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1st grow. 2x Onyx 1 snowryder


gotta be done coz she gets jealous if she sees me heading to feed them before her and if i didnt do the cooking we'd starve in here! She's more demanding than the plants.

So thats all my girls fed n watered again. She got venison burger and they got bat guano n worm casting tea 6 days ago, water with Plant Magic's Silicon 4 days ago, then tonight the ones in bloom got full strength Plant Magic Bloom and the wee ones in the background got a doze of grow.

Onyx # Day 48. 17" tall





side branching


Onyx # 2. (day 48


Onyx #3 (day 39) and Onyx #4(day 30)

rocket high

Active member
love the ginger bottle ... good ol IRN BRU ... :)

looking good riz the onyx are real hairy little buggers huh ...

good luck wae the rest ;)


Marijuana Enthusiast
Beautiful onyx mate!:tiphat: Mine topped out somewhere around 20 inches...Be on the lookout for a lemon/diesel/pinesol smelling pheno, has a HUGE main cola compared to others, also has foxtailing type buds, for me this was the heavy yielding pheno, i ended up yielding around 35 grams from my onyx in 65day in soil!

Keep up the good work sir!:whee:


thanks for the nice comments guys :)

ye cannae get bru in glass bottles down here gotta bring them back with me when i visit home. i seriously miss barrs cola from the glass, pepsi n coke are poor imitations.

20/4 what do ye mean with foxtailing buds? sounds intersting. the main cola's are about 4 inches above the rest of the canopy and fattening up nicely imho but i don't think its going to be a monster. I have crippled them due to pot size.The smell atm is very aniseed like, or fennel. it changes everytime i go in for a rub n sniff lol

Has anyone any experience with trimming auto's. I haven't been, just removing dead/dying/badly damaged leaves but from normal grows lots of people trim up, remove lower branches n bigger fan leaves etc. My thinking is that i don't wanna stress them in any way at all, since its automatic anything you do to stress it will just take away from bud production. is it advisable to trim off the larger fan leaves doing the shading of lower parts or leave them be on autos? would the onyx produce more of a top cola if i trimmed lower branches off before it had started flowering? I've other onyx in there and might experiment a bit but if someone knows better please tell.

Little miss snowryder has really nice crystal coverage and is going to be chopped any day now, not ready but i don't wanna use dial-a-bud again at a tenner a gram. so snowryders already lost a couple of branches, even at flash dried and no cure they got me so wasted i was walking round in circles trying to remember what i was doing for about an hour afterward 1 joint. The onyx i will try and leave until they tell me they are ready. That 17 inch onyx #1 i reckon is going to give me my targeted ounce, the onyx #2 will be less but I don't think by much.


btw did i say how damm satisfying it is to be toking on yer own homegrown weed! its giving me such a warm fuzzy feeling man i feel great knowing i didnt give some scumbag dealer my hard earned cash for an overpriced bag of bunk.

I'm Dykster

I just started growing autos and grew them without trimming. This round, I trimmed the lower branches. The exception to this would be growing single cola plants...then seem happier just left alone. I only trim fan leaves if it's blocking light and I can't move it. The sour60 i have going got trimmed and tied over..so we will see.


i will experiment more when i have some in jars, untill then i dont wanna risk losing yield to stoner ideas.

what was left of little snowryder is now hanging in the diy drybox. just a top cola left really the rest has come off in stages. really nice mellow stone from her and much smoother than i thought she was going to be. I'd give her a 7/10 for stone, not heavy enough though as she was cut too early. but high and strong enough to tingle yer face :D

I'll take a pic n weight after i feed the misses again ;) her fault its so late tonight. was her turn to do last nights dishes n she's only just done em.


Active member
Wow nice man !,, they really exploded in growth about day 20 to 30, the onyx is gonna get real fat and full of chrystals by now.. can't wait to see it :)


thanks dude :D

yeah they fill out nicely, doing perpetual its cool to see the diff spurts of growth.

1st they pop and stretch a bit. then stay static for a bit. after the 1st week they spit out a bung of leaves n branches as they shoot up some nodes to about 8 inches high, when they lay dormant and decide if they are gonna be male or female. They decide and pout a bit decided if it suits them then they start filling out with big fat fan leaves all over and the branches all reach up to about the same hieght as the main cola. that stage lasts for a but then ye notice the main cola has spurted and stuck out its own fan leaves and single spikey leaves. at this point it goes through puberty and starts sprouting tons of hairs all over the ends of branches, the cola and a couple of popcorn nuggets lower down.

I'm at this last stage where the buds just need to fatten up and the trich coverage spreads out from the centre.

#2 is coming down in less than a week and #1's getting left for as long as she needs :D

Might be tomoz for the pics lads, bit wasted n this new leather reclining couch is impossible to get out of atm.


Better late than never:laughing:

Onyx #1. Day 54.






Onyx #2. Day 54


Onyx #3, #4, #5 and Diesel Ryder #1. Days 47,40,32 and 25

Group shot

The onyx do have some trichomes in tight beside the buds but not any where near what the snowryder had and ye can hardly see them in the shots above :(

I cant get a decent enough zoom on my camera even with my magnifying glass to see the colours of the trichomes so in absence of a scope what would you guys go by? my eyesight isn't nearly good enough to see without some kinda aid and i don't have a chance to go shopping for one for a couple of weeks.

I've got what i think is my 3rd male Diesel Ryder, just about to put him in the bathroom beside his brothers. I'm going to do some pollen collection and then pollinate 1 whole diesel ryder female as my 1st seed run.

When is the best time to pollinate the female? I have females in weeks 2, 3 and 4. which one should get it?


looking good in here fella

i think seed production takes somewhere between 4 - 8 weeks with 4 being minimum and 8 being maximum this should give you some indication which female you wanna have a go at creating your own at

onyx does already contain diesel though ??

good luck



yeah i realise that now :) thats why i am just gonna do a straight diesel ryder seed run.

So pollinate as soon as they show female then? i might hold off untill one that hasn't shown sex yet shows as female and take her for a daily visit to see the males in the bathroom, the little slut.


Marijuana Enthusiast
Sorry about taking forever to reply... by foxtailing buds i mean buds that look like this...

This was the tip top of the GOOD onyx i had...



This next pic was top bud of the worse pheno....


You can see the bud formation if very different.... The top picture is the GOOD one, has a nice blueish hue to the bud also.. Do some research on foxtailing buds, you will see some very interesting pictures... Some people dont like them because the bud is more airy so to speak, but i yielded 35-40 grams off my big onyx so i was very very pleased, cheers!

P.s in my experience seeds take around 4-5 weeks to fully mature, never had one take 8 weeks but i could see it possible with certain strains....


I cant really tell yet on the onyx if they will be like the foxtail but the snowryder was exactly like your 2nd pic. Both onyx have longer cola's though. 1 about the same as your and the other a couple of inches longer. Gonna hav e a search about for some foxtail images. Thanks for the reply dude.


Active member
WOW! those plants look beautiful sir.....great grow thus far, especially since it's your first grow...! Great Effin Job!!!!


Thanks for the kind words mate :D

So got an update for yous guys. Onyx #2 was chopped and trimmed quite a bit then hun with minimal branches left, just enough to hang from. Wet weight was 72 grams. No photo's of the yield, had camera already to go and had my first bout of paranoia in years and decided i couldn't have a photo of this associated with me. I am purely a percy personal use grower. (although i did give a mate a gram to ask for an independant smoke report. Will post it below.)

She's been hung in the drying box then moved yesterday to the mason jar for curing, weight today was 18 grams dry.

Smoke report from myself.
Way smoother than i expected without a cure, flavour is strong and you know you got a decent toke with the way the smoke seem to expand going down yer throat and in yer lungs. Smoking pure is really tasty and without the choke. mixed in baccy still gives a very strong flavour and the flavour is hashy licourice, smells amazing walking into a room with it being smoked, very amsterdam coffeeshop like.

Stone is a total face shrinker, i honestly can feel the skin on my face tightening and tingling on my head.

Anyway will post back later, ye wont believe whats just happened.

A mate of ours grows on the downlow, we dont need him knowing we do. We've been getting a quarter off him every now and again once he's cropped out. He's just called 5 mins ago to say come and pick up. we gotta go buy it or he'll know. damm!


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Nice topic and results mate.
Go and grab that quarter you never know when you might need it ;)
Take it easy


heh heh thanks dude, yeah that was our thinking as well, we know it wouldnt go to waste as someone else would jump on it but... he does us a q for 40 quid, which is unheard of down here these days. his weeds always top notch plus it will give us the opportunity to let our onyx #2 go back to curing for a few more days, which in turn will allow Onyx #1 to grow a little longer, might be able to take he to just over 9 weeks. she's at 8 weeks 2 days pics to follow.

got his q in a kit kat biscuit wrapper lol, not a single one, but the multipack wrapper, opened it up and it was the most beautiful set of buds i've ever purchased. nice lightish green with amazingly red hairs coated in pink trichs, smoking the first from it and it packs a punch! well worth the 40.

So my mates smoke report came in by text message earlier...

good work mate i can't stop grinning and it tastes good too! gotta be worthy of an 8.5 at least. If they mature they will blow your head off.

He's a regular toker but wouldnt know what makes the difference between an auto and a reg strain, all he knows is taste, tickle and stone. I rate his opinion pretty high :D

Pics to follow after i feed her again.


So here is the prmised picsof Onyx #1 at day 58. 8 weeks 2 days. Took her out of the cab for a photo shoot. Didnt turn out as well as i hoped. My camera takes way better pics under the lights.








Do you think she can hit an ounce dry?

Dunno if yous do this with yer males, but i intend on collecting pollen, was sticking males in the bathroom but they were taking up lots of space and i didnt wanna put them so the leaves could touch the window. so when the 3rd male showed up i chopped the other two, took off the lower branches and put in plain water vase. the oldest has developed nicely and boasts a pretty set of balls on a top cola about 1 inch tall. None burst yet but i'll be bagging the little guy tonight round the stem. i'll leave a couple of holes in top of bag so he can breath but i dont want his dust flying everywhere. if this works in a vase i think thats where all the guys will be going to save space and allow me to re-use pots quicker.