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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
well since hes a Mahommes they might throw it out but ive never had a prelim thrown out even though it should have been and ive never personally met someone whos had one thrown out.who knows.i have no doubt the little fuker probably banged her already.i dont think i ever saw her.is she hot?

didnt watch the game but saw the highlights.looked pretty boring to be honest.about that muscle milk baba,thats kind of hard to give an answer.while there is no whole milk in it your right the soy lecithin is derived from milk and could cause allergeric reaction.i was allergic to dairy,dont know if i outgrew it but when i was a teen muscle milk made me break out in eczema rashes.so yeah i would stay away from it.cant be called vegan.

yeah that fish was good.big pieces too.coleslaw was really good too.dont recommend the mashed potatoes though.remember going to those cheap midwest buffets baba?thats what those potatoes reminded me of.took me a minute to place it.not really bad but not good either.

yeah that cute liitle rascal just made himself at home.tried giving him a piece of fish but didnt eat it.cat was acting kinda wierd so i got him out cause im not risking him spraying.i would NOT be happy.sorry to post stupid stuff here.i dont have anything else to do.i might have seen him before but i dont remember.i hope nobody dropped him off here or something.raining right now.guess its time to prepare for colder temps.


In my empire of dirt
last night game was kind of an eye opener and im wondering if the chiefs are real deal playoff material this year!
/i had no idea both teams would come out in the first quarter running the ball and not scoring points
yeah they will win the afc.w but do they have what it takes to win against the high powered offense they will face in the playoffs?
we are at the point in the season where are are getting a real feel for the teams and im not impressed with what im seeing out of kc, (worst 5-1 team out there)
rams play az and im hoping this is a get right game for the defense! and sooper cooper can find his groove in his 2nd game back
the rams offense has been a pleasant surprise this year, like the mild fall we are having here in socal and i see shoots of green in the team with some new talent rising to the top
so its like ccredits baba where you cant cash them out but can wager them on another game?
is that where you will make your winnings? of do you have to roll that over too
/i want my money$$zzz
it sounds like the reconstituted mashed postaoes you can score for cheap hawk
i have a shit ton of them pouches in my camp food, just add how water and let it sit
but you can always dress it up
i like to make a fake shepards pie with it, take ground beef or turkey and make a sauce and add peas to it
/i like to use these things called vermont curry cubes! they are awesome and make a kick ass sauce
remember this was originally a camp food but its so easy and yum that its kind of worked its way into amy lazy mans rotation of meals from time to time
that cat looks cool man and i have a few stray cats who come to our yard from time to time
once belongs to the neighbor across the street and another i think is feral because its hair is all wild and matted, my kind of cat!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah im not too sure what’ll happen with jackson mahomes but im presuming he’s got some good lawyers and they can present some evidence in his defense to get these charges thrown out but like u said we’ll see what happens.
She was good looking for a woman in her 40s, nice body, well groomed, gave off that milf vibe. It’s kinda funny cause jackson gives off a gay vibe in his social media videos or maybe he’s just effeminate.

So ur mom just let that cat walk into ur home like that? Most dogs would have gone berserk if a strange cat just walks into their home but ur dog must be chill. It has a collar so it seems like it’s being cared for but yeah don’t want that thing spraying its musk everywhere trying to claim territory. So rude to walk into someone’s home and start peeing everywhere saying ‘mine’. Ive seen a few outdoor cats around my place too, Pops, but theyre not very friendly, think theyre straight up feral like eating chipmunks and mice and stuff.

Taylor swift was hanging out in a skybox with mahomes’ wife, I don’t think she’s the greatest looking broad in the world but she’s tall thin blonde and blue eyed, aint nothing wrong with that. Maybe u prefer a little more meat on their bones but I’d rather have someone too skinny than too fat.

Ur right Pops, KC’s offense is being held back by their lack of WRs, travis kelce is still elite but he’s been banged up lately which probably also interferes with sexy time with swift. Their rookie WR, rashee rice, seems to be getting more prominence in the offense, and pacheco is still a reliable, hard running RB, but their defense has been carrying that team lately. Still, u have to think that mahomes and andy reid will figure it out by playoff time. U think they’ll repeat or will the bills or 49ers or eagles win a title this year?

Help me out but do the rams dominate AZ typically? It’s like a round robin of team wins in the NFC west, niners dominate the rams, rams dominate the cards, cards dominate the hawks, hawks dominate the niners, is that how it goes? When I say dominate I mean give them a tougher game than you’d expect, not necessarily win by 20.
The refund comes in the form of bonus bets so ur right, I cant cash out have to use them on bets and I don’t get the stake if I win, so if I use $10 of bonus bets and win $2, I just get the $2 I don’t get $12 like I would with a regular cash bet. Ive been figuring that of the bonus bets I usually get like 50% back after using them so that’s alright I guess, not great not terrible. My bets are usually $1-5, just enough to keep some interest in the game, but ur right it’s not something I can expect to actually make $ long term, some people do but even they have cold streaks.

That vermont curry is some fire stuff, not a strong curry taste like typical indian dishes, more mild and savory. So u like to make a brown sauce using that stuff and put it on american foods? Ive seen it mostly used on rice and meat/veggie stews but I could see it working as a gravy.

They had lebron’s barbershop as an alt broadcast last night so there’s hope the milfs will come back, maybe next week.
Also for those without prime video, you can watch a pirate stream on streameast . xyz (make sure to use an adblocking browser app on ur smartphone cause popups galore come up) or if u sign up for a free twitch account (it’s like youtube for video games) I think u can watch TNF on twitch, since amazon owns twitch.


In my empire of dirt
yes! it was the shop last night on the alt broadcast and it was more fun than the actual game
kevin hart was great and seemed to know a lot about football and the even had will ferrel on
/you know how i feel about him
he was hilarious! and even brought bottles of wine as a gift for everyone on stage
/thats what a good guest does!
btw, who t'f is this lil'dickey? and why was he even there? no football taeks and he was not funny at all
and like you said, this opens the door for the milfs and all the other alt broadcasts
you should get a student amazon account doobah'; i think its like half price so its still like $50 or so but you will get free expedited shipping and access to a bunch of movies and music/podcasts in addition to the thf football!
i see the la team rammin it this weekend against az but mcvey might not be on the sidelines
his wife is having a baby and if she is going to deliver he is going to be by her side
i like raheem so the D will be set even w/o mcvey and maybe they will win one to celebrate the arrival of the wee baby mcvey
i see, so you get your winnings but not the stake, that kind of makes sense, they arent just giving away the money and its like vegas, they want to keep you playing
i still like kc and like you said, you know andy reid is cooking up some hot new finger licking plays to work with what he has, but i just dont see the spunk
the chargers will string together enough wins to wild card into the playoffs only to have the wheels fall off
bills are solid
but why is @buzzmobile and i the only one in the blue lagoon? where is the love for my lolfins? i think they have a good chance at making a serious run for it this year if tua stays in one piece and t.hill could be looking at putting up record numbers
nfc i like sf and phi of course (both legit 5-0 teams) but here is your hawt taek, baba
im not saying this is their year but they could do well in the playoffs and turn some heads
goofy goff.gif

/lets go goof!

the vermont curry is actually a japanese curry so it tastes different
like you said not the strong flavors an indian curry and more like a rich flavored gravy
if you want to try the shit get this stuff call coco ichibana!
@@ i dident even know they had it here in the us but ive had it overseas!
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah I know this is the NFL thread but I really like University of Mississippi this year I've been with them since the first game Mercer they've only lost Alabama I think they can beat Georgia this year maybe they can take the title Quinshon Judkins at RB, 177 yards and coming off 1,000 yard season. And Dart the QB. I think they can do it. University of Mississippi.
I'm high. Got any healthy treats? Any boobs I can play with?


Well-known member
Yeah I know this is the NFL thread but I really like University of Mississippi this year I've been with them since the first game Mercer they've only lost Alabama I think they can beat Georgia this year maybe they can take the title Quinshon Judkins at RB, 177 yards and coming off 1,000 yard season. And Dart the QB. I think they can do it. University of Mississippi.
I'm high. Got any healthy treats? Any boobs I can play with?
Get on board the Unconquered train, @D. B. Doober .


College fans are here:


Horse-toothed Jackass
I caught a little bit of will ferrell on the shop, Pops, ur right he’s always good for a laugh or 3. And lebron is into wine so hopefully will gave him the good stuff, no cheapo swill for the King.

Student amazon acct, that’s a lifehack if I saw one, especially with prime being like $150/yr now?

Adam gase was OC for the broncos and peyton manning when his wife gave birth, he went to the hospital, cut the umbilical cord, handed the baby to his wife and said see ya later. Peyton saw him at the practice facility later and was like why r u here, didn’t u just have a baby? I guess his maniacal work ethic got him jobs with the dolphins and jets but he was still a crap coach for the most part. What u think Buzz, how were those Gase years? He wasn’t that bad with miami iirc.

Last year mahomes had juju and mecole at WRs, they left in Free agency, leaving a rookie and toney as their top WRs. Mckinnon at RB picked up a lot of the receiving slack but he’s 31 and maybe hit that RB wall cause he hasn’t done much. It’s funny that with mahomes at QB that theyre leaning on their defense and run game to win games. Maybe they’ll be active in the trade market for WRs.

Im looking forward to tyreek getting 2k receiving yds this season, Buzz, but the chiefs still won the championship without him last yr. Maybe miami will win it this year? Have they played in a superbowl since marino’s 2nd yr?

I think u mentioned u were into SEC football, DB, that’s cool, Ole Miss with lane kiffin is an entertaining program. Maybe they have a chance against georgia in november, we’ll see. And jaxson dart sounds like an AI generated QB name for madden.

FSU is a cool program, Buzz, I became a fan of theirs during the bowden years, Jimbo won a title with jameis at QB but yeah leaving for TAM was a blow to them, I guess his struggles in the SEC are sweet schadenfreude for seminole fans?
That clemson game 3 weeks ago was a nail biter, but they won in OT and beat the spread too (-2).


In my empire of dirt
if tags can keep his head above water i think the lolfins could have a great season
you cant bad mouth dan the man baba, he was legit but we will see what they can fish up this year
mia has good receivers but this could be a super year for hill
kc dosent need to fancy plays to win games as long as it has andy reid, a good D and pat mahommie taking care of thing
they could still beat half the nfl on any given night, but like you mentioned they lack the star power right now on offence to really kick ass
/when will tay-tay be on the sidelines doobah?! put her in pads and i will FOUL her ion the first play!

dude, you know im all about saving doobah a buck or two!
those fancy vittles he eats dont come cheap

cant wait for the footbaw!


Well-known member
ive never had curry before.can you get those vermont curry cubes at walmart or something? are you talking about little tay tay pops?that little rapper girl?id love to see that little ratchet girl get knocked the fuck out.
should be an interesting day tomorrow.gonna be some good games and some blowouts i think.i think the bears vs vikings might be the best one.i think it will be close.id say i would put a couple bucks on the bears but i know better than that


Well-known member
how were those Gase years?
He was a better college coach.

Super Bowl XIX in 1985 was last Super Bowl appearance for Dolphins.

I spent my first two university years at FSU 1970 & 71. I did not know what I wanted to be when I grew up and college was easy for me. I got bored with it and dropped out. That ended my student deferment for the draft and my draft lottery number was 5. Bye bye Seminoles Hello Navy. LOL
Many years later my wife and I moved from SW FL to Tallahassee when both our Moms were diagnosed with cancer. Fall 1991 was the Wide Right I game against Miami and 1992 was Wide Right II. There was a deathly silence across the land after those two kicks. That was the beginning of the glory years under Bowden.
Jimbo was a hot mess and the program was hotter and messier when he left for A&M. I'd like to thank the Volunteers for yesterday's smile on my face.
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Horse-toothed Jackass
I think Pops meant taylor swift, Hawk? Or maybe im wrong?
Im not sure if u can find that curry in walmart but they probably carry generic curry powder. If u have any indian or paki restaurants in ur area u can try them out for a taste of curry. Thai restaurants carry curry dishes too but they usually mix theirs with coconut milk so it's a little sweeter than other curries.

I got a little $ on the bears +3, Hawk, I feel confident but ur right it’s hard to think this team has turned a corner after 1 good win last week.

Haha buzz I first started getting into college football around the early 90s, I remember the sports illustrated issue with scott bentley on the cover, the best high school kicker in the nation who was going to solve all FSU’s problems. I remember the game vs #2 Notre dame that they lost, but they ran the table and ND lost to BC and bentley hit a chip shot FG to beat Nebraska for bowden’s only national title. What do u think of how bobby (RIP) was pushed out by FSU in 2009? Jimbo took over and they won another title in 2013 so I guess it paid off, but it's always awkward when a program has to push out an aging legend. At least bobby went out better than joe paterno. Yeesh, that was an ugly period for penn state.
Btw u were wrong about yesterday, FSU wiped the floor with the 'cuse. They got duke next week and should beat miami and FL too but wont face UNC till the ACC championship, if UNC gets that far.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Watching the 49ers and Browns game, just hit halftime.
Missed the USC/Notre Dame game last night, fell asleep.
Have a nice comforter cover mom bought and put on...it's dope I guess. You wash that instead of the comforter. It's called a doovay or something. Duvase? Whatever. Helps me sleep nice throughout the night.
Had a subway submarine sandwich...egg, red onion, spinach, cucumber, green pepper, toasted herb and cheese roll, Baja Chipotle. Ate half. Might go for a 3 Mile walk. Did 3 miles earlier. Need a yoga or stretching mat.
Might have $100 if that left until November 3rd. Still need kief and grizzly snuff. The Grizzly is $12 a day. The kief is like $12 a day too. I have a punchcard to use at the marijuana store but they might try and make me spend $100. I think all I can spend is $50 probably. Afraid to look at my balance on the telephone. At least mom is around to help. I'll buy some kief tomorrow, she'll give me a ride. Went to Dollar General or whatever with Mom earlier, it was like a specific level of hell. I did find a $1 tooth-whitening kit and an ultra-fine Sharpie, albeit blue.
What's everyone eating? What games you watching? Money on anything? Any tits? What are you guys smoking? What music have you been listening to?
Going to get high real quick and go for my walk. Niners and Browns game is back on. Low-scoring.


In my empire of dirt
doobah let lose in the dollah store!
the have all kinds of neat stuff in those places and i like to get candy and snack there!
have you ever hear of diaso? its the korean store where things cost like a few bucks
/my mom loves that place and i ahve the dish towels and sauce dishes to prove it
f'n $12 a day on dip? and another $12 on dabs
/doobah dosent come cheap
they have egg as a topping at subway? is this a breakfast thing
its been warm lately and ive been grinding on sandwiches
stay cool hawk, its not worth getting into the shit
at least you cant blame this loss on me babs, the bears kind of stink and you bought into the hope
phi and sf both picked their first L but it was just football being football
/run cmc got hurt so that a thing
rams rammmmeddd-it against the cards 9is candy crush still a thing?) and all the talk was about the wee baby mcvey soon to come
i like the mnf match up, chargers v dallas! both teams with decent qbs and players on D
but this one smells poopy and i wonder who is shitting the bed fisrt? it should be fun
moar fooootbaaw taeks to come
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Well-known member
fuck.sorry i got goofy.im trying to watch the game,do laundry and chug whiskey and 4 lokos in the parking lot plus the beer i ordered at the bar and im being rushed.i dont normally watch football at the bar and im kinda having a good time.at least im out of the house.i got pissed.its not fair i dont get to do shit.just like when i was a kid.never went anywhere.i was pissed.i was gonna start fucking shit up.you would think that the people that know me would let me do my thing but they are retarded.its not a pretty sight when i get mad.

anyway only made it to halftime.i knew the bears would fuck up.absolutley disgusting performance.the first or second play Fields gets sacked.told me all i need to know.didnt even see the other games.chugged the rest of my whiskey and booze and passed out.only thing i get to do anymore.i get treated like an animal.im gonna snap one day


Horse-toothed Jackass
Niners rookie kicker missed a 41yd FG to win the game, they and the eagles were the last undefeated teams and both lost, as Pops pointed out.

I think it’s called a duvet, DB, and yeah it’s pretty convenient, just wash that when ur comforter gets dirty instead of the comforter itself.
The egg is something they do for subway breakfast sandwiches, pops, like most fast food breakfast menus they have eggs but only for breakfast.
Eggs and cheese arent vegan/plant-based but u have to figure the chickens and cows are bred to produce that and much prefer it to being used as meat.

I agree with Pops, ur using $12 of snuff a day? Isnt that chewing tobacco? I thought a whole tin is less than $12 and lasts for several days?

Broke even on my nfl and college football bets this week like I usually do, would have made more but most nfl games this week hit the unders. Is it just me or has it been a low scoring season in general? Is this the year defense makes a comeback? What do u think, Pops?

You were at a laundromat and got pissed at someone, Hawk? Ive been to laundromats before, yeah u gotta move ur stuff out of the wash into the dryers when ur time’s up, it sux hopefully they didn’t take ur wet stuff out and leave it someplace dirty.
What’s this flowers in the attic stuff you mentioned? Is that a book?

Vikings D hasn’t been as trash lately, they held chiefs and chargers to 28pts and under, their run D is actually pretty good and they held the bears to 2 FGs until fields dislocated his right thumb in the 3rd quarter on a sack, he had trouble gripping the ball and then the rookie undrafted QB, Bagent, took over and gave up a fumble returned for a TD on his first drive. Without that the bears might have covered the +3 spread. Injuries also contributed to the niners loss, like Pop mentioned, CMC and deebo went out with injuries. Seemed like there were a lot of injuries this week.

Cowboys are favored by just 1.5 vs chargers in LA, we all know there will be more cowboys fans in that stadium than chargers fans. What do u think Pops, which team will find a way to screw it up first? Chargers manage to lose games in interesting ways and Herbert has a messed up finger on his non-throwing hand; Dak isnt playing well and mccarthy’s offense is sort of antiquated.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hang in there @shithawk420 Wish I could give you some pointers. All I have is live for every day. Live in the present. I don't know. I liked drinking a lot. I lost my daughter somewhere in NYC because of it, wrote the department of health for her birth certificate. I missed everything and she'd be 15 now. Her mom put her up for adoption at 6 months old. Asked me if I could take her but I was in college.
@pop_rocks Subway has everything. Yes eggs. And by 2025 they're supposed to all be cage-free.
Had surgery to remove a weird lump thing that was on my hip it was like a sore from my belt rubbing up against it then it became like a pimple and then it became a horrible scar it looked like a tumor. Remove next week, stitches still in till the 23rd

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