too.
When the first pan is all done, dump that mix into the next pan, add more alcohol if needed, and repeat until all pans are clean. Leave the solution in the last pan and return to the oven at 200*F.
When that pan is dry scrape up the last of your oil, and you're done!

Once the oil is on waxed paper, try to wad it up a bit so its in one spot, then stick it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Grab a new piece of waxed paper and transfer the frozen gob to the new sheet (waxed paper only lasts for 1-2 handlings, I just grab a new sheet every time I TOUCH this stuff.)

Keep it in the freezer and chip off a small piece when you need it.

If it all goes sideways, goes everywhere, or gets contaminated, just soak the whole mess in fresh alcohol, filter it once its all dissolved, and re-evaporate the alcohol.

Try fixing ANY other kind of hash or oil, you can't! This stuff is very conducive to fixing mistakes, and boy is it potent! :)

Wow, awesome guide. Just two questions.

Are you worried about possible contaminates leaching out of the rubbermaid bin?

Isn't 2-4 minutes way too long for QWISO? How come such a large difference for a smaller batch with only 20-30 seconds.

The Boys

If most of 70%alc mix evaped off would watery remainder contain much thc ?

If most of 70%alc mix evaped off would watery remainder contain much thc ?

If I ran 70%alc mix, let most of the alcohol evaporate off untill im left with a watery mix without much alcohol. would that remaining mix contain much thc ?

Iv already done this and let the watery mixture dry, i was left with sticky crap that isnt as hard as the rest of the oil fromt he same plate. Do you think it contains mostly plant wax ? it melts... and bubbles...