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Guerilla Grow Group Thread 2011


Sup everyone...

This is a group thread. I invite all guerilla growers to share their adventures and pics. Please post your strain and latitude.

I'll kick this off!

35N Latitude

Here is the patch we named "Glory Hole" because we chopped a hole out of the middle of a forest of saplings.

4 female seeds white widow... vegged indoors under 15/9... put outside last week.

They have grown quite a bit in a week, seems like they didnt suffer from transplant shock at all :)

As the season goes on, we'll put out more patches...

This thread is for everyone! Share the adventures!







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Hi, about how old are those plants/how long did they veg for?

Looking good and that's some beautiful forest around you.

I got a Mazar right now along with some bagseeds I'm popping, I'll update when things kick off. I'm also at your latitude just about.



They were vegged about 3 or 4 weeks. Once they were established, and growing really fast I put them outside.

They were about 6-8 inches. Now they are about a 12-14 inches.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
They were vegged about 3 or 4 weeks. Once they were established, and growing really fast I put them outside.

They were about 6-8 inches. Now they are about a 12-14 inches.

I like my transplants to be between 6" -12". This year I'm inside using a cab with two 45 watt and one 68 watt cfls. The seedlings get stout when grown close to the lights.

Here's a pair that just went out on Easter Sunday at 42N:

I took a look at my crowded cabinet and decided the time had come to thin the herd. I then grabbed my guerrilla pack - which has room for my hand shovel, knife, deer net, and 2 plants grown in two litter bottles. Each plant is then placed into one of those refrigerator size 12 pack cartons. Its a perfect fit to prevent damage in transport while in my backpack:

Then I hopped on my old roadbike and went for a Sunday drive.

Here's the first hole I dug for 2011:

Arne's Hashplant got the honor of my first planting. Beside her I placed an Easy Sativa.


When I finished planting I made sure to go over my site closely, leaving everything looking as natural as possible. Its a key security measure that I aways follow: leave the site like I found it with no trash, no hacked trees, no big muddy tracks.

Two here, two there. Before long it might amount to something.



GuerrillaG checkin in.:dance013:

those green spring photos are making me so JEALOUS!!!

There's still snow in spots where I'm at :frown:

53° here.

This season I will be running Sweet 105 AF. I have about 200 beans of that and 20 of an AK47 x Sweet cross I made. I'll start the beans in a couple days and put them outside in a couple weeks.

Can't wait to get started! I'll post up some pics when it gets goin.

Good luck to everyone this season!

:-( is that your guard bull? haha


Active member
Just got back from chain-sawing in a new hillside shelf set-up. It will have green metal fencing on the lower section and green poultry fencing in the middle and topped with bird netting. Critter Ridder, Pred Piss and Repel to additionally keep away well .. critters. I have a solar electric fence if needed. I am using a 2.5 foot wide x 8 feet long shelf to hold 14 ~ 15 gallon regular pots. Combination mix of my own with added azolmite, polymer, eggshells, lacto bacillus, myc. fungi, perlite and assorted nutrients. I am doing multiple sites on a new southwest facing hillside which recieves aprox. 8+ hours of daylite now which will of course increase as the summer comes round.
I want to use a shade to block Sun in the morning hours( stay around 12 total) till direct Sun round 10ish, this is the tricky part, I want/need to automate the shade! Maybe a car seat motor with a car batteryto open and close and solar panel to re-charge when necessary. The thing is I don't know of a timer for 12v any ideas? I plan to harvest every 60-75 days instead of a summer long deal. Even though I am going to do that too this seems more logical as water use, rippers/LEOs etc won't be an issue. If plants are under 24 or 20/4 then put out should go into bloom initially but will want to re-veg over time thats where the shade comes in just before or maybe full length. Any thoughts? And BTW guerilla is always a challenge worth its weight in gold. Peace Bad...

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
GuerrillaG checkin in.:dance013:

those green spring photos are making me so JEALOUS!!!

There's still snow in spots where I'm at :frown:

53° here.

This season I will be running Sweet 105 AF. I have about 200 beans of that and 20 of an AK47 x Sweet cross I made. I'll start the beans in a couple days and put them outside in a couple weeks.

Can't wait to get started! I'll post up some pics when it gets goin.

Good luck to everyone this season!

:-( is that your guard bull? haha

That auto sounds interesting. How did they do for you before?


Active member
RBDF checking in.

gonna do about 200 this year. between probably 5-7 spots.

gearing up w the duckfoot clones. great for stealth, looks nothing like your usual indica.

also growing a local clone only, RedBud, in the more remote spots.

im around 44 deg here. everything must be cut down by oct. 1st.

long live the guerrilla OD thread.


Nice thread :yes: gonna do my own guerilla run too. but it's still snow spots here and there so i'll be back with the pics much later. 64N here :D


I like this thread!

I've been digging holes like mad the last few weekends since the snow melted, I now have 125 holes between 12 to 20 gallons in size dug in a south facing hillside, my drip irrigation line is still in place from last season and I've been taking clones from my mother plants every couple of days - just waiting for them to root before I plant them in HIKO trays to carry into the bush.

The digging is done, but I still need to carry in a few bales of peat moss and some bags of perlite to amend the soil...my back is not looking forward to it, but no pain no gain! I certainly feel older and a little more crusty than when I started doing this stuff around 5 years ago, though.

The plan is to double plant each hole with well established clones in the first week of june and train them outwards away from each other using bamboo stakes as the season progresses. Last year I only planted one clone per hole, and while I still had half pound plants, the spacing between holes is wide enough that I could easily accomodate two plants LST'd away from each other before I start getting too crowded.

I'll also be planting around 20 mother plants, which are all between 3 and 4 feet tall, been vegging them since early febuary..I've been cutting the lights back little by little, hoping to place them out and have my artificial lighting match the lighting in the great outdoors so I won't get any flowering. Hoping for some tree's out of these ones!

I'm setting my sights on something I know I can achieve, 1/2lb per hole, but given the preperation I've been doing this year, the fact that my irrigation is dialled better than ever and I'm double planting each hole I'm hoping I can easily blow those goals out of the water...wish me luck!


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
my holes are 20+ gallons each, dug along treelines do avoid exposure to choppers...

plants are started inside and are vegged in beer cups, then 1 gal, then topped.... then put outside no sooner than may 21st (otherwise they get confused) and they are freshly topped plants that barely stick out of the 1 gal grow bags. this allows me to fit between 8-12 in practical sized cardboard box that will fit inside a vehicle...

i haul in promix and like to mix it about 50/50 with the native soil.

at xplant, fox farms american pride dry time release ferts are used in each hole...

this is a GREAT organic fert. just works awesome!

alright, well thats all for now...


NIce thread. As a recently retired Guerlla (gone legal)-. It just does me proud to see these fine traditions carrying on. And we do carry don't we fellas?
I did most of my work at night,Only got turned aroun once bad. The night I had on the BIG pack of course.Plus a full 4ft tote of 1 gal babies. Some one had cut in a new trail right at an intersection and all of a sudden it just stopped. Couldn't put shit down.never would hav found it. Had no clue wher I had missed my trail. Just wandered till I found a trail I knew. Got to my spot,dropped my shit n crawled home.
Next day did a long sneak in to see WTF!! Got straightend out laughed at myself. When I got to my patch I had a little company sleepin in the nice soft piece of ground in a nice sunbeam.. A little ole black bear
Stay sneaky my brothers


damn BG and I thought I was in a shitty location for outdoor! :tongue:

Do you grow directly into permafrost??? :biggrin: haha

Clunk, that's a great idea by planting 2 and just training them away from each other. I never even considered it because I don't see the plants very often, but like you said with the stakes would work great. thanks for the idea K+

why use bamboo tho? there's MILLIONS of stakes growing EVERYWHERE lol one less thing to cart in.

Claude, I haven't had a successful run of these yet. minus the batch I made for seed in my tent. That smoke was decent given it was fully seeded. kind of a hashy taste

I had a nice batch of 40 Sweet's ready to go out last season. till I put the tray out on the deck for a day of natural sun before planting. my dog DESTROYED the whole tray. dirt and little plants spread all over the yard. I cried. :cry:

This year will be my best year yet, and I hope the same for all my other guerrilla brothers!

Also, for any other northern outdoor growers I would recommend starting with autoflower strains. I've had too many unsuccessful seasons using all the typical early strains I could think of. stick with AF.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
hey sadsmiley

I envy you guys for being able to plant and dig. Thank god my holes are already prepared, because today marks the 16th day in a row of heavy rain. Every creek and river is over its banks and every hole i have has standing water in it. As i type, i have a tornado warning and hail so thick on the ground it looks like snow. Our previous April rainfall record was 9.4" set in 1844. As of yesterday, we were at 15. 2" and they are forcasting as much as 5" today.

Hows that for climate change? The real tragedy is that in mid july, the temps will hit 95 degrees where they will remain until the end of sept and not a single drop of rainfall for the 3 month period. I grew for years and never had to water once. Now we seem to swing between extreme heat and drought and biblical floods!. Throw in a little blight and powdery mildew and my little harvest has become one tough fuckin grow..


damn BG and I thought I was in a shitty location for outdoor! :tongue:

Do you grow directly into permafrost??? :biggrin: haha

Also, for any other northern outdoor growers I would recommend starting with autoflower strains. I've had too many unsuccessful seasons using all the typical early strains I could think of. stick with AF.

Heh, sometimes it sure feels like planting directly into the permafrost :D

But succesful guerilla grow can be done even this far north. There's only few "rules" to follow to get it right.
Choosing strains that are bred for this harsh and cold climate is the key, there's bunch of interesting local strains and some Danish outdoor genetics are excellent and ofcourse autoflowering strains are good too.
Autos are not only choice for northern growers. There's lot's of early strains that are fast enough. Thyphoon, Danish Passion, Royal Dane for example....
Growing season is very limited (june - september) so plants MUST be started indoors early enough.
In early spring, night frost can ruin everything so moving plants to outdoors should not be hurried. Im not going to move my babies to outdoor before 1st of june.

You really should check this out if you are intrested to know more about northern guerilla growing https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=155313
it's our last years outdoor thread. Mostly in finnish but there's lots of photos. Let them do the talking :)

Can't wait to get my guerilla going, it's warm and sunny now. Almost feels like summer already! My young seedlings are enjoying in the balcony right now :)


What's up everyone? Thanks for joining in with your adventures.

Here's a funny story...
I have to cross a few cow pastures to get to the glory hole patch. Now I don't have much experience dealing with cattle, and neither does my dog, but she's an australian shepherd, the breed was bred for herding livestock. She's a good guard dog who keeps a look out while I tend the plants.

Well, this last trip across the pasture as I crested a hill, there are 2 huge bulls and the whole herd of cows with their babies. My dog was calm, but wary. The mother cows and 2 bulls stopped grazing, lowered their heads, stiffened their shoulders, they appeared very aggressive (protecting their young I imagine). As I tried to make a very wide circle around them with my little dog, 4 of them started to charge. My dog went in after them, flanking the herd, and forcing them to retreat. I was pretty scared, and a little worried about my dog, but she came out a champ, a priceless grow buddy and loyal defender.

Here's a picture moments after the encounter, she seems quite pleased with herself.

Stay safe guerilla brothers!


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haha that's awesome! its amazing how her natural instincts can kick in just like that.

My dog would have been up the tree before I was! LOL